Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I would like to increase your club head speed I don't know if you found this but maybe you're out in the golf course and you're finding some of your fellow golfers I hit any prodigious distances but they're doing it with what you see is a pretty easy looking golf swing and it looks surprising how far it goes particularly if you're putting loads of effort in and you're not getting the power that you think you deserve well we're going to cover the concept of lag and why it is so important on one of the key ingredients for you generating the power and the club head speed that you need to hit those balls much much further before we do if you're new to channel and this is one of your first videos because Sitter subscribing we're at least content like this every single week to try and help you improve your games so what is lag why is it important and how do you go about achieving it well you will have seen probably images if you've come across a concept of like looking something like this a like position is when the club comes down here and the wrist angle here is maintained this is what we call lag so the hands get to about hip high the club almost with the right arm here is at a 90 degree angle and then right at last minute the club fires through and that late what we call late hit generates the club head speed necessary to give you the extra yardages a lot of people who don't get lag looks something like this they've released this angle here and with all the release they're releasing the power over they're in the wrong position as opposed to right down at the bottom oh well good that's what leg is but understanding it is not going to make you any better necessarily so I'm going to show you how you we go about achieving it because there's two aspects to like you'd first of all to in order to try and create it you need to understand that there is also a body lag as well as club head lag so body lag those people who are often releasing early and generating all that power that releasing all that power over here as opposed to at the golf ball have a body that looks generally like this they're swinging back and what happens is that toss or the top part of the body is hitting very hard from the top the slices of the world tend to be those type of a golfers so we gain here and the path is going very hard at the golf ball what we actually need in that in the body is this we needed the top half nice to delay while the bottom half goes or something like this if I loose in slow motion the top half gets to about here we nice good turn the lower half now starts to unwind and then finally the top half that's to come through so the top half lags behind the lower half turning but the question is how do you go back to keep in that you can't go to a golf course to start thinking these things it's too difficult you have to train the body so this is something you can do right now at home so what you do put your feet fairly close together and I want you to feel this do it nice and slow to start up again to you Golf posture turn your torso to the back and then you step could you've moved the lower half now and then you go watch this again I'm turning I step then I go and I would do it that slowly to start off with so you can really kind of sense the big difference between lower half and upper half so it's a turn a step and a go and then what we do is we simply just start to gradually increase the pace of this turn step go turn step go turn step go turn step go turn step go then take the golf club try to imagine trying to recreate those same feelings okay you might want to do the same thing so it's turn step go no it's this turn step though the body now is lagging behind we're getting the right sequence to deliver that extra power into the golf ball turn step go increase the pace of this turn step go then let's tell the golf ball doing the same thing I'm not going to do the step drill although you can if you do the step drill when you're hitting the golf ball put it on at ipe make it nice and easy but I'm just going to go straight in and hit this one so it's a turn a step and a go get the same thing turn step and go really feels like there's a delay in the top path coming through that is the first part of trying to get like you've got to get the body working the correct sequence trying to work on leg with a club head to start off with it's almost futile because you need to get the natural body motion almost delivering it which brings it on to the next point how do we then therefore get the club head lag well let's start with where most people start they try to hold this position here they're trying to almost try and achieve this and then right last minute try and flick the hands that is not how we create lag we don't create like either by holding the wrist and then holding this angle on the way through think about it if you're holding the angle on the way through there's no club head speed we need speed through the impact area so this is how I want you to go about creating the lag the first thing is to feel it and do it very slowly lag again is what is the club head is lagging behind something so as the club swings back and we move forward this big lump of mass swings behind me it starts to swing this way and as I change direction with the lowest section change direction the club they goes hang on a second wait for me it keeps going this way until it realizes it's it's lagging behind and then comes back and then fly us through but you need to try and feel this so watch in order to create it you need the wrists that are fairly soft we don't want in a sense of really tight grip we don't want tight and stiff wrists we need the wrists soft enough to be passive so that when this weight our big mass of metal swings back here the wrists are soft enough to be forced to bend they also need to be soft soft enough to be allowed so they're allowed to react to the natural forces that this movement will just create with the body creates so watch this I'm swinging back I'm swinging back and I'm changing direction look at the looseness here swing back and fire fire look at the lag there natural created by what tosser goes back legs go forward tosser step and fire now let's have a look at this in action here some softer soft with the wrists my tosser goes back lower goes forward and I get that lovely whip and snap at the bottom at no stage by the way am I trying to hold this angle I'm allowing it to release I'm allowing the natural force is to happen because my wrists are passive now final point here you'll notice I've put a little gate here to go for because one of the things I find when people are trying to get lag as I said is they're often trying to hold this angle way too long and when they do try and get lag this that's smashing out to the right because now there's the hole the angle too long the face is wide open so if some stage you need the feeling of releasing now if you lose lag it's usually because you're trying to hit the golf ball we don't want to hit the golf ball why we want to it threw the ball because if you go at the ball you're going to release that's going to be any product you're going to release a like way too early you're going to release it too here we want to release to the target so look if we release to the target through here the lag will naturally release later very important so when you combine the body the sensation of the passive wrists and all we do here set up the target we're now going to hit through the gates trying to keep it almost imagine here this is like a almost I'm going to put a bow and talk like a the bottom part of a ruby person I want to fire the ball underneath the gate here so we swing back fire through so what we're doing back fire through back here fire through let's just finish up I'm gonna look from this side
so let's summarize what is like lag is something that looks like this but isn't a still image it is absolutely from here the clubhead is absolutely flying how do you go about creating it step one you've got to learn the sit feeling of the correct sequence and the golf swing comes initially from the body this is one thing I would say if anybody could learn this it would massively improve the natural look and rhythm of the golf swing and it's simply this you're turning your shoulders this way you're stepping and you're going few exercises at home accommodates every single day one two one two how do you transfer this when you when you're not stepping the sensation what some of the players like I mean the great Jack Nicklaus shooters feel like when he got to the top his backswing he felt he was almost squashing a tomato with his left heel and that was the feeling putting pressure and that's him starting with the lower part and then delivering the upper part so there are that ways that you can take you to meet it to the golf course but I would certainly work on that sense and learn the feeling of the correct coordination first before you we start hitting couples out of the course the second thing obviously is we then need the lag of the club head like of the club head it's just natural forces at work when you swing the club back here and you suddenly change direction you've got this big massive weight it's flowing behind you it's still going behind you when you decide to turn but because you're turning now it lags it keeps going for a little bit it lags and then fantasy's hang on a second wait for me it then comes in and then fires through but in order to create that you're gonna have to have fairly a fairly soft grip and certainly soft wrists to allow that force of this mass to help or react or interact with them wrists if you're holding it too stiff for the wrist or too firm there's no way that you're gonna create natural-like often feels like you lose a bit of control with this but losing control is one of the main factors of actually gaining control I have to say to many of my clients give up control to get control and then finally we said maybe set up a gate only because sometimes when people are playing they trying too hot you know trying to get this lag and they what they do is they leave the face wider because actually they don't actually release the golf club through you go remember we are try to create the lag but we want to also get it releasing so sending up almost like I've kind of got my DS rugby post here and and we're going to try and hit the ball underneath them or what we're gonna do is get yourself set get that motion in and from there release the club underneath the rugby posts getting that lovely penetrating flight but also what you're doing here is you're learning the sensation of lag very very important so of course like guys if you enjoy this video don't forget to give a thumbs up and if you think any of your friends could benefit from a video like this maybe they're struggling you put that you can see them put a lot of effort into the golfing and they need a bit of extra power please share it and if you want to receive this content in your inbox every single week press the subscribe button and the bell but until next week have a great golfing week