Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week we're talking the trail arm for two reasons the first one is this it understanding and learning how to feel how it works will help you to put pressure on the back of the golf ball so you can start to strike that ball first and avoid hitting the ground behind the golf ball so those lovely compressed strikes the second thing it really helps to do is it helps to stabilize the face and help you create an arc a real great axe if you've seen that you're getting lots of curvature on the golf ball too much curvature understanding the feel of how this arm works through impact can really really help the second reason or the third reason should i say why i'm bringing it to you is my dad phones me up and says danny my dad slices his drive quite a bit at times and his ball strike was a bit inconsistent with his with zion he said danny i've watched this video and it's been really really helpful and uh i'm hitting it a lot better i said oh cool which one did you watch or it wasn't one of your videos it was from a guy called chris ryan i said what you mean watching other people's videos no joking aside look chris created a really great video i'll put a link actually in the description box below on how the trail arm works so what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring some of the things um that chris brought to my dad that's helped and expand on it a little bit with a couple of drills of my own before i do that look if you're new to channel this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe when you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus look if you do enjoy the video there will be a full practice plan that you can download completely for free i'll put it in the description box below and i'll pin it to the top comment just download it for free great let's get stuck into this golf lesson so what i want you to do now stand up don't do it don't watch this sitting down if you can do this with me you can really learn to feel it so stand up if you can so i should be doing the golfer put a golf club down all you need is you so what we're going to do is take your hand and what i want to do is this let your arms just literally hang down naturally and just have a look at them notice how the arm here is all rolled in your hands are rolled in now unfortunately this is a position that is not like impact it is a position however that i see a lot of people in when they approach in patch their arms are rolled this way and they become quite flicky yeah what do we need instead so what's different impact well what i want to do now is this rotate your elbow so it starts to move towards the midline of your chest this is the position of this section of your arm impacting then what i'm going to do is simply rotate your hands so the palm faces downwards towards the ground feels very different doesn't it that is the position of impact so relax is there rolled in towards impact there this is what's going to give you that pressure on the golf ball so you strike that golf ball first it's going to help you compress even your driver you can get a good strong contact with driver but look at it from here why do we want this why do we go into this position well look at this do this with me so you can feel this when you're here and this starts to rotate the elbow starts to move towards your midline you start to activate all of this right side to drive through that shot to give you power that's why it's there watch the difference then do it with me if you do this can you see where suddenly none of this is activated anymore suddenly now all your power is going to come from just this shoulder joint and the arm we're going to be in big trouble for a lack of power and more important look at this can i get the pressure on the golf ball no it becomes flicky again yeah look at it with a golf club here
when i'm coming in here i'm putting pressure on the golf ball here i'm able to activate that side when i don't oh no now we're in trouble unstable club face ball could go anywhere and a huge loss of power so let's give you now a three-step process on how you can generate some feel with this hope that helped just on its own so don't need a golf club for this you could if you want i'm going to grab a alignment stick if you don't have a line mistake just grab a old gun and cane or even a golf club and what i'm going to do is stage one in this process is what i call rock the baby now unfortunately you might be one of those golfers that where no matter how hard you try you just can't get that compression on your eyes and one of the reasons is because your legs have gone to sleep maybe you've kind of struggled with strike you're trying so hard these have gone asleep and suddenly all you have left is just the arm swing and unfortunately without your body working you will that's all you have and that's what you have to do you'll never be able to get this position at impact with the trello so stage one is to learn to feel how the lower body is the foundation of the golf swing then we add the arm in so what we're going to do is first of all is we're going to get the feet doing this we're going to get the feet rolling onto the big toe on the left and then on to the right watch this so i call this rock the baby watch this i'm moving look onto the big toes of both feet here as i rock the baby this is helping me create a very very natural pivot very very important to get the first piece of the puzzle in yeah so just get this feeling with me you'll also notice look at this look at the position of this trail arm it's not rolled in it's underneath here we're learning to feel how this works with the pivot look of the body look at it from this angle all i'm doing is pivoting up onto my big toes backwards and forwards this is like a great mini golf swing here the alignment sticks kind of going at roughly about 45 degree angle back and on the way through now watch this if i rolled it this way we're in trouble this is me activating the roll watch this on the way through if i go now start to roll this and this comes out it could be pretty painful so look at the difference it just really helps you here develop this great feeling of how the arm works with this pivot of the body you need the pivot in first rock the baby then we'll move actually and use this again actually we can move on to stage two by all means you could eat some golf balls just like that if you wanted why don't we do that so we could hit some golf balls i don't think we're quite ready yet but if you this section is quite new to you might want to do that so you might just want to actually hit some golf balls initially just activating this pivot that's absolutely fine so we're not going to focus too much on the trail lam at this stage but we just might just activate the lower pivot of the body just chip a few balls down there that's absolutely fine once you've done that once or twice and you've got a rough idea of the feeling then what i'm going to do is i want you to then take the same thing and move to the spear exercise so what you're doing now is this you're going to hold this position in play you're going to start to kind of get the motion here going backwards and forwards into the spear motion here now look at this we're going to spear this spear the ball spear the ball and watch this we get to hear the shaft is parallel to my uh my foot line here and watch i'm simply going to simply pivot through the shot my my shoulders down look at this motion here very different watch this to if i wish to hit here start to roll again you can see that's gonna be pretty painful so it really trains the motion if you hook the golf ball you might do this okay so this is really helping to get that feeling of this pivot of the trail arm notice it from this angle one two look at my arm here i have not rolled it and flicked it it's still in this solid position now let's have a look at this in action so you might want to start really small with this just chip a few balls down the fairway just to get the feeling if i sometimes do what i call some kind of almost freezer style swing so i get to about here and then just simply pivot through so let's have a look at this in action so we're going to get the pivot we're just going to get the feel of that pivot backwards and forwards backwards and forwards look at that there's that motion and then watch this we're going to pivot through and hold that finish
one two just a nice simple pivot down the throat chipping it down there no big shots at all at this stage now why would i hold the finish well chris in his video give a really great reason why holding the finish through this shot would give you some wonderful feedback so what you're going to do is clearly we want to get that feeling the right and putting pressure on the golf ball no roll and flick so we want to check to see at the end of this shot what we've done have we been successful okay so we're going to get yourself here we're going to get that pivot through i'm going to literally pivot through the shot and we're going to hold the finish position and we're going to check now look if i move back to impact i've still got all of this position intact if i'd have done this if i'd have been since gotten in and flicked the club and then i start to move back look at that motion yeah we'll be able to get some great feedback so now when you go to full motions and full swings it's going to be a little bit different you won't be able to stop the momentum and that's absolutely fine so this is just simply to get the feeling of this trail arm and what it's supposed to be doing through us through the impact when we start small and we're going to build it up from there let's have another look at this in action so small
pivot small a lot of shots you're chipping towards the green backwards and forwards you can already see the power starting to kind of creep up but i don't want to push this too much all we're going to try and do is get that sensation of how this works now this i find for some people is very very tricky because they've been so used to the power coming on with their arm that it's hard to get rid of it feels like they're not putting any energy in initially with this they were having to resist this and it can be feel a little bit tricky so be patient with it it's one of those exercises that can feel a bit strange to start with and that's absolutely fine that's why we don't worry about big shots you just kind of generally again just rock the baby get that sensation of that pivot here then we're going to gradually in a sense from here feel what it's like to spear the ball and then pivot underneath look at this i'm not rolling here i am from there look i'm simply pivoting under we could then move back backwards and forwards just feel the motion stop go in walk to the golf ball and then just play a few little shots and do it like that and build a system up like that so it's nice and simple and then work it up to your bigger shots take your time with this you know it will feel strange but you know what once you get it it's like it's like any sport you throw a ball you already can do this you this is what you would do you play tennis you would do this so it is very very relatable to many other things you've probably just built a few habits and my dad had done exactly that he'd been been trying to get in some distance he'd been throwing the angles away throwing his arms at it one of the big things by the way wasn't really using the fee you don't use the feet you can't use the arm correctly you're going to be forced into using the um okay so i really hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends who could do with some help dad i really hope you this adds to what you're doing chris thank you um for creating such a great video like i say i'll put a link to chris's video in the description box below hope you enjoy the video if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the bell so i can give you some more videos next week but until next week have a wonderful golfing week one more thing practice guide if you enjoyed it in the description box below go and pick it up it's yours complete for free enjoy have a great week