Strike Your Irons Solid - Learn THE POSITION Good Golfers get into in the Golf Swing
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us how do you release the golf club because if you're slicing it you're specifically doing a specific release that's creating the slice and if you hook the golf ball same principle there's a specific release related to that and in this week's golfers i'm going to share with you exactly what the best players do through the impact area because look they may have very different looking swings but they all look very very similar from here to here i'm going to share with you how you can get somewhere close to this so you can improve your overall consistency and accuracy in all your shots now before i get into the training though look if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe when you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus you don't have to remember a thing if you like this lesson and you want to take something away there's a free practice guide in the description box below go and download it's completely for free enjoy cool so what's a great release well a great release of a golf club through the impact is one that provides power and accuracy exactly the same time what does it look like with all the greeting players and the decent players at your club will be doing this it's very simple if the club approaches on an arc from around the body we've got power we've got rotational power through the shot the other thing that we get is look at this my hand doesn't have to do anything it's simple it just simply goes with the arc if you're inaccurate and you're creating hooks and slices it won't be doing this so if you're slicing it what you're doing is you won't be coming from an arc around and around what you'll be doing is from here you'll be coming down on a steep martian sound look at this if i come down steep with my hands suddenly now that's not very powerful that's almost like throwing under arm and then suddenly we have to then manipulate the hands you can see from look at this it looks more awkward this is what creates slices if you hook the golf ball rather than come down this way you then come down this way now look where you're heading you're heading out over there what you're going to have to do now you're going to have to manipulate with the hands again creating lots of curvature too much curvature when you create an arc and it's neutral like this suddenly we get much more consistency and we can generate more power question is how do you go about doing it we're going to start in real simple things we're going to start to unlock different parts of the body to help you do this what do you notice about a knack very simply look as i come back here where my hands my hands are behind me right that is an arc it's the hands start here and they work here if we can get roughly around here it makes our life so much easier if you slice the ball your hands will be here sometimes if you hook the ball your hands are here the two out in front of you and then you have to react and do all kinds of stuff right so how do we help you to get into this position the first thing we're going to do is deal from the ground up unlocking your lower body will help you provide the natural arc watch this too many people i find you might be the same here they're locked in they're rooted to the deck they're trying to stay so still over the golf ball because you want to probably try and strike it well that they're locked in now the problem is if i'm locked and i'm barely moving how do i get my arm a rotation around here i can't so what ends up happening i start to lift up my hands into this position you can see there's no arc going to happen there i then have to come down and manipulate come over the top loads of things can go wrong so we need to learn to unlock this body and we're going to do it in linear forces watch this i'm going to go backwards and forwards like this okay i'm not going side to side side to side wouldn't be rotational when it won't create an arc so we're going to go side to side so sorry linear force backwards and forwards watch this as i go backwards and forwards look how i'm creating space look to create an arc that goes naturally around my body notice my weight try and do this now so you can so you're not just listening but you can feel this with me as i move back my weight goes to the front part of my lead foot and the heel of my back foot this is unlocking the lower body which is then creating a doorway for my the arc to happen the hands to go behind here now what's going to happen on the way down very simple i'm going to reverse that process so now i start to go back where i'm now even and then how do i create the act on this way well now the weight goes to the front part of my back foot on the heel of my left okay sounds complicated when i'm when i'm describing it sometimes but watch this if you just get the habit of this you then start to create the arc because you're an unlocking the lower part of your body so that is stage number one and that's all you might want to do initially because the lower body has a dramatic impact on everything that happens above when you unlock this you also unlock the torso look the torso is able to turn more which we'll come into in a second so we might just start like that get the sensation of simply getting this motion here my wife laura gave me this little tip when i was teaching her this and she actually does that she starts off moving backwards and forwards to kind of feel this and then starts to move the club back so as this heel drops down that creates the act back around here and now look i can create the arc around here i don't have to do anything fancy with a club head i simply go back round back around and we should start to see a very very nice straight shot okay so simple simple way to help you create a great arc and therefore a very consistent release rather than one that's having to manipulate so that's your lower body unlock that start there you that's all you could do initially just simply get the feeling of the arc being created by the feet and unlocking the feet and how they move backwards and forwards stage number two it's a real common one and i think it's often just linked to the legs but we'll go into it anywhere is unlocking the torso so what tends to happen is is people who don't like you you might be the same you're trying so hard to hit a good shot and and strike the ball well that you just don't move you maybe you've been told to keep your head down but all this does is lock the torso and now if you lock the torso in how do we get our hands back here to create a knack we can't can we so what happens is we sling the club around so the club goes behind us but the club is not what we need to get behind we need to get our hands deeper yeah behind us but the club goes behind and then we just simply throw over the top in this steep angle that creates our slices or what happens is that some of the better players they go up and they go back in here to try and hit it so we need to unlock the torso now the way to do this initially is to feel how much the torso needs to move and a very simple exercise go and grab a club now simply do this put it across your shoulders okay and all you want to do is stand nice and tall and simply turn your shoulders and point the club directly at me all right then all i'm going to do is just tilt forward tilt down towards the golf ball put your arms out and you'll get an idea then of basically how much i've actually tilted and turned to create this back swing i've unlocked so you kind of get a feeling of what an unlocked backswing feels like without having to kind of make it any more complicated so do this exercise again turn the shaft point it directly at me tilt the shoulders put the shaft out like this and you get a feeling of how we've moved let me show you from this angle so you can see standing tall here point the shaft that way tilt forward and now you can see it gives you a feeling of your destination point of a backswing so now suddenly i'm unlocking the lower part i'm unlocking the upper part here and i'm creating this motion where are my hands they're behind now aren't they what if they're behind what can i do i can move this club on an arc back around the body and get a very very consistent release pattern so let's have a look at this in action now i would recommend you when you do this doing half swings just to here so you get a real feel of it back around you could even stop and move okay just nice and easy to start with so we're going to feel the unlocking of the feet one stop feel that there and i'm going to do now is unlock it on the way down and create the arc on the way down should be nice there you go nice and straight shot so we're unlocking the legs we're unlocking the feet suddenly we can start to create these lovely acts and lovely releases let's have another look i want more of those so you've unlocked the leg you've unlocked your body what do you do with the arms well do you know what they then react to the forces that you're just putting on them so just like when you throw a ball and you kind of start with your legs and you unlock your torso the arms naturally get thrown in here and then watch this when you react and get your legs unlocked here then you toss a lot the arms get thrown on the arc here this is how you generate speed now clearly speed might be something that you want to kind of resist initially but feel with those heavy arms how they react by the way to the forces from the ground upwards so we're building it here as i get this motion here that unlocks the torso then because i'm locking the torso what's he gonna do well i'm connected to the golf club it unlocks the golf club so i'm swinging the club back now where my hands here now what creates the downswing well again what am i doing the feet start they get unlocked on the way down the forces then go this way with the fee when the forces go this way what does that create we've just seen it creates the arc going around and as i go around there we go we get the club consistently swinging in a way that's always in an arc we aren't reacting to the club by hanging on to it if we hang on to it by the way too tightly it's almost pointless doing this because suddenly we could still direct the club in all these different directions but if we allow these forces from the ground up to naturally translate all the way to the club you'll start to create this arc from the ground up just like you would do if you're throwing a ball throwing a discus you name it but you've got to unlock the legs unlock the torso so that you can create the hands put the hands behind here they work around and through so hope you really really enjoyed this lesson this is such a very very useful thing to learn and get a feel of it's easy and obviously you're going to have different abilities in terms of flexibility don't worry you might not be able to turn back as far absolutely fine doesn't matter as long as you're unlocking a little bit you'll get exactly what you need to create this shape so what do we say step one get the feeling unlock the legs straight line motions okay looking like this when that happens this unlocks the hip it unlocks the torso you might not want you not might not be used to feeling what a lone lock torso feels like so do this exercise stand tall point here tip forward feel what it's like to have an unlocked torso that gives you a destination point okay to turn two then third and finally allow the arms and the shoulders to swing and then react to the forces now watch this if i don't get the forces going like this and i move them sideways what does my arms do they get stuck inside that's your hook okay so when you create these motions backwards and forwards you start to create arcs you start to create shapes and the club face the release through impact is so much more consistent because it's not having to be manipulated so i really hope you enjoyed this golf lesson if you did please give it a thumbs up maybe share it with some of your friends who could do with a little bit of help and of course if you're new to the channel please consider subscribing by pressing that bell button and look there's a free practice guide remember that free practice guide in the description box below come pick it up if you can take to the driving range so you don't have to remember a thing but until next week have a great golfing week