The Greatest Golf Drill I've Ever Seen & Works With Every Club
Nov 05, 2024Transcript Summary- Hey, everyone! A few weeks back, I shared a brand-new drill, and the feedback has been phenomenal. People are hitting straighter and more solid shots than ever. But a lot of you have asked, “How can I apply this to both my irons and driver?” So today, I’m going to walk you through the exact drill and show you how it works with any club in the bag. It’s so simple and effective, you can take it straight to the course.
Now, let’s talk consistency. That’s what most golfers want – consistent ball-striking, hitting straighter shots. To do that, you need control over two things: your body and your arms. Easier said than done, right? But not with this drill! First, we’ll focus on controlling the body with “tightening the screws” under your arms to keep them close to the body, creating a more repeatable swing path.
Once you’ve nailed that, we’ll move to the arms. Here’s the key: add arm movement to extend your swing circle without loosening those “screws.” It sounds simple, but this small adjustment gives you consistency and power. Using a feedback tool like the HackMotion device can really help you lock in that wrist and arm positioning.
So remember: start small, get the body working first, then add the arms. It’ll feel natural, consistent, and yes – it works for the driver, too! Give it a go, and let me know how you get on!
Full Transcript- so a few weeks ago I introduced a brand new golf drill I'm so happy because the feedback on that has been incredible people saying they've never hit it so solid they've never hit it so straight but people did say Danny how do I apply this to both my I and my driver so what I thought I do today is just introduce you to the actual drill I gave these uh people just in case you missed it but also show you how it works both your irons and your driver it is so simple so good you can take it straight to the course but before I get into it look if you're new to thean Channel when your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing release videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember thing I'll always put a free downloadable practice guide in that description box below so when a student comes to see me the number one thing they want is consistency Danny I want to be more consistent with my ball striking I want to see much straighter both fls to do that you have to be good at two things you need to be have a great ability to control how your body works your torsa I need to be good at controlling how your arms work common sense right but it's easier said than done until now let me bring you in on um a couple of drills that I gave my students which they're absolutely loving we're going to show you how the Body Works how do you get that body working simply and effectively as stage number one and then I'll show you how you add the arms in which is the hardest thing for most people to grasp which really adds the speed and the consistency so let's start with the body now all you know the Inc consistent players I often like to you know describe it as almost like they've got a screw loose right so basically if you're inconsistent the chances are you've got too many loose screws so if you imagine a screw under my armpit here connecting it to my chest and here and here what often happens with kind of you know the inconsistent players is it's they're just too loose right so these arms have so much freedom to move away around it's hard to repeat that so what I do in my players is I just get them here look to just tighten the screws under the rampit here so particularly with this Trail arm so take the trail arm here look and I'm going to move it in here so look how my elbow moves inwards towards my body I'm just in a sense pushing that bicep and tightening this screw here now this is really really important because as I move to here look I want you now to picture this I've got my club resting on a table here and because I've tightened this screw here I'm going to scrape the whole shaft along this table notice I'm using any my hands I'm not loosening my screws here I've got those screws just connected to my body connected my abs body I'm going to move that backwards and forwards and now what I've got is I've got something that's repeatable compared to this where this could move in and out it can move up and down I've now got a repeatable motion scraping along the table all I do my players once they've got that sensation they've locked this in place I get them to angle the table a little bit further forward and then we do the same thing again look I'm pivoting around and notice this because the elbow's here I'm pivoting around this elbow if this elbow hasn't locked in and it's maybe out can you see how that could affect this pivot too and the Turning of the body suddenly the arm gets away from the body and now has to come back into the body lots of moving Parts when I lock it in now I can create that motion so I drop the table down now my table look is at this angle what I'm going to do now locking this in I'm going to form the first part of my circle yeah the bottom part and I train the uh players to start with just to create this simple motion where we tighten the screws and we're pivoting the body to the right here and then to the left let's have a look at this in action so nothing more complicated that to start
with so nice and simple swing swinging along that table B and all I'm doing is chipping it down there now some of my students they get in a hurry they want to quickly move into this full swing please don't look you have a lifetime to play Great Golf learn this first part of the circle so many players I see they loosen their screw like this here Club goes inside and then you're playing catchup if you could spend a just a few moments just swing that club look along that table backwards and forwards learn just almost like here chip it down there you're going to start to see straight shot after straight shot and you've now got some control nothing more complicated than that right now let's move on to step two is once you've done that and you've perfected that what do the arms do the arms are the more complicated thing for a lot of people to do uh to to do but I promise you this will make it simple and the add yardage to both your irons and your driver so you've got your torso controlling the first part of this skull swing and it's giving you those short but accurate shots you want to hit it further than that and to do that you're going to have to swing longer so you're going to have to bring the arms in look to control or finish the circle off but in bringing the arms in you don't want to then suddenly loosen all the screws which I see a lot people taking the club back this screw loosens to take it back and lift it over their head or the elbow sticks out here another screw loosened you can create consistent contact and direction if you're doing that so let me now introduce you to the drill that everyone's been raving about online since I introduced it a few weeks ago but before I do let me give credit to grain Walker who gave me this drill personally it's an absolute GameChanger I absolutely love it I'm actually going to use um hack motion here just to kind of help me illustrate this exercise because it's really really useful so we want to know how the wrists I'll come to that sound in a second and the arms help you to complete the swing whilst maintaining control so put the club hold a club out in front of you opposite your lead breast here now all I want you to do is this we're going to pitch the club without raising the book The Club we're going to pitch the club Overlook my trail shoulder here now what the hack motion device is doing is just giving me an auditory and a uh vibration on my wrist show me that I'm doing it correctly cuz when I gave this to some people on the Range once they did this they pitched it over here and suddenly you can see here it's just can be inconsistent right so the ultimately what we're trying to do is we're trying to get that sensation of that every single time now what is that that is your basically three quarterback position at the top of the Swing so look at this here if I do
this where am I now look that's the swing no no there we go right so this is your back swing right here now on the way through through there'll be no auditory on this side we can swap it in a second on the way through all we're going to do look is pitch the club over lead shoulder now what's happening on both right and left is the elbows are sitting down the shoulders sitting down on the way through what's this well this now look if I do this this now when I'm here look is what the second part of your AR so we've got look the the first part of the AR and the second part of the AR here so by doing this you're now training look the circle of your swing on the way back and on the way back swing and through swing okay and it's as simple as that so what I do here is is I'll use things like the auditory feedback here to go feel that motion there one of them make a few rehearsals make sure I'm in place then I hit a shot I personally don't like the Audi feedback when I'm about to hit a shot so what I'll do is I'll just take it and I'll actually move here look and I'll go bio feedback and I'll put bio feeder after the shot and what this does now is is when I get to the uh after the shot it will tell me whether I've done it correctly or not so I'm basically swinging back I've got that sensation here I'm moving it to the top and then away we go so we're going to extend it this is extending the circle one I get a feel of it here locking that in and then away we
go didn't quite strike that one perfect but you can hear from the Audio I got that absolutely spot on on the way on the way through what I probably didn't quite nail there was this section of the AR and I could always put this device on the other the AR if I wanted but ultimately all you're doing in reality is is you're sitting the trail shoulder sits down look on the back swing here doesn't look pop out and then on the FR swing look as we do this this elbow sitting down here the lead shoulder sits down and look here look that simply provides both sides of your circle so I I my students have fed back to me they said Danny what I love about this Dan is it just gives me a beautiful destination to go to here and then through to here and I feel like that is just a wonderful image a lot of people have struggled to kind of create the circle have been artificially doing it just with their arms but now you can see here look there's my torso moving now you know how the wrists and the arms are supposed to naturally fold you've now finished the first part of circle you're coming back into impact here and you're finishing the second part of the circle so it becomes so much more repeatable when we do this right you can hear the noise there but people did say like I say does it work for driver of course he does there's no difference in the goal swing there's a difference certainly in your setup let's just make sure we change this to driver so it recognizes it uh driver driver here we go so there's only a difference in the setup so ball position opposite our lead heel sternum now slightly this way so point in there but everything else look you want to keep the same we still want to kind of create a lovely coordinated motion here and you want to finish off that Circle then we're coming back in and away we
go not bad not bad I think it's pretty straight yeah you go look pretty straight forward straight down the middle of th nice little draw so it works for driver two all I'm doing really simply I've got my torso working I now know what my arms are supposed to do or where they're supposed to get to people might say Well when do you let the wrists hinge do you know what it doesn't matter it varies for everybody you just know that this is the direction or destination they're moving to so whenever you decide to do it is entirely up to you on both sides of the Swing but now you know about destination it's so much easier to create that Circle so I hope you enjoyed this video it works for every Club in the bag give it a thumbs up if you did and look if you'd love to see myself giving this to a student check this video out right here of course there's a free practice plan in the description box below but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.