The Golf Swing is So Much Easier When You Know This - Live Golf Lesson
Mar 11, 2024Full Transcript- have you ever experienced those days when you have absolutely no idea where the balls going it can go left it can go right your strike super inconsistent well let me bring you in now on a live golf lesson where I'm with a student of mine Tom who's facing exactly those struggles he's not strugging particularly good he's hitting it left he's hitting it right has no idea what to do to correct this so in this video I'm going to show you how I made the down swing super super easy and in just a few balls we not only got him striking it beautifully but we got the ball flying absolutely beautifully straight so I'm going to bring you in that live lesson right now but before I do look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I relas videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing of course I'll always put a free download or practice guide in the description box below right Tom tell me a bit about what what clip you got there 79 79 yes 79 right so we're going to go for that black and white flag tell me what's going on with the irons uh um bit all over the place if I'm honest in what way all over the place could be left could be right could be straight and and and strike um similar yeah could be uh could be fat could be thin yeah rarely pure okay come on then so let's have a look so what what the basic the way we work with um shots is to keep it simple there's an order of of there's like a process to this right the first thing we want to do is is get you getting consistent contact over and over again okay A lot of people are trying to do everything they want to hit it straight they want to hit it long they want to get contact but the order is always simple if you can get a solid contact every single time your confidence is going to really really increase even if you start pulling it a bit right or pushing it a bit left if you know you can make solid content it creates a foundation for us then to move on you follow yes so once you've got solid contact you're already going to improve your direction you're already going to hit it a bit further but once you've got solid contact then we'll work on ways to increase your distance so you it further and once we've done that only then do we start working on the directional component okay okay let's have a look a bit like that nice one to start a nice one to start a little bit heavy is illustrative of my
G so one heavy one a bit clean yeah y bit thinny that one yeah yeah that's a nice strike that's pretty typical as well leak it left is is is more than right
okay and that's that's pretty normal there yeah um I do that more than I um hook it yeah okay for sure got it and then OCC you hit when we right um yeah that was that was a better shot but better shot but St better but but you see how it's gone right of Target yes and yeah so what you what we've got is really a swing at the moment where probably in for a sec you stand there for a second yeah so what you've basically got right now is a swing that is the good thing is it's coming down on the golf ball so you're striking it pretty good actually so contact isn't too bad okay yeah the problem is is it's coming so far across the golf ball in what we call a slice path do you struggle with driver with slicing it yes yeah okay so it's kind of it's kind of knock an effect so you've got this kind of path that's heading over here and ultimately what creates a slice is whenever your face is is basically going in the opposite direction to where your path is you're going to slice it so your face is aing over this direction while you while you're Club swinging over here and that's producing that spin okay so what we've got to do in in simple terms is figure out how we start to get the F and the path matching so they're almost going in this almost the same direction so you can start to strike it okay so let's start there sounds like a plan okay so what we want to do first is is whenever you're making a change we do we basically do the easy stuff stuff that we can do at setup right so think of it this way right your path needs to go is going which direction at the moment this way right this way so we've got to do things in setup now your alignment by the way on your feet is brilliant right so what we've got to do is think about what else could be causing that path at setup to swing in that direction okay let me grab a club so what do you notice about the line of your forearms oh yeah can you see that yeah right now what we've got here pause pause there yeah you see you want to do this now right so if you look at the line of your but a lot of this look is caused also by look at the cupping of your left wrist can you see this so your hands if you look down on this cter the hands are almost am exaggerating here like this yeah you follow now all that's going to do is send your path right that left to Target right so that we've got to get some easy wins and the easy WI wins as simply this I want you to imagine take your hand off the club for a second put your right hand on the club and put it in a way where if you imagine holding a you know a wheel and of a car you're going to turn that wheel this way so your right arm starts to go more on top and your left arm starts to work more underneath you see that now look what that straight away also does to your shoulder lit now see how it's going this way now so that what's that going to do to potentially to your path pull it that way yeah and it's going to swing more right so so the whole thing you can you're driving the car at the moment like this everything's cooked in here yeah which from there gets you picking it up and chopping it down we're going to take the steering wheel we're going to turn it this way so everything here your left elbow starts to tuck in a little bit more to into your side here your right arm comes out here a little bit more and now you're in a setup position that is going to shift the path more out this way you got it okay pause that so I want you to imagine raising that handle up a bit more here if the handle goes in here this is your slice path yes so watch this this is now we're into draw style shapes okay you see that yeah yeah yeah slice draw now look at this as you start to move the handle this way what's that doing to the face opening it opening so what we might want to do relax is shut it down while you're in that place you follow yep so it's higher right hand here and you're turning that steering wheel this way a little bit what's that done also to your pelvis where's it pushed it moved it right moved it right hasn't it right again slicers are all back here swinging this way people who strike the ball with a beautiful almost straight shot to draw are Weare right forward see the difference yeah okay so a lot of these things it'll take a bit of time to feel right but what I want do is initially exaggerate that motion okay and let's see if we can start having a shift in the path and then just Swing Swing Away yeah so what a good thing to add to this okay if you imagine this might be tricky I want you to imagine a flight now that is going to head over to the left hand side and is actually going to start to curve right left to right he going to start to come in so he's going to start left and come back okay and you and you're creating all that shape with what you just done with your setup
okay not have done that okay and again so if you look at this now okay so just that one swing alone right now your swing Direction and your your club path now is look slightly into out so you in one ball you've gone from a completely slice swing to an hour to an hour a draw swing now we've got to kind of manage that a little bit yeah try not to change it with your feet okay and why why do I say this because well the reason being watch this if you you if this part of your body swings the golf club right if you you change it with your feet you could still be in a sliced position of doing this yeah you follow we need to CH the feet alignment is great you've got to turn it here this is the section that's going to control your path yeah so that's all we do change setup get yourself setting it off much more On
Target and there you go how's that feel well smoother well look at this now what's happened to your club path oh wow it's bang on zero yeah yeah it make sense yeah and your swing Direction now which is the circle that you're swinging on okay now he's no longer swinging this way it's now perfectly so my mine would have been plus plus two or plus three oh no when you started look at your average average is plus 6.5 it was you were you were at some of them was plus 10 wow this way yeah so you know you've now got to just about the one simple change in setup you're now online
and there's your draw how good that yeah it feels a lot better you just carried that that's so that's 165 yards in total you've now kind of completely changed that club
path see the curve you now yeah yeah that's really nice it's nice to sort of stand over the ball and have a reasonable degree of confidence of what shape it's going to have yeah whereas before it's I stand over the board and look at it and think where's this going well but but now you know the good thing so what you'll see with the best players right is is now that's all that's how you control flight right so if you visual first all you start with visualization what flight you want and then you simply align your body so you imagine here now if you want to put go back to your fed you just simply turn the steering wheel while this work and that would get you swing swing Circle more going to your right and that would create your thir and if you want to create more of a draid be turn the steering wheel This way everything starts to tuck in here and you start swinging L you have to try most people are artificially doing it you see with po
setup and there you go I think that's good enough you just shaved 10 shots off my round so I hope you love this live golf list if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and if you want to see Tom actually hitting the driver following the session through was results were amazing once we finish the edit I'll put that right here but if you love this style lesson live golf lessons click here for a full playlist it's really really helpful my students absolutely love it and the viewers do too so look remember if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
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