Nov 04, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us have you ever found when you're striking a golf ball that you're striking it behind the ball not the ball first ie knocking ball turf contact well this was something that a recent client of mine Ian was finding on a regular basis he was making a golf swing is playing with his partners and his partners were getting his lovely beautiful sound ball turf strong sound but too often he was striking the ground behind the golf ball and when he wasn't striking the ground behind the golf ball he was clipping the ball off the surface and not really getting any differ at all so what we're gonna do today is I'm gonna show you how to get that lovely ball turf contact and those extra few years that you get with that type of strike so what's happening if you're getting a behind the ball contact a a turf ball contact well what's happening here is the low point of the arc is behind the golf ball so as opposed to getting this ball turf contact where the low point of the arc is after the ball the low point of your golfing here is too far behind now why is that what can you do to try and stop that well one of the things that I found with Ian was he wasn't understanding the type of pressure that you're needing to put on the golf ball so what he was doing is he was swinging really nicely he was swinging backwards and forwards and he had pretty elegant swing he was actually off about seven handicap so at one time I think he's off about ten now but see swing was generally pretty good and he kind of looked something like this he was getting muscles get himself set he was nice and relaxed and and it's pretty good it was fairly elegant oh we described it but he was lacking the one thing that all great ball strikers have this strike needs to be athletic no matter how if you've got injuries or stiffness just all these have been athleticism you not to strike a golf ball so in this we wanna do is I'm going to show you how to get that what we need to do is to start to work on the golf swing we need to get yourself in a position where we create a downward pressure on the golf ball not eight through pressure which what Ian was creating he was swinging tube lines are two very shallow towards a target we need to pressure down towards the ground so this is an exercise can do indoors this get self set up normally pumps together and when you make a backswing here I want to push out with your left out really stretch and your right arm up here so what you're doing is you're pushing and you're engaging your body as you're doing this is like a proper punch there's a big difference to this here um this movement looks similar in terms of where it's finishing but in this situation here I haven't engaged the entire body so step one in this process it's to create start to get the lower body and the opponent engaged in the action so the pressure almost going down into the ground even on the backswing as you wind up from the legs punch punch now I can feel my legs activated that's the first thing now I would do what we do within there we gave me quite a few exercises where he would literally do that over and over again before we moved on to the Sun to the first phase what this looks like in the golf swing is when you walk get yourself set here I'm punching it back here and my legs are going down into the ground it's almost like a little squat or twisting squat but it's a energy going pressure going down as I'm stretching here and that's really important because we've now set the the backswing up in a position to then engage the Downs which is really important if you want to get up pressure going down very different to this backwards and forward you see a lot of this people even working on the positions of their golf swing look similar but I haven't engaged anything and my body's not active it's not ready to come down so let's repeat that again here's the exercise we're going to punch here much it's nice and connected with a bicep tear we're going to punch out to the right here engage the core engage the legs back there now in a strong position to then initiate part two of this process all right then part two now we're trying to get this ball strike we've just said what was M was doing in order to create a ground contact the pressure wasn't going down towards the golf ball it was going towards the target too much really normal obviously this is where we want to hit so we tend to swing through the ball too much other posted down first then around so what do we did what did we do to quit this downward pressure well step one we've got him in a position to do that step two we did this pressure go straight down the sensation here when he gets the top he's bang and his body now is over the golf ball not behind it so watch this is the exercise again push back down straight over the golf ball not back here here as you can see there's no pressure going down we're going to kind of sweep the ball too much off the off the turf they're leaking to potentially turf ball contacts what this looks like with a golf club is you're going to wind it back down chest over the golf ball straight down over that golf ball here look at the angle of a naturally created because this much better fun compression in that golf ball have a look at this so when I'm swinging here and get myself set I'm pushing back and wound up my legs are active pressure down straight into that golf ball down and there it is ball turf contact really really pure
so in summary how do we stop striking the ground behind the ball or even just picking it up you've got to remember that the golf swing is a it's an athletic move and we need to create that this isn't about just position position position we've got to experience the body even wasn't doing that he had a very nice swing but it wasn't really engaging that pressure that we need in the golfing to strike it so what do we do first step one we really get that extending out here get us insertion here of a big stretch but not just the upper body notice this I'm engaging my legs they're pushing into the ground here there's no slide cuz we slide there's no pressure pushing into the ground now from here we then push straight back down on the golf ball here that's the simple exercise you can do at home with a golf club as I said it looks like this crush it down sternum of the golf ball here win a great position to strike and then just naturally allow the follow-through after that point just to flow if you haven't already guys if you want to receive this content on a regular basis every week please subscribe to the channel I really appreciate it and of course if you've got any questions please leave them in the comments box below I will do my best to answer some of the coming days until next week have a great golfing.