Possibly the Fastest way to improve ANY golf swing!
Nov 03, 2023
Full Transcript - so just like you every single year I want to try and get better not just as a golfer but as a golf coach and what I found in the early part of last year is I came up with a concept called the swing Circle so it was hugely helping golfers to improve their ball striking and the Direction with every Club in the bag today what I want to do is I've tested it it's working so well I want to give you the opportunity to see it for yourself so whether it's ball striking you're after or improvements in Direction maybe you're slicing the ball terribly or hooking it I know that the swing silk is gonna be the fastest way for you to improve your game and the great thing about it is it won't take much of your time in fact we're fighting with my students in just a few minutes just the concept and a few tweaks to their setup it's making a massive difference to the way they hit the golf ball so before I I get into the video if you're new to the channel it's one of your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing our release videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus I always put a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below so you never have to remember a thing so let's start with the real simple visual for your ball striking before we move on to your direction super simple so I didn't know whether you knew this but when you swing okay with this golf club you are creating a circle look at this as I swing back I'm creating a circle on the way back and look on the way down very naturally now with every Circle okay there's a bottom to that Circle in golf we call that the low point and the center of your circle and therefore your low point is actually directly underneath your lead shoulder when your lead arm and Club line up now all you need to remember is this the center of your circle and the low Point need to be after the golf ball here that's all I need to think about if you are struggling to strike your shots consistently your circle isn't over here it's over here yeah and basically what's happening is here is your Club may be lining you up your Lee Diamond Club are lining up in a straight line behind the golf ball and then when they get to the golf ball now we've got kind of the circles heading upwards we want that Circle striking the ball down and look at this the club lines up after the golf ball here then it works its way up this is the circle from this angle okay that's what I want to focus on now to help you achieve it it's really simple it's what I do with my players it's people who are struggling to get ball Turf contact or create this put the circle in the right place all I do I get themselves set up here I make sure first of all that their pressure away is moved over onto their lead side so I've got almost 60 40. what does this do to the shoulder moves it slightly further forward doesn't it remember if this is further forward what's that going to do to the circle it's going to push it further forward yeah it's what we want the second thing I'm going to do look is this I'm also going to get the handle opposite my lead leg here with the balls slightly backing myself I've got an A Time here and I'm moving the ball in the middle of my stance what's this done well look if I've got my hands forward now okay and my weight forward I'm going to strike the ball like this when's the club going to line up after the golf ball if you have the hand which you see with so many my students like this well you've already got the the opposite Kink now the problem is is you're kind of almost in flick mode right so here you're already in a position where you're gonna you're gonna it's gonna hugely affect your ball striking so hands opposite lead thigh pressure forward and then visualize a circle that strikes the ball on the lowest point that Circle happens just after that golf ball that's all I want you to do just initially to improve your ball striking once you've got that image in your head the next thing I want to imagine is this imagine a dot in the middle of your shoulders and a middle of your hips here and when you're setting up they are on top of each other when they're on top of each other they're in a better place to create a very consistent Circle that swings up and down over the top of that golf ball and Strikes it first if you're set up with again I see with a lot of people with this dot over here now the problem is is you're not in a position to create a a consistent Circle that's going to strike down on the golf ball have it over now we can create a circle that comes up comes down on top and again look hits the ball then the ground so get them in line get your setup correct and now once you've done that let's Now work on some Direction so I hope you've got the idea now of the circle from kind of face on here where we make sure we strike the ball in the ground but also if we switch around here we're also you're also creating a circle Here Without You realizing at times so when I swing the club back up back down again and then through I've also created a circle and how that circle is created kind of determines how straight I hit the golf ball if you slice a golf ball for instance you don't have a circle that's angled here your circle is angled over this side and what happens is you swing up swing down and you're swinging across the line of the golf ball if you have an open face to that path that is what's going to create the slice for you so if that's the case what you've got to think about is and what people don't realize is most of the time the problems your curvature your shots are already predetermined at setup so let me give an example this I want you to watch my body if I'm over here and I'm creating a swing Circle that's over there watch what I'm doing my knees hips shoulders to kind of shift my circle around what do you notice my knees where are they moving where are my hips moving where are my shoulders aiming now can you see my alignment here of knees hips shoulders and more importantly as well forearm alignment okay is going to shift that circle around now a recent student of mine um basically had this kind of weird looking swing where he would get his self set up here you could see he was trying to create a circle but it was very risky and armsy and the reason being is just like you probably he had one element in his setup that was not helping create the desired and consistent Circle that he needed so what he was doing is his feet were perfect his knees were all lined up even his hips were perfect but his forearms were aligned like this now the problem with that alignment is is that going to help him create a circle that swings around here it's not is it it's gonna basically encourage a circle that comes across the ball we'll kind of you know he probably felt that was uncomfortable so he then randomly started to try to do this to crack to try and create a circle with his wrist and create this kind of risky weird looking golf swing all we did was go right let's get every body part lined up in such a way that you can create the circle that you need so all I did with him was this knees are perfect forearms lined up here now look forearms hips shoulders all in a place which can create the circle that he wanted on the way back and on the way through once he got that coordinated motion away the difference is in his ball striking consistency were incredible and I'm talking literally within five balls fell a bit weird initially of course it does but the results were amazing now what I do with somebody who's slicing really really badly is I simply exaggerate everything and we'll do we'll do this for hooking as well when you slice the golf ball okay we know that your circle is heading way too far across the line of the golf ball so notice this if I start to move my body over this side okay I'm gonna try and to shift my circle more and more out to the right hand side to really exaggerate this what am I doing as I do this shoulders closing hips closing where's my club now way back here it's way back here on the arc okay so this is what I do when people slice really badly I really exaggerate I close them not their feet off but the knees hip shoulders off I move the ball way back in their stance hands forward very much opposite at least leads to a thigh close the club face off and then all I do is get the ball way back in the stance and from here I just get them to Simply create a swing that creates this visualizes a circle over here and then swings over here what do you think that's going to do for them watch this I'm exaggerating this hugely watch this watch this curve I've created so it comes in here and comes over here watch that that is going to create a monster hook I get and if you're doing this I want you to really test this out create this shot it sets out to the right curves to the left because once you've done that it's completely the opposite to what you'll be used to in your slicing it the feelings are hugely exaggerated which is brilliant it will feel strange in fact I did this recently with my dad if you watch the video I did maybe a week or two ago and what what it does is you start with that you think well I don't want to hook it Danny great but now you've exaggerated this motion when the ball back everything aiming there so circles going over there what do you do you gradually tweak everything ball position hip position just slightly so I'm not I haven't moved it all the way back and I reduce it slightly so I'm a little bit squarer now but not completely and I do the same thing again this now will be just a little bit less than you just saw just a minute ago yeah but now what I'm doing isn't what you'll be doing you'll be developing the feel necessary to start to get your ball going straight and straighter and you now think okay that's one maybe I'll move it a ball a bit further forward now this is more Central I'll just it still feels close to me but okay let's just try this see where this one goes okay watch this we look at this now now we're starting to hit much straighter why is that because I've found roughly the balance of where I need to be in order to hit my stretch shots for me the feeling that's what I want for you okay so you might be asking what changes should you make with drive I'm going to come to that in a second but before I do look give yourself time on a driving range or in practice to work on these things you can see here by exaggerating this you're going to feel strange my students definitely felt strange but once they'd start to see this curvature here built confidence up in oh wow this feeling is great but how do I reduce it Ah that's how I reduce it they were able to build confidence up into their technique which they can then take to the golf course that's really really important the second thing I'd love you to do is this get one of your friends to take a just a five second video of you down from down the line and then another one directly face on that way you can check for yourself are you set up to first of all look middle shoulder should be over the hips ball position hand position opposite left thigh are you set up to strike ball then Turf in that kind of circle again from here are your feet knees hips shoulders are they set up how can you tell sometimes you can get a friend just to do a quick video from down the line really important if everything's lined up you can make a beautifully coordinate emotion with your arms hips everything work the club away if one element's slightly out like um one of my recent students would that's when you start to see these weird stuff happening okay so please go and check that out now I promise I'd give you something with a drive I am going to create that in a later video but everything we've talked about right here you're going to see with the ions and the changes you need to make with driver in two live lessons I'll put a live lesson here and a live lesson there you're going to see all in action you're gonna absolutely love it if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a thumbs up share it with somebody who you think this kind of thing would really help and of course look if you're new to the channel press that little button right here so you don't miss out on any future videos but until next week have a great golfing week
Transcript Summery-
Hey there! As we're always striving to improve our game, last year I introduced a concept I call the "Swing Circle." This concept has been incredibly effective in helping golfers enhance their ball striking and overall direction with every club in their bag. Today, I want to offer you the opportunity to explore this concept for yourself. Whether you're looking to improve ball striking or correct directional issues like slicing or hooking, the Swing Circle can be your fast track to game improvement. And the best part? It won't demand much of your time at all. In fact, I've seen my students make significant progress with just a few minutes of practice and some minor setup adjustments.
For those new to my channel, welcome! I regularly release videos like this to assist you in improving your game. Plus, I always include a free downloadable practice guide in the video description, so you don't have to memorize everything. So, let's dive into the essential elements of ball striking before we address directional control.
When you swing a golf club, you're essentially creating a circular motion. The critical point here is the low point, which should be directly under your lead shoulder when your lead arm and club align. The goal is to ensure that the center of your circle and the low point are after the golf ball. If you're struggling with consistent ball striking, it's likely because your circle is in the wrong place. To rectify this, I recommend shifting your weight slightly onto your lead side, creating a 60-40 weight distribution. This will naturally move your shoulder forward, which, in turn, places your circle correctly. Additionally, you should position the handle opposite your lead leg with the ball slightly behind the middle of your stance. This setup encourages the right circle motion, striking the ball and the ground effectively.
Visualizing a dot in the middle of your shoulders and hips is another key aspect. When setting up, make sure these dots are aligned. This alignment ensures a consistent circle that moves up and down precisely over the golf ball. If they're out of alignment, it can hinder your ball striking. By getting them in line, you'll create a reliable and consistent circular motion that strikes the ball effectively.
Now, let's talk about directional control. The path of your swing circle greatly influences the direction of your shots. If you slice the golf ball, your circle is likely angled too far to the left. To combat this, you need to shift your body to exaggerate the circular path. Adjust your setup by closing your knees, hips, shoulders, and aim your forearms towards the desired path. Move the ball back in your stance and keep your hands forward, even opposite your lead thigh. This setup allows for an exaggerated circle, resulting in a pronounced hook. This may seem counterintuitive, but it's essential to develop the feel needed to bring your shots back to straight.
It's crucial to remember that making these changes can feel strange initially, but they are meant to build your confidence and develop a more consistent technique. So, practice these adjustments on the driving range to get comfortable with the new sensations. Consider having a friend capture short videos from the front and side to check your alignment. Correct alignment ensures that every part of your body is coordinated to create the desired swing circle.
As for working with a driver, I'll cover that in detail in upcoming videos. So, stay tuned for that. If you found this video helpful, don't forget to give it a thumbs up and share it with fellow golfers who might benefit from these tips. If you're new here, hit that subscribe button so you won't miss any of our future videos. Until next week, have a fantastic week on the golf course!