STOP TOPPING YOUR WOODS - Learn to hit a wood off the ground & Improve your fairway/Hybrid strike
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I want to talk about how do you stop topping your fairway woods well that's a 5-wood a 3-wood a seven would all your hybrids those top shots where you hit a ball at the top of the golf ball and rather than the ball get hit with beautiful fly up in the air instead it looks something like this a blatant top that literally flies along the ground so frustrating I'm going to give you the number one reason that causes this particular top shot I'm going to give you a three step process to simply get rid of it and really learn the feel of how to get rid of it before I get into the training that if you're new to Channel and this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little Bell button next to subscribe button and you get notified every time we release a video just like this one so top shots what's happening well it's let's just talk about initially what's happening at the moment of impact well if you're top in a golf ball the ball here is striking the bottom edge of that Golf Club you're not hitting any part of the face so we've got to figure out why why are you hitting down here the number one reason why you're hitting the bottom part is a lack of space which brings us on to the first step process I had a recent kind of mind not Brian it comes to see me and I don't agree with quick fixes by the way so there's this one going to give you a process here there's a process to get rid of a top that's not just one magic cure the first step when Brian comes to me he was topping his words was I needed to get him flowing because he'd been topping his woods he'd been so hard been trying so hard to strike the golf ball that what was happening was he get over the golf ball like this and he was staying really still his intention was I want to strike that golf ball now the problem is is that's not the game we play we play the game of golf the game of golf is it hitting towards a target the byproduct of hitting towards the target is we play govern we have a golf swing when you start to kind of concentrate on our constant striking the ball properly what you end up doing your focus is here the message you're sending to your brain therefore is I'm going to swing back I'm going to hit this ball now the problem is the body doesn't move everything still why because that's really subconsciously what you've told it to do there's the ball lying on the deck you've swung back you've simply hit at the golf ball there's no space you this club is long there's no space so the body kind of thinks what do I do here I don't want to hurt myself by drumming into the ground so it stands up it can stand up as you stand up you hit the bottom part the club you can I've seen people do this they buckle they get these chicken wings as well all of it is your body's genius at not hurting yourself so step one in this process and the first stage doesn't a little necessarily limit at the top straightaway but it's the first step is I got Brian to look go on them one if you've got to add some flow to what you're doing now I've mentioned this many times in many of my videos because it's generic and I feel it's just so important you've got you let your arms hang you've got to be relaxed I'm very difficult when you've been topping it okay you're trying really hard you try really hard to get better so there's a lot of tension there you've got to let these arms relax and remember where are we going to the target so what we want to do is you want to practice just allowing and throwing the arms to the target like spaghetti here backwards and forward as we do this what do you notice now about my body it starts to naturally rotate and go through and that's what I want you to be doing flowing through to target now watch if you start to allow this club to flow through to your target because that's in your intent drawing the swing out your body creates the space which means you don't have to stand up that is goal number one so you make a few swings where all you're gonna do here is this you're going to practice almost imagine that when you've hit the golf ball your golf club would literally you're almost gonna throw the golf club down towards a target very different to throwing the club at the golf ball that makes sense so imagine this it's almost like we'd hit the ball here and we were going to let go the club would literally fly down to the target so we'll start with that as a step number one so back here and away we go now this really helped the natural flow of Brian but it didn't eliminate all his top shots there so we bring him on to step number two so he's adding flow he's now he's still funny tricky not to focus on that golf ball because it's kind of desperate to strike it the second thing that we need to do is is his practice swings got nowhere near the golf ball so if you want to and what you see where were a lot of people have taught the ball they do two things they're literally often making practice swings and they're above the ground and when they get to the golf ball they wonder why then they top it so the second thing I want you to do is this when you're when you're hit affair would we want a very shallow angle we want to be gliding the club through the impact area we don't want to get at the golf ball in a shape off on because our bodies will respond there Mike okay I don't want to hurt myself and stand up we want to get a gliding motion through the turf so now what we're gonna do watch this I'm gonna imagine I'm gonna go down the fairway that's gonna draw this beautiful flowing motion out simultaneously I'm going to be trying to get the the face or the bottom part the golf club gliding along the surface and I can hear this glide but sometimes I might do this and hear nothing at all that would be a top shot sometimes I might you hear this and that's too steep coming down into it so I just make some moves as I'm swinging through and I'm trying to calibrate the sound then I get myself set back and through
and away we go that becomes step two and this really relates to when I was learning to ski well as learn to ski the first thing you do is a beginner skier it's just fear you look down at your skis and the first you don't want to kind of fall over so you're looking down and you fall because of that nice great skiing truck just said look at the view look where you're going I don't want to look where I'm going I got a I'm gonna fall over how does this relate to go for when I'm skiing is I'm simultaneously doing two things I'm looking where I'm going while simultaneously feeling what I'm doing with my skis I'm listening to the sound of the snow what'd you do you have to do is you don't look down at the ball and think I've got to hit the ball that's like crashing and skiing you have to figure feel out where you're going because that would creates this natural flowing motion while simultaneously getting a sense of how that club is interacting with the ground as you're doing it that is absolutely crucial what can aid this is one the third and final tip which I actually got from a friend of mine Matt fry and catch you on YouTube great little tip actually is what you can do is put a tee peg just in front of the golf ball here this is just for practice so I'm gonna set up here just behind the golf ball here and what I like about this tip here what we're doing is the tee pegs about three to four to six inches in front of the golf ball we want a gliding impact through I'll remember this a lot of people that top the golf ball they get stuck here then either missing the ground completely they get stuck here so what I like about this is I like to reverse-engineer the process what we're going to do is we're going to slide we want the club to ground out and hit that tee and on the look when I'm finished look what my arms are here they're finishing here they're not finishing here or here so what we do is we do a few exercises put the club four to six inches behind the ball make some swings now we're flowing to the target and now we got some brilliant feedback in that tea watch this I'm just there look I'm extending out here I'm throwing the club I'm hearing that noise through the impact area here look at the difference in it slow motion the extension here through Stoppers never finish here they always finish someone like this so you get that feedback for six inches listen to that sound of that tea now we've got the sound we've got a bit of feedback we've we can take that feeling let's hit the club up get this get set here and then away we go nice and simple or something have a look of that in slow motion
so three things for you there one of the keys that factors is this you want to get rid of your top shots you've cannot you can do neither right you've been doing it can't possibly the wrong way you've been trying to strike the golf ball striking the golf ball leave for a second the first thing you going to do is allow a flowing motion that is how actually strike a golf ball you have to have a golf swing not a swing that goes at a golf ball that's not playing golf so we start to add this flow then what we do while we're adding the flow we simultaneously start to get the club gliding through the ground when you miss the ground you can get some feedback to aid this entire process put a tee peg on the PAC's ground maybe six inches in front of the golf ball and imagine the club striking the ball and then continuing to glide and actually strike the tee peg here backwards and forwards reverse-engineer the process you can do this almost if you wanted it as part of your practice swing you could think okay I want to get to about this position here no problem very different to that position and then swing so reverse engineer that entire process but that is a three-step process that we used to get Brian really really striking spare wood consistently I hope you enjoyed the training if you did and you know somebody who's struggling to strike their wood wits affair was all the hybrids successfully please share it it really really helps and I've got it enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and if you're new to the channel come and join the community by pressing that subscribe button and the bell but until next week have a great golfing week