The Golf Swing is SO MUCH EASIER when you know this TRICK
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
okay come on let's get the take away that cut my wrist turn my shoulders transfer my weight turn my hips hand to the head okay got it let's go okay i'll listen all right what a shocking strike
how often do you find yourself over the golf ball thinking of one two three four five things trying your absolute best to get this swing right how's it working out for you i don't know about you but so many of my students they come to me with these all this stuff in their heads and they say to me i mean why am i inconsistent danny why can't i generate the power do you know what the game is far easier than all of these things you do not need all these different positions to think about there is an easier way and in this week's golf class i want to share with you that easy way that way the simple exercise you can do to start to find your own swing your own natural swing no matter your age or ability you know we're different we're going to be different sizes i'm sure we're different ages we might have different levels of flexibility because of that we need different swings yeah and we need to work around all those things and i'm going to i've got a great exercise this week that i want to share with you now before i do though look if you're new to the channel it's one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe button and you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus if you do enjoy what you see you don't have to remember a thing there's a downloadable pdf practice plan in the description box below just download it and enjoy great so how do you make this swing easy to learn easy to get going easy to generate speed easy to generate consistency well there's just two things you need to learn you need to have a free flowing golf club sounds simple but this is the thing that often gets people's way and two you need to understand how three key forces work in the ground we're going to go into that in a second get those three key forces right and you can generate some real effortless power and accuracy so the first thing we need to learn is how do we get this club flowing freely what does it really mean well watch this we want to be able to let this club swing as freely as possible but most people fall at the first hurdle they don't like this feeling because it feels out of control they've lost control of the golf ball so what they try to do is control the club completely understandable completely understandable but you must learn to really let go you've got a big lump of metal here works the driver as well we'll go inside a second but you've got to let that metal flow freely so how do you do this well i've got a couple of tools you can do with the golf club first i'll go to this orange whip in a second the first thing to do is if i let this club do this right just let the weight just flow backwards and forwards centrifugal force is creating a brilliant circle it's rhythmical it's powerful and i'm not i'm gonna do it it's effortless right now watch this if i try to create that circle it's it's not going to be as smooth it's certainly not as rhythmical and it's not as powerful so how have i created it i've had to let go so if we want to create a perfect arc and a golf swing the very first thing you're going to need that's going to really help is a free flowing golf club another way to imagine this as well which is where speed comes from there's a pressure on the ark when i'm swinging this club here centrifugal force is pushing that club out on the act this is what creates part of the speed that we're going to need okay but you will have to let go of some of that control the orange whip is a great training here to really feel it sometimes people might feel find it difficult sometimes with a club feel the orange whip here you've got this big ball if you just use your wrists and and you're guiding it but watch if i let the club swing this orange whip stays straight because i'm allowing that centrifugal force to flow right nice and simple now from there you could just say look trying to hit some golf balls if i started with this with laura i didn't go into any of but how to make this sufficient because that's the next stage we need to then once you start flowing we need to show you how to make it efficient but you know what start there first forget about body forget about making it efficient just hit some shots where you are truly letting go getting that sense not caring where the ball goes so let's have a look at this in action i don't care where this ball goes i'm literally going to flow backwards and forwards no care in the world about where this ball finishes just literally flowing and getting that momentum now look at that barely touch that letting the club flow i've actually gone through the green what's that 166 yards eight times just flown flow in the back of the green i might even do anything right now clearly i have some efficiency already built in because i've worked on it but i am literally allowing this to go i want you to do that as stage number one so now you've done that spend some time there you might even spend a whole practice session just learning to let go get that sense of freedom then what we're going to do is we're going to now start to teach you the three key forces that you need to put into this to make it more powerful and more consistent so what i'm going to do is stand up if you've got if you've got a golf club to hand you can do this brilliant if not you know do it do it later but what i want you to stand stand nice and tall get your club out in front of you here and what we're going to do is we're going to lock the legs in place for a second and we're going to kind of repeat the flowing club backwards and forwards but in doing so now we're going to add the first force rotational force we're going to let our head go backwards and forwards to feel this rotational force right left letting the club swing as free as you can just feeling that rotational force backwards and forwards now in a second one of the things that makes a golf swing look effortless is the organization of it if you're finding that you're putting loads of energy into the shop but you're not getting any power it's because you're getting to the top of the backswing and your power is coming from the wrong end it's coming from the top to bottom so you're hitting here with your torso and your arms you're not starting it with your lower ground way too complicated if you throw a ball you start with the lower ground and your arm gets slow this is you know it's natural your arm's relaxed it gets slung you don't go like this okay so we're teaching you now how to get the swing more organized by putting this first force in so start with the torso here we're getting the rotational backwards and forwards right then we're going to gradually work down to start to activate this even more watch this now what i don't want to do is you're swinging i want to let your hips start to go now so look at this my hips now are going to move i don't want to imagine them slinging the club back here look and slinging it through sling sling notice my hips are always leading the sling sling fling sling sling now when you do this you may have to get give up some of your inhibitions it's going to feel out of control it's going to feel very strange but you're going to steal this easy motion so now you've got rotation you might even want to just hit some golf balls with that first phase in place forget about everything else so literally what you're gonna do now watch we hit a few shots just slinging and feeling that we've got rotation maybe the head moves a bit so we're adding rotation into this motion so let's have another look at this with the next staging so swinging the club free adding rotation backwards and forwards just simply flowing backwards and forwards okay now maybe maybe i need to go down a little bit go down a club okay so i'm flowing i've got some rotation now into the golf swing notice what's happening as i rotate my weight goes into the heel of my trail foot and my front part of my lead foot as i'm rotating this is the rotational force right now what we're going to do even more is we're going to move into the second force which adds i call it the momentum force it's actually horizontal but ritually you're gonna sense now that the pressure is gonna go to your trail and your forward foot now this isn't by the way a sway that most people might ask we're not moving our torso here watch this i'm shifting pressure and this is so important this really sets off the effortlessness i'm putting pressure here look but i'm still rotating but i feel the pressure to my trail then to my lead this is creating momentum backwards and forwards this so you've got the rotation you've got now momentum this is the second force flowing you're gonna have to kind of give up some control here you're gonna be it's going to be scary you might miss a few shots who cares this is the foundation of a beautifully natural effortless golf swing let's have a look at this in action so we've got the rotation we start swinging i've got the sensation here of the pressure moving to my trail foot then my front foot let's have another look at this it's a second force in play just letting it go again one two let's have a look that's going to go a little bit left that one who cares doesn't matter we just let it go and do you know what this is so good on my body and it'll be so good on your body too you're gonna swing within yourself you're gonna access so much more of your natural flow that you didn't have before now moving into the third and final force this is the one for me that kind of is adds the extra umph two shots but for me also helps to improve your accuracy because it keeps you centered and it's the vertical force so with vertical forces simply the extension here watch this we're swinging up now the right leg my trail leg here extends a little bit this gets me swinging this way and as i come down look it's a vertical force where then my lead leg extends so what i'm doing now i'm swinging i'm getting the sensation you might start again start flowing the club freely then get the rotational motion then the pressure then extend and extend and extend and extend extend and away we go and this is look as i extend that's going to stop me from swaying because as i extend i stay centered and again off we go let's add that third and final force in not caring whatsoever where the ball is going is to just get that lovely sense of freedom in what you're doing let's have another look at this in action so i'm adding the extension in this extend extend and away we go lovely feeling afloat and you know what i'm definitely i've definitely got too much club here but doesn't matter i'm enjoying it i hope you will enjoy this too it's such an easy way to get that whole thing going but you know what you're gonna have to give up some control be a child again you know i see so many adults they're so nervous about whether they're going to hit the ball correctly or not they're not willing to fail enough and that failure often creates very static scared looking swing controlled swing and that control swing unfortunately is the foundation for a lack of power a lack of consistency and it's just so counter-intuitive so i really hope you give this a go so let's just summarize what have we done stage number one have a flowing club just start there let the club throw freely get pressure on the air use centrifugal force as your friend then learn to direct that force learn to direct that pressure how you start off initially look with rotation get the rotational force in allow maybe hold this solid so you can feel it rotate rotate rotate then you then allow your hips to rotate your more sling sling getting the sequencing notice how my feet are working backwards and forwards to help this yeah then add the momentum the second force i call momentum force literally pressure shift to trail one two one two now i've got the momentum i'm going to add the vertical force into here now extend up extend up all doing now we've got the swing that we really want to see easy effortless that's going to go a bit left i think but who cares maybe a bit long and left how far is that going to go that's huge with no effort at all eight iron let's have a look at the numbers with no effort 170 yards and that is an 8 iron just no look i'm probably about 10 stone ringing wet through you don't need to be massive you just need to let this go so i really hope you enjoyed this uh video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends who could do with a little bit of help or you know they're complicating in a little bit remember there's a free practice guide in the description box below you don't have to remember a thing just go ahead and download it and if you haven't already please join this channel by pressing that subscribe button and the bell and remember i'm doing some small little tips out on facebook right now so if you are if you're on facebook and you fancy a few little short tips that helping people right now just head on over to my facebook page dannymordvan and i'll see you next week until next week have a great golfing week