Simple Golf Swing for Senior Golfers - bad back, not as flexible as a tour player? Watch This
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this we want to discuss senior golfers I have so many senior clients and with my senior class I have to make many adaptations to their swings in order to kind of fit work around them you know they've got back issues which mean that they struggle with rotation then Nexus yes so they they can in a sense rotate with it the heads are moving away from the golf pond the cats see the golf ball they wait glass if we bifocals get their chins pinned tin to the body then these don't allow themselves to transfer weight as effectively they're mean there's many many things in this week's training I want to help you I want to help you make us win or build a swing around what you have you know you've seen the modern swings they just they're fit for modern bodies you know but guys who would going to the gym 24/7 but like if you tried this a lot of these things it's probably going to do you more harm than good and you know it's almost impossible so what I want to do in this returning I want to share with you a very simple step-by-step process that will really add some speed and accuracy to your driving and your I employ but more importantly it will give you a longevity in the game I want to show you look at this image of old man Pat is from a good friend of mine if you haven't seen the blog going checking about golf blogs UK old man Pat he's 79 years old he plays of 10 handicap he's absolutely brilliant look at how easy that is now he's not got massive turns or anything like that but you can create something - maybe not like that because you're gonna be different Timmy's you might have different mobility issues etc but you can create more speed and accuracy that's what we're going to cover in this week's training before I do the if you're new to channel this is where your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next to subscribe button and you get notified every time release a video just like this one so let's start with the iron first I've got an a tine here so one of the things I want you to do initially is we want to develop speed I want to initially presume that literally you're on any mobility at all now Barry I'm sure you have but if you don't we're going to generate some speed now if you were going to in a sense throw a ball you don't throw a ball with your body dear you throw it first of all with the wrists and the arms that's where the power that's where the lever system comes in but gods are nervous about that and I don't if you're the same they feel if I use my wrists isn't that gonna be out of control is it couldn't the ball go anyway if I don't kind of hold it like this no no not if you do it the correct way look at this so if you use your wrists and you roll them that's gonna be pretty tricky and it's not very strong either but watch this I use a tennis racket to help you visualize the face of the club watch this when I use this I don't roll therefore look at this I use my wrist cuts to lever I can generate whip but look that racket is coming in comfortably square and it's easy to hit it straight and square rolling is a problem yes but doing this not a problem look at this in action watch this from here look at that slowly much look at this that's what we want we don't roll and roll we want square and square literally bit in this wrist working now as we're going through this process now you've got an idea we want to add those wrists into this swing but clearly we want to do it in an athletic and and and an accurate way so watch this we're going to stiffen our bodies up a little bit imagine now I've got no mobility at all and all I've got is a little bit of wrist and arm power so I'm get myself set here I'm gonna look at this now we're trying to hit it nice and straight there's no roll and roll what I'm gonna do here look is they've got the wrist coming up here there's a tennis racket back and that through to square you may have even got possibly a little bit of copping here yes that's wrong at this stage but we're gonna add a little bit of body a little bit body later all we do now is helping you experience speed at the bottom of this golf swing which do you know even if you dab loads of flexibility this is so important so many people just don't have any speed at the bottom they're often trying to control it so much this in itself is a drill for even athletes okay because who are literally trying too hard so get yourself set and we're gonna practice this you could try 40 to start I start with just get the wrist go I see how far we're gonna hit this we barely just to fit a bit of a motion and a bit of wrists of a look at this look at that so that there has gone comfortably 120 yards at least 120 120 years with a wrist motion we're wrist margin now I don't need any flexibility since 120 hours this is an 8 I'm so but why because I'm letting go and I built speed up with this Martian now what I'm doing with it also is this and the way I want you to practice this is you can get some old some foot spray powder flood spring get from most of your supermarkets spray a line right down the middle of you stance where the ball position is going to be and practice just literally just in your garden right now if you wanted to practice doing this press release to the club and allowing that club to bottom out on that line as you're practicing the cocking and uncocking of those wrists this is speed yeah we do another one of them and then we'll add in the body ok a little bit of body let's have another look at that in action in fact no I still with a driver because it works exactly the same thing so then we're so get the driver in play and get nobody nobody at this stage all we're gonna do is use those wrists so I'm not allowed to use anybody not using any turn in any shape or form just get myself set and just get a sense session I've used in those risks that's all I'm going to do a little low one chasing up there that's probably only gonna go about 140 150 yards it doesn't matter I'm this is certainly completely new to me and I'm going to try and get a feel for this but I've just hit that 140 yet with a flick with a flick of the wrist no body turn whatsoever really okay so let's do that again backwards and forth just getting this sensation just trying to use just the wrist for
so you generate some speed now at the bottom of the golf bulb with the levers of the hands and a little bit those arms in there while still keeping the accuracy could your looking after that clubface look after clubface and it will look after you I've got all details by the way remember I've got all the details of summary and a full practice plan in the description below this so you can download it complete for free and take it to your next practice session so now what I want to do is add some rotation because you know you'll probably have a little bit of mobility well let me show you now based on where you are you know do as much as you can I'm going to show you how to easily add more rotation and protect your body at the same time now a lot of golfers they often misinterpret rotation they often feel they have to rotate their shoulders rotate their etcetera the problem is he's a big misinterpretation the body rotates as the byproduct of forces working like this as I go backwards and forward the weight goes to front part of our lead foot the trut and the heel my right as I do this I create rotation naturally look at this so much easier to create rotation yeah and more importantly very easy to try and do all of this so there's the second major thing but we're also gonna make it even easier for you what I'm not I'm also going to not only you're gonna now understand the different forces at play by the web like detailed video on rotation in the description I'll put in this top right corner go and check that out maybe later but for now look at this wait ghosts are front part of the lead foot heel of the right look at this this is the mush and we're trying to get what do you see oh I've got rotation yes my right legs a trail leg is straightening a little bit why cuz it helps me rotate get more speed into the back of that golf ball allow it to do the same for you too so let's have a look at this a national I've drawn my truffle back to make this a lot easier as well this is really really helpful helps mobility might even turn my trail foot out a little bit as well so again help mobility so you've got some speed now in the wrist you're looking after that clubface and it's looking as to you and then what we're gonna do is we're going to provide that provides a lovely bit of rotation here so we can get some speed into this now still not gonna be huge I'm still gonna might in I've got some stiffness in my neck etc but let's have a look at this in action extra little bit rotation look that's going to give me another 20 yards in there but look I'm still here I are all the way into a big full finish position and neither was Pat it was he when he started you know he barely did he just literally throws the club at the ball and away he goes that is how you generate speed I'm working around what you can and can't do don't push yourself don't push yourself to injuries so that's gone like that's got 140 out but what is really just a flick so look I'm not saying you're getting a hundred forty yards of this of course not you know this is you know this is me and I've got you know I have you know positive causing more you I'm not used to this I'm not practiced at this but it just proves you don't have to have these tour player swings to hit it a really decent distance and Pat shows that to old man Pat so now third thing improving your mobility but yes no you don't have to go to the gym no you don't have to do a stack of exercise all the time but one thing you can do is use these immunity you come across some the pulse throw guns they provide a lot of circulation they get the blood pumping around their body and it can really help you mobility five minutes before around and then again after around getting rid of some of the stiffest absolutely fantastic when our friends on the challenge type has here's what he's going to say about that so just a quick little video to show you what the gun can do so this is their ethics third of the four different powers so I'm gonna get it into my chest here and you can see from our voice that is definitely doing something into my shoulders and neck
and I already feel so much looser and ready to go and play so thanks that richer so you could see look there are all the ways you can do that you know you can start to add mobility to your game use tools like the pulse rule you know I've got links in the description below you can go and check it out but things like this these are things that and tools that players like Justin and Rose and some of the guys are using just to improve blood circulation in their body so they add more mobility it may help you to now the third and final thing is a lot of seniors I'm petitioning they have to have glasses maybe I have bifocals on their right or they've got real stiffest in the neck so sometimes you might have to learn to lose sight of the golf ball so the third and final thing is this this is I left it to left it because it's a little bit out there but it's really really useful you need to improve your proprioception what is that will help get out there and I want you to practice sometimes learning to feel where that ball is without even seeing it so you can you've seen these people doing these no-look swings where they're kind of looking over here and hitting it you can do this watch this I'm going to tell you I'm gonna do I'm gonna proprioception is literally you don't have to see the ball to hit it it sounds weird doesn't it right but you can actually do this and it works very very well but you might need to learn to practice this because the end of they look as you turn turning does get you know if you create more movement on the way back you can create a little bit more power particularly if your neck is very stiff you imagine this if your neck is completely locked in play and and you and you're refusing to move away from that golf ball you're basically refusing to make any form of turn so you may have to improve your proprioception by allowing some movement here let's have a look at this in action here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to have a look away and hit now by doing this I've looked away from the ball and I've absolutely ripped it this is look build your proprioception it will really make a difference particularly if you've got a stiffness these are these compensations that you're gonna have to work on yes there they can feel a bit strange but look unique we're unique we're unique in every sing away add some uniqueness to the way you practice - so let's summarize what have we done if you want to add or make a swing or get it ready a swing that is going to be useful and work for us a body that is you know seen your body and start initially by adding speed with a club look at old vampire look at how easy he's making that yeah and he's 79 plays I'm Ted is amazing and but what he's doing he's letting us go you could see at the end is like so loose at the end that's because he's using this thing he's using it he's not using his body because you probably realize his body's not capable of making all these massive motions right so you get that working how well we said look use use the tennis racket here's a guy look at this we're not rolling we're throwing here keeping it square yep get that sensation look at that there through through then once you've done that draw that foot back here and get the pressure going this way that's going to ease your ability to make a better movement back and I better movement through and if you really struggle with neck mobility maybe improve those proprioception by practicing some no-look swings you'll miss it topic but you need to get comfortable with not seeing the golf ball sometimes particular if you get to the top of the backswing and that my friends is is that so I really hope you enjoyed this video I've got lots more planned on for senior golfers and look remember there's a practice plan with the summary in the description below so completely free for you to to pick up so you can take the driving Ridge and practice this right now so hope you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up if you did and maybe show it some of your fellow seniors if you think it could benefit them I've cost look if you're new to channel come and join me next week by subscribing completely for free by pressing and pressing that bail bond and I look forward to seeing you next week.