Possibly the BEST IRON SWING TIP Ever! - Guaranteed 👌
Jan 25, 2022Full Transcript
In this video i'm going to share with you what all great players do that you can do too there are going to be some things that you just can't do you know maybe it's your age your flexibility but this is something that i believe everybody can do and if you've been struggling with your ball striking your consistency or just struggling to get any real power this will help but you're going to have to learn in stages so in this video what i'm going to do is i'm going to cover this in three very very simple steps i'm going to first of all step one i'm going to show you and help you feel how the body works with an exercise you can do right now just in your living room then what we're going to do is we're going to cover how you then coordinate your arms with your body so once you've got the feel of the body working we're then going to add the arms into this show you how you can sense what's going on with your arms and third and finally look if you can head out to drivers we'll hit some golf balls together and what we're gonna do is i'll show you how to literally bring in the golf club so you can sense where the strike and the power comes from now remember you never have to remember a thing i will put a free download or practice guide in the description box below so what do great players do that you could be doing well look here's what i'm finding that you if you're struggling with your ball striking your struggling power the chances are this is the one major thought that you're making you are leading your backswing with your hands and your arms and you're leading your downswing with your hands and your arms so they tend to get risky here on the way back you might rush the doubt and get a bit handsy on the way down what that leads to is a very inconsistent arc very inconsistent strike starts striking the ground behind the golf ball or just weak strikes but the other thing look at this how much are you using this not a lot so you lose power as well so you're losing control and power so i want to show you now step by step how you can start to activate as much as your body as you can i know you might not be able to activate the amount of the top profession it's not important you just need to learn how to lead with your body on the way back and lead with your body on the way through so let's start with this very very first simple exercise that i actually gave my wife laura who's a beginner golfer but i give this to so many people because it's so useful to learn the feel of it i mean grab a golf club grab an umbrella umbrella put it across your chest for a second and what we're going to do is this we're going to teach you the shift and turn okay i want to turn forward first the ie towards your target now from here i want you to make a shift of pressure to your trail foot here shift turn as i'm turning backwards i'm now going to immediately shift over this side shift and then i'm going to turn then is very important i am not shift turn and then turning and shifting at the same time the shift always happens before the turn so let's do this together if you can and let's feel this motion so forward shift turn shift turn once you're feeling in advance just simply speed up the process that's what i give to laura i got to speed it up and get a real rhythm of this so it start forward this is like a little trigger so start forward shift turn shift turn you'll notice as i'm doing it i'm even stool as i'm forward here shift it i'm still completing my back seat as i'm shifting over here where's my back that's correct it's facing the target i'm now look i'm i'm in the ground i can use the ground look now to power the shot if i was to put my arms out here look at the power that i've got there if we were having a tug of war remember the club's going to be behind me if i was having a tug of war with someone behind me i'm in a powerful position to throw them yeah throw this hugely important if you're struggling with power and consistency and you get risky look at the difference in this type of action the goal for that either doesn't move and it's just the hand well there's nothing there or the goal for that kind of moves over here sometimes hasn't shifted back and now that they then try and hit from here or they slide if you hook and they hit from here you haven't got that shift so develop that first once you've got the rhythm of that and spend some time doing this then what i'm going to do is introduce the arms now remember we don't want to be armed leads so this is a wonderful drill you can use and just i mean i've got a bag of balls here which weighs probably at four or five kilos just maybe get a shopping bag and put some you know some water or anything in there groceries in there to make you about four or five kilos right it doesn't really matter but this exercise i actually learned from a wonderful biomechanist called dr quan in texas now the idea is that you simply face your arms outward you feel your biceps connected to your chest and what we want to do is remember this is we're trying to teach you how to use the the body to swing the arms and then as a byproduct swing the golf club if you do that you're more coordinated and you'll be more powerful so this isn't the next stage so your arms right in front of you here it's time you take your normal stance and what we're going to do is this the temptation is i want you to get the bag swinging from side to side now the temptation initially will be to swing it just with your arms backwards and forwards but i don't want you to do that i want you almost here is this we're gonna push it forward and then as you swing back i want you to imagine that you're really getting so you want to get some momentum with this bag now to do this i want you to really sense that you're pushing off the ground it's like if you're going to throw it as far as you can that way you would use this kind of vertical force off the ground to push it okay so it's like that okay now as i'm doing this this is your shift shift and now your shift and swing shift and swing right now as we're starting down as this is swinging and what you're gonna do you're going to shift the other way watch shift shift now the idea is that you want to try to get this rhythm so what's going to happen with the bag i want to watch closely as i swing back and i start to shift i don't rush i don't pull my arms down this is a major fault with so many golfers i'm getting the rhythm of throwing the bag up and as the bag starts to fall i'm gonna pick up that fall and now push up this way and increase that momentum yeah so see if you can spot it shift there you see the difference i'm allowing it to fall and then i'm pushing up great exercise in a second when we grab that golf cup to really learn the field how you can transfer this to the club but resist the urge to do this it's really hard initially by the way feel that pressure shift over here one push and then i'm going yeah i'm going to exaggerate this as much of the cancer you can visually see this so i am pushing up then i'm going through can you see that there really exaggerate just for camera so shift it forward shift allow it to fall then accelerate through at no stage like am i hanging back here and trying to pull it down the arms that is a major issue with slicers hookers you name it so spend some time doing that shift
now how does this then apply to the golf course so you've now got the sensation of coordinating this and we're rushing through this so you've got my idea i know you haven't got loads of time probably so we're rushing through this you could spend time just developing the feel of this then bring in the golf club again no balls at this stage now you could do the step exercises if you want okay and this is one of the other things that dr quan was talking about was increasing the speed of the backswing by mechanists love this because it makes the ghostly so much easier traditionally what we've done is we've tried to get you know people in positions all the time in golf and it just ruins your golf swing what i want to do is add more flow to the motion right so all i want to know is this take your club now you can do a step drill if you want okay you could start forward and step and step and you'll start to see for instance those rhythm going so as i swing forward i'm going to step back and i'm just going to really swing through but you don't have to do that necessarily you could start here and now there's your bag of shopping throwing it forward i'm going to read from here swing it back and as i'm swinging it back with speed what am i doing i'm falling and then taking that rhythm of that bag see if you can spot the rhythm i'll just pause for a second
can you see that
uh i'm exaggerating the camera here one and then accelerate i am not going one back here fast and then falling in then i'm accelerating through yeah so we're just sensing that rhythm it's all coming from the ground up and i'm swinging my arms and as i'm doing this the temptation i see whenever i coach this is it's so difficult for you to sometimes not do this not pull those arms away that's why going through these drills is a brilliant way initially of just sensing this yes sensing the legs working anything that's going to get those legs really kind of working dynamically okay so let's have a look at this in action start small head out of the driving range and we'll start small get feel of really get that momentum on the way back shift turn shift turn let's have a look at this in action
so nice and simple there we go right so nice little draw and all i'm doing here is whenever i'm shifting back i'm not turning before i've shifted shift look at me now i'm facing you i'm shifting this means now i'm in a powerful position my body if we were having a tug of war i said earlier it is strong here now look we're going to win we're going to bring it down but i am not pulling down with my arms what we're doing is i swing back i'm allowing the arms will just naturally fall and then what do we do with the bag we accelerate again on throw push up from the ground and throw that bag forward the bag will teach you this it will start to isolate its motion so you truly get it shift turn shift turn shift and away we go nice and simple lovely little draw okay so in summary three simple steps learn the feeling of the body get that cross section here shift turn shift turn develop that sensation get some rhythm of that get some speed with that then add the bod the bag into this motion so you can feel how the arms are going to work make sure the bag's fairly heavy about five kilos stretch it out get some rhythm over here really sense swing the back not with like this not with your arms but really feel the legs are throwing that bag up there as it gets thrown up you then allow it to naturally fall down and as it's falling then you accelerate through the impact say it really sends that and each acceleration is coming from this push upwards off that ground all right get that sensation gradually then introduce the club you can start really small with this up swinging up a bit quicker there one two it's about a rhythm maybe add some numbers to this one and two there's a long hand so we're going one and two yeah there's the bag one and two get that acceleration all right simple stuff but you've got to start to sense the swing coming from the ground upwards all right learn the feelings i really hope i'm gonna have more of this i'm gonna bring in some students in fact if you haven't seen them already look at some students lessons i've been working with here works really really well and look if you're new to a channel come and subscribe by pressing down here like if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up remember there's a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below so you'll never have to remember a thing thanks for joining us i'll see you very very soon