The Fastest Way to Improve Your Ball Striking - New Discovery

irons simple golf swing Jul 05, 2024

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Transcript Summary-

I'm super excited today because I've got an incredible drill for you. Whether you're looking to improve your driver swing or your iron swing, this drill is going to make a big difference. I've been developing and testing it with a few of my students, and they're absolutely loving it. It’s making the golf swing so much easier!

So, you've got to take this club, this small-headed golf club, swing it around the back of your head, bring it back to impact, and do it consistently. How do you learn to do that? This drill will help you. I can't wait to share it with you.

Now, before I get into the lesson, if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos of mine, please consider subscribing. I release videos like this every single week to help you improve your game. Plus, you never have to remember a thing; I'll always put a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below.

Here’s what we're going to do today, and it’s just two very simple steps. This drill will help you take the club from this position here, all the way back and all the way through, so it arrives at the same spot every time, creating a consistent circle. The first thing is creating a consistent circle. The second thing is getting the feel of that clubface so you can control it, ensuring it arrives back square—not aiming left or right.

At the end of the video, I'll bring you in on a live lesson where I go through this drill with a student named Carlos, and I've also done it with other students like Adam and a couple of junior girls. But before that, let's start with the first essence of this drill, which is radius control. To demonstrate, I’m going to bring in Leah. Leah, do you want to jump in?

So, the simplicity of this drill is this: most of the time, if you're inconsistent, you’re inconsistently moving this club back and forth, making it difficult to return to the same spot. I want to create a circle where you bring this club back to the same spot time and time again. I've been getting my students to do this simple exercise: hold the club up towards me, and I ask them one question. How would you swing to take this club back, swing it around, and arrive back at impact millimeter-perfect? Would you have lots of wrist bending? Probably not, right? You'd start using all of your bigger muscles with less bending of the arms and less wrist action because your attention is on making a millimeter-perfect swing.

Thanks, Leah. So, once they got that sensation, I got them down to the golf ball and asked them to imagine the same thing. Make a golf swing where you feel that club isn’t moving around wildly; you're controlling it millimeter-perfect. It was incredible to see! Every student suddenly had this beautifully wide, controlled takeaway without flicking their wrists or bending their elbows. It just made sense to the body.

The other thing I noticed with students who got a bit quick from the top is that now they didn’t rush because they knew if they rushed, they’d break the control. They started to create much smoother transitions because all their focus was on controlling the radius of their swing.

One of my students, Daisy, was really loose and inconsistent at first. As soon as we got that radius under control, her swing looked incredible, but she still fatted it because she’d been set up quite low to the ground. Once we adjusted her stance, she started gliding and bruising the ground beautifully, leading to instant success and effortless strikes.

So, start by getting a sense of much more radius control for a consistent strike. It’s the simplest drill I've ever come up with and works unbelievably well.

Here’s an example with another student. When playing these shots, you don’t just want a consistent radius; you also need the club to arrive back square. One student was hooking the ball left, so I got him to rehearse the swing, focusing on the clubface. By doing this, he gained a feel for what square is and made his swings much more controlled.

Now, let me bring you in on a live lesson where I go through this process with a student so you can see it in action.

So, what happened here is the ball went left, which tells us the clubface was closed at impact. We don’t worry about swing mechanics at this stage; we focus on the facts. By paying attention to the clubface and making sure it’s square, we can achieve better results. Let's try another shot with that in mind.

When analyzing a shot, keep it simple. Look at where the ball went and understand what that means for the clubface at impact. Then adjust from there. This process helps you improve without overthinking your swing mechanics.

I hope you enjoyed this video! If you did, give it a thumbs up, maybe share it with a friend. And if you’re new to the channel, please subscribe. Until next week, have a wonderful golfing week!


Full Transcript- so super excited today because I've got an incredible drill for you whether you're looking at improving your driver swing or your iron swing I've been developing this drill for quite a while I've been testing with a few of my students and they're absolutely loving it oh my goodness Danny this is [Applause] you there nothing to do with me it's making the GOL swing so much easier I mean you've got to take this club this small headed Golf Club swing it around the back of your head bring it back to the impact and do it it consistently how do you learn to do that this drill will help you catw to share it with you now before I get into the lesson look if you're new to the channel it's when your first videos of mine please consider subscribing I Le videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so here's what we're going to do today and it's just two very very simple steps that's all the drill is really it's going to help you basically take the club from this position here take it all the way back and all the way through so it arrives at the same spot every time so you create a consistent Circle that's the first thing creating a consistent Circle the second thing is going to help you do is this it's going to help you get that club face get feel of that club face so you can control it so it arrives Back Square not aiming left and not aiming right now at the end of the video I'll show you I'll bring you in actually on a live lesson of me actually going through this drill I did it with a student called Carlos I've also done it with another student called Adam recently and and and a couple of Junior girls actually so I'll bring you in on one of those live lessons but before I do that let's just start with the the first essence of this which is radius control and to do that I'm actually going to bring in Leah Leah do you want to just jump in Okay jump off camera don't if you're quite expecting this but um so the Simplicity of this drill is this right most of the time if you are inconsistent what you're doing is is you are consist you're inconsistently moving this club backwards and forwards it's difficult to return to the same spot okay I want to be be able to create a circle where you bring this club back time and time again to the same spot now what I've been getting my students to do is simple this I've been getting them okay I've been hold to hold the club up towards me and I said all they ask them is one question I want you to do the same you could do this obviously not with humans generally do it against the wall all right don't do your mom or your dad or your kind of wife or husband put your Club up like this now what I'm going to do is I ask myself this and I'm asking you the same how what type of Swing do you think you need in order to take this club back swing it back here and arrive it back to impact millimeter perfect millimeter perfect how would you swing would you have lots of wrists bending now if I do that you probably start getting nervous right you're straight away you and this is exactly what happened every single student I gave this to when I got them to point the club out here and I stood next to them they suddenly start to use all of their bigger muscles they used less of their bending of the arms they got less loads less wrist action because their attention was simply on making a swing that would control this club millimeter perfect back to impact it is as simple as that thanks Leah all right so then what we did is is once they got that sensation I got them down to the golf ball here and I said to them now I want you to imagine exactly the same thing my head's down here make a golf s where you feel that that club isn't moving around like this it's Mill you're controlling it Millet perfect what was incredible to see every single one of them suddenly had this beautifully wide controlled takeaway they didn't flick their wrists in here they didn't bend their elbows because none of that really made sense it just doesn't make sense to the body as soon as you start to kind of Imagine controlling that radius and controlling the depth of this radius all the way back and all the way through it was incredible the other thing I noticed with some of the guys who got a bit quick from the top when they got here now they didn't rush because they knew look they Rush you're breaking all these arms they suddenly start to create much smoother transitions because all their focus was on was controlling and making millimeter perfect that radius in the swing so that's how I want you to start now what was really interesting on uh with one of my students Daisy is she was really loose when she started she was really loosening consistent as soon as we kind of got these kind of that radius under control the swing looked incredible absolutely incredible but she still fatted it why well because she'd been set up quite low to the ground and she'd been avoiding the ground by going like this as soon as we got the beautiful radius now what happened she would hit the ground that's all I said to her like Daisy just stand up now swing maintain that radius imagine making a swing now or standing in such a way where you stand to a position where now when you keep the radius you're just gliding and bruising the ground instant success beautiful strikes really under control and she said It felt effortless so that's all I want to do to start with get that sense of much much more radius control first to get a consistent strike you'll absolutely thank me for it it's the simplest drill I've ever come up with and works unbelievably well

that was absolutely ripped beautifully hopefully nice and straight there you go look comfortably straight now next student and look when you're playing these shots you don't just want like just a consistent radius the other thing you've got to do obviously here is is you've now got this beautiful Circle but you've got to get that club arriving back here so one of my other students we got him doing the consistent Circle but he was hooking the ball left now you might be a slicer it doesn't matter the same principles apply so what did I do with him well I said to him look now you've got the circle and your Club face is arriving back closed what do you think what does it need to do well it needs to arrive back here so just simply do this you know take the club I want you to rehearse it look at the club face stare at it notice it's Square then make that beautiful control the radius of your swing and then do a slow motion swing where you bring the club back and you feel look look there we stop it impact I'm looking at the face I'm getting feel of what square is there he would do this it's a completely different feeling so now we got that feel all I did was get him to go to the shot and hit it and it was as simple as that instantly he felt as though ah I'm now hitting it much more under control because he was focusing on the most important thing which was the club face so do me a favor look at now this let me bring on you on a live lesson where I'm actually going through this process with an student so you can see it in action it'll be really really helpful well a little left yep but you know I can tell you what I did I think I did that so PA what here's a thing right so you thought you did that right but I didn't but no no no you may have done right but here's the thing where did the ball go left so here's here's how a little low little low so it was not a clean hit not a clean so not a clean hit and a a little low and left if we're going to do an analysis let's start not with the swing let's start with where the ball's gone right that's your first stage so the ball's gone oh yeah then what we're going to do is I wasn't lined up we're then going to go from the ball which we've just done and we're going to go back to the club face so if your ball has gone left yeah where's your Club face at impact if the ball's gone left where's that club face pointing exactly so what we do is is this all right we don't even go to a golf swing to start with the first thing the process of getting better at golf yeah isn't to get lost in swing mechanics to start with is it's just to look at the shot go into impact and go right my club face must have been here at impact so what I'm going to do on these next couple of shots I'm simply just going to pay attention to the face of the club okay yeah so so we don't worry about swing at all at this stage we're looking at the face we're making sure that we're completely lined up to our t Target yeah I don't think I was yeah we start there first I don't think I was we can look at swing mechanics later okay let's take a little one little off here let's

go oh better now where's that g that was nice absolutely that's going to go on the green go on ball what do you know about the height on that one that was fabulous I hit the tree and I'm it's you he's me didn't I say I'm going to take one club and be a little short you did and that's actually beautiful but here's the thing right in one ball you've just gone from a beautiful um sorry a we left shot to a beautiful high shot but you may have not have got to that stage if you'd have then gone I think I've done this in my gol swing I might try and change this do you follow yeah so suddenly what you've done in realities is that you forgot about your swing just for a second and we've gone right Ball's gone left let's go into the impact let's look at that club face let's pay attention to where all I've got to do look when I'm here if I I'm going to look at that face I'm going to deliver that face there if I do that the ball's going to go nice and high if I do this the ball's going to go low and left let's just focus on that then the swing starts to help you to achieve that face without you having to think about too much so that's got to be got the process of to start with of getting better what's my flight doing what does that mean for impact and then we go from there let's H another cup from here okay we want to make sure that that's not

fluke oh my goodness Danny this is [Applause] you nothing to do with me did that go over the

green this is you if you remember when you showed me how to strike the nail I said you have given me an extra Club I took one less Club thinking I was not going to reach the green it's you and you too Leo but but it looks it's fluid now it's fluid and and the thing is is as I I remember last time when you came and we were up on the hill actually won't you remember we were talking about and uh we were saying I don't want you to overthink it yeah then you told me to hit the ball over the green and I did yeah and and the the sometimes the you think the more free yeah that's what I'm trying you'll be but that's where the analysis comes in when you hit a shot keep the analysis simple if you hit a badge one don't go into I think I might have done this in my go swing let's change that okay yeah good look at the ball what did and only deal with the facts in front of you here are the facts the ball went left fact I didn't quite strike it I hit the ground a little bit behind fact we know this right so on those facts what can we do well well let's just pay attention to let's focus on face let's get that face arriving at that golf ball here that's a fact just work on that let the body make the changes naturally yeah good does that make sense yes so if I'm hitting it if I'm close you makes sense so your body will in a sense React to what your intention is down here yeah all right cool well done good start so I hope you really enjoyed that video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and if you'd like to see Adam almost once again 50 yard with the driver check this video out right here of course if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.