The BEST Iron Tip I learned from Tiger Woods - IMPORTANT no matter your age or ability
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us how do you generate incredible accuracy with every single club in your bag well taking a quote from tiger woods you have to generate incredible feel incredible feel for the club head now tiger was famous for saying look one of his greatest assets was his feel in his hands if you can learn to feel what that club head is doing at any point particular amount of impact you are going to present the club miles open creating slices you are going to present the club miles close creighton hooks and you're not going to start hitting the ground behind the golf ball catching the ball fat and thin why because you can feel what's going on question is how do you generate that feel if you can learn to generate the feel it has an amazing impact also on your natural swing that you're swinging uh you're you're doing plus the power that you're generating so that's what we're gonna do in this week's golf lesson it's one of my favorite favorite exercises so before i get into training the look if you're new to the channel it's one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus if you enjoy the video there's a free practice plan you can download just in a little drop down just below the video just go and pick it up if you enjoy the video and go and take it to the driving range so what do you do what do you need to do to generate accuracy two things right two things initially we need to clearly we need to get that club completely squared up at the moment of impact if we do if we can feel how to do that on a regular basis brilliant we're not we're on our way second thing clearly if you're striking the ground behind the golf ball that's not going to help so you need to make sure that you're also striking the ground in the correct place that's what we're going to focus on in this week's golf lessons so how do we do that well we're going to teach you the role first of all the feel of the right and the left hand now you're going to have a preface just like i do you're going to find it easier with one hand than the other but i do think if you can feel what both hands are doing in the golf swing they spend start to what you'll learn how they work with each other in order to get that club down into impact every single time all right so how do we do this very simply now i give my wife this exact drill she absolutely loved it stage number one all we're going to do is we're going to learn the bottoming out exercise so what do i mean by that so if i put my ball here i want to strike that the the ground basically after the golf ball but we're going to keep this simple i want to get some foot powder spray i haven't got it here i'm in my studio but foot powder spray just simply spray a line right down the middle of your stance here maybe even a fraction just ahead of middle and that is going to be the point where you're going to bottom out the club i don't care where the club fix is square on the stage you're simply just going to get yourself set nice decent posture position nice and balanced go down the grip to make it a little bit lighter and all i got laura to do is here was practice bottoming the mass of the head out in the same spot every single time she started swinging back and she'd catch the ground miles behind the ball no problem feedback immediate feedback so all you do you keep swinging backwards and forwards just here you're developing the feel of the roll of your bottom hand your trail handling the situation and i'm just practicing backwards and forwards until i consistently start to get the club bottoming out right in the same spot every time now i've got a feel of the mass now i want to do exactly the same hand would that hit a golf ball straight no way it might do now and then but not consistently why because all we were doing there was throwing this big lump of metal this club head was going all over the place so what do we now need to do well here's what we don't want to do i'm just using a tennis racket just as a visual air so you can see it much better on camera so what laura was doing when she was swinging this mass around she was allowing the wrist look to roll all over the place very very difficult to kind of square that face up at impact every single time so she needed to get a sense of swinging luck and returning just like she would do with a tennis racquet every single time tennis rack is easy it's light but when you've got a big lump of metal like this it can take us off all over the place so she needed to learn to manage the club pace as opposed to allow the club face to manage her so what we do is this watch this one simple way to feel the managing is watch this is roll this is keeping it square up down up down now watch this so i just got to feel what square was just by moving up and down and then i said look now just make a few swings backwards and forwards trying to land it in the same spot and just see if you can get the feel of that square face every time but it's not this
no push it forward trying to keep it square why because there's no bottoming in out if you throw a ball you don't throw a ball like this there's always a swing isn't there there's a swinging golf too so this is why we do the bottoming out first there's a golf swing now what we've got to do is apply the club face and get a feel for where square is now look i'm fortunate in that i've got trackman here to help me with the club path but what you can do very simply is this we're going to get yourself to drive range maybe get an alignment stick put an alignment stick in the ground maybe put it really really close and all i want you to do now is to simply check how good you are at this game is simply make a few swings and see how straight you can start to hit that ball now when you start hitting it straight you've now got a feel of what straight is in your trail hand so look at this motion here backwards and forwards
let's have a look at that so my path look is one to the right face is wide open still so i wouldn't stop there i've hit it out to the right hand side so what i do is i keep swinging until i've got a feel now notice this i'm not doing any big shots i've actually got an a tan here and all i'm doing is getting a feel for what it's going to take with this bottom hand to get me hitting this ball dead straight that felt really good actually that one yeah look at that perfect so the club path 1.5 slightly out to the right face is not 0.2 it's almost perfect i really got a feel for that now clearly you don't you're not like to have trackman but you can certainly get an alignment stick check that just hit a few shots once you've got the feel of this now when laura started this she could feel her club head rolling when she rolled watch what happens watch this picked it up big big hook to the left right so that's what's going to happen when you start to roll those wrists you're going to see that and you immediately get feedback you go oh that's not what i want so you've got a feel now in this hand then all i did was get her to do the bottom hand now clearly this felt uncomfortable because she's not left-handed but we got to again same principles first of all stage one get her to swing back drop the club on the right spot here just lump in the mouth would that hit a good shot not really not necessarily because she hasn't really got control then we'd say now get a sense of where that club face is here to hit that ball straight so let me have another go this left-handed this is again very strange for me swing back get yourself into the posture
didn't feel great that one felt like club face map yeah yeah club faces closed a little bit so so i again look at this ball's curved away club face is minus 5.8 which means it's really short it's aiming left that's what he felt like to me so good feedback so what i do now is i don't leave this point until i started to hit a few shots where i really sense that i've got some level of control over this club i felt a little bit better but maybe a bit out to the right there we go but much much better so and then what i do is once i've got to feel this now look you're going to have to be patient there's no quick fixes here but we need to develop a feel if you can develop the feel i promise you it will make such a massive difference to overall consistency it gives laura it empowered laura when she did this it really gave i thought oh my god she's in control so now i've got the feel of both hands i go okay right now i know what it feels like to be square with my r my right hand i know what it feels like to be square with my left let's see if we can get those club path and face path numbers looking really consistent no power at this stage just a simple feel felt as i slid a little bit on that one yeah no good look at this minus 4.1 so let's have another crack at this i really felt that though so same again just backwards and forwards really sensing that club face
see how close we get to zero
ah not quite oh path was better but two minus two point four so we're getting closer yeah so the so the path was good face was a little bit closed let's see if we can get that face just a bit straighter on this one oh no no no no that's a hooky one i felt look at that minus 7.2 so what i do is this is great feedback from me so what it means i haven't got the feel yet so what do i do i go back to here just to generate that i'd hit a few more shots and then i'd go back in let's have a look at this well i felt loads better there we go not .2 0.6 so it's just takes some time but you know what please give this a go if you generate the feel in your hands from with your bottom hand and your left hand it gives you immense control over what this club head is doing then you'll have an idea of ah what not to do not what not how not to add the power but once you get it bottom the club out in the same spot learn to hit some shots just with you the right hand get a feel for that pick up put a post in front of you here try and hit that post each time if your balls going miles left the chances are is that you're just simply rolling it if it's going mouse to the right probably could just pushing it this way allow the club to bottom out in the same spot do it with both hands you're clearly going to have a favorite either right or left then join those hands together and then start to get that practice in and i'll tell you this is one of my favorite exercises even just teaching you this i can feel ah do you know what i've got a little bit of work to do
that felt a bit better felt a bit squarer point four minus four just still it's not hugely offline but it means i've got a little bit of fuel to do but i'm happy with that okay so i hope you enjoyed this video this is one that you've got to take to range and put some effort in this is just about feel and feel takes a bit of time and a bit of patience um but once you get it it's so so satisfying so i hope you enjoyed this video if you know somebody else who could benefit from generating more feel in their game please share it of course you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up if you're new to the channel come and join the community by pressing that subscriber it's completely free and remember there's a practice plan in the description box below which i'll run you through step by step how to do this on the driving range but until next week have a great golfing week