The Secret Ingredient That Gives Pros An Effortless Golf Swing
Oct 28, 2024Transcript Summary- Ever been on the range, watching others swing effortlessly and send the ball miles, while you’re giving it your all but barely gaining distance? In this video, I’ll show you the secret to their smooth, powerful swing.
Let’s take a look. Here’s my swing—does it look like I’m trying hard? Not really, right? Yet it goes 290 yards, nearly 300! There’s a key ingredient that makes it look and feel so easy, and today, I’m breaking it down for you.
First, there are two main ingredients: spin loft and clubhead speed. High spin loft can kill your distance, even if you swing fast. Spin loft is the difference between your club’s angle of attack and the clubface loft. If it’s too high, you’ll lose yards. Lowering spin loft can give you huge distance gains without extra effort—just like I did with my dad’s slice.
Now, on to speed. Great players naturally load their trail leg, adding power from the ground up without swaying or losing balance. Think of it like snapping a rug—apply force right at the ball. Imagine a “window” just in front of the ball to focus your energy at impact.
So, to hit it further with ease, reduce your spin loft, load that trail leg, and picture smashing the ball through that window. Try these tips and let me know how it goes. And if you’re new here, subscribe for more weekly lessons. As always, there’s a free practice guide below. See you next week!
Full Transcript- how many times have You' been stood on the driving range or on your golf course and you see these guys and they're hitting it like miles with what looks like an effortless go swing meanwhile you're trying your absolute hardest and your heart out to gain some extra yards and you're not getting anything how do they make it look so easy what is the secret ingredient to that effortless Motion in this video I'm going to share with you exactly what they're doing now take a look at this and you tell me whether this swing looks effortless or looks like I'm really trying watch this get myself set up here nice and wind up does that look effortless to you let's see how far it goes 290 yards super simple nice and straight and doesn't look like I'm trying too hard right and we've almost got up to 300 yards I'm putting in something that makes this look easy I'm going to share with you what that is in this week's video before I do though look if you're new to a channel when your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at least videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus as always you never have to remember thing I always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so there are two ingredients to helping you achieve that effortless swing you the swing where you by the time you finished you're smashing those drives on the golf course and your mates are going how are you making it look so easy that's when you know you're winning now there's two numbers that I'm going to focus on Club head speed and spin Loft now clearly the best players in the world have high club headed speed I'm going to show you things that you can do to increase it but but way before that you can increase the distance you hit all of your Shots effortlessly by changing this number here called spin Loft what is spin Loft it is a really really important thing to understand spin loft is a is basically the difference between the angle of attack that your Club is traveling on and the loft of your Club if that number it is high you're not going to hit it very far even if you have a monster amount of Club speed so if you slice the golf ball or hook the golf ball I guarantee guarantee your spin loft is GNA be super super high what do I mean by that well look at this if your Club travels level to the ground like this and the loft is there this is your spin Loft really narrow right but what I see with a lot of slices the club is chopping down on the golf ball the face is open so now look the face is over opening up over here the loft is coming down here what do that create a really wide open spin Loft this costs you massively so let's deal with that first it's really simple to do let's deal with that first then we'll look at how you naturally and effortlessy increase your speed so first ingredient so I gave this to my Dad recently who has had a Big Slice on his uh on his driver let me show you something so watch this he's aiming left a Target he's trying to avoid a slice and this is ultimately what he's
creating watch this so watch this beenin L look at that that spin LOF number still 103 mph look 26 the distance immediately drops look to 204 yards simply because I've increased my spin Loft right now what I'm going to do now is I'm we're going to reduce that number with unbelievable ease we get ourselves set up here now all I did with my dad was this his entire body here the face was close to the Target everything look is behind the golf ball here when the handle too far behind when the hips this Trail hip gets a bit too high here the shoulders get a bit open these are factors that generally if you slice it you're probably doing now when you do this you create a circle that basically comes across the ball so you're coming down and across it that's the downward angle add that here through impact with a open face to path you're adding Loft and you create this horrible slice and a massive loss a distance all I want you to do is with driver setup get the ball opposite your lead heel then look at this all I'm going to do now is look I'm going to push the lead hip to feel like it's a little bit higher than the trail hip I'm going to push the handle a little bit forward right now what's this doing now suddenly look as I push that hand a little bit forward I'm even that is almost delofting the club just a little bit it's also creating a circle now where the club is rather than going to be coming down and across is now going to come in much much more level to the golf ball so rather than chopping down I'm now getting this angle that we need right now we've got the angle we've also got look The Loft they're balancing out there's nothing more complicated than that so I'm moving that hip forward I'm moving my shoulders forward here to balance the whole thing out and really reduce that spin Loft so from here we're not going to add any speed yet I'm just going to do a nice smooth swing with a driver with handle forward hip lead hip slightly higher turn it around here so the shoulders everything forearms are all all level and away we go so again I didn't take that hard nice and smooth watch this spin Loft look similar look at almost exactly the same speed as before lowered the spin Loft we've just added how much that 60 yards simply by changing the spin Loft but keeping the club head exact Club head speed exactly the same so that's 60 yards so with no extra effort that's how you start to add distance to your driver now the second ingredient now comes into the actual swing itself so we've got yourself set up here you've practiced this Motion in now what you'll see with any grip player is they have a natural ability to load their Trail foot here now what they're doing is this they're really in a sense loading into this right leg here some people will allow this left heel to come off the ground sometimes okay but they're loading in when I say loading they're not swaying onto the outside here what they're doing is is the the weight is moving almost into the inside of my trail foot here to make life easier we even look turn that trail foot outwards all this is helping load that trail side why is that useful because look I want to use that trail side to push off and help me look move back to my target so I can then give it a good smash too many of you right if you're if you're struggling with distance you're staying too static over the golf ball like this therefore you'll generate no natural momentum you're going your legs are going to be static and you're going to look like you're trying hard CU it'll all be upper body or you you've been told you got to transfer your weight and what you're doing is you're swaying off the ball and you're off balance so the subtle difference is here look I am basically turning my trail foot out I'm loading into that leg I'm really feeling I feel like I'm almost this this hip here is turning into this leg here watch this no that's not I've fallen out I'm turning into that leg if I turn into that leg I've really loaded that leg I can use it to then give it a good smash right so that's the first thing the second thing and this is the thing that made my dad chuckle and really gives you this effortless look how much control of the golf ball do you have once it's gone nothing so many people particularly some of the senior golfers that I coach they are often saying Dan I don't follow through very well I don't really care how far you follow through some people don't have the flexibility to kind of follow through that far right but you do have the ability to do this when you've loaded this here imagine hitting the ball hard right Bang there like you're snapping it you're really B beating it with my dad I use this analogy of when we were kids you know we we use that take our rug from the lounge we'd hang it on the washing line and D would get a crooked bat and just beat the rug like and bang now he won't be worried about following through he would just beat it right now that's a really great and simple image because all you're doing once you've loaded this I want you to put your maximum Force right there into the back of that golf ball not to try and get through it this is when it looks really hard work I'm starting here look I'm going to I've got myself set up got my circle I'm loading that right leg and then I'm going to put a Max maximum Force right there at the ball so I'll start with this one shot here see we increase that speed up naturally so wind it up didn't strike that as well that time but let's just see what happens to the shot so 110 mph worth of Club head speed I said I didn't strike it very well still gone 273 yards spin LOF now is below 15 which is exactly what you want for distance right that's because I've I've can ofly got myself set up I want that speed increasing so how do I do this well look I'm going to try and load even more now into this kind of Trail leg but there's one other thing that really helps me put energy into the back of the golf ball I picture a window to hit the golf ball through right in front of the ball just like this okay now when I'm applying that Force to the back of the golf ball I'm not thinking about where the Target is out there I've already done that I've already lined myself up to Target it doesn't matter where that is anymore I know that if I can smack that ball through and I visualize the ball going super fast through that window I know that the ball's going to travel I'm going to be somewhere close to my target a lot of the time when people are lacking speed is is because they're looking out there a lot and they're trying to hit a Target out out there lots of energy is wasted as opposed to applying that energy right where the ball is there right that's where the what what you've got control over you don't have control over anything else so it really helps so not only are we loading this Trail side here I am going to smack that ball with a little window I'm picturing here I'm going to visualize that ball traveling super fast through it so it doesn't just help with my speed it helps with my accuracy
too so it should be a little bit faster yeah look 114 m hour spin LOF down now to 10 306 yards in total this is how you load power did that look effortless to you leave a message in the comments so how do you st out this make sure your spin lofs down how do you do this well look if you're slicing it you're basically coming across the line of the golf ball get set up so that we've got more energy going into the back of the golf ball so the angle attacks not coming across you're going straight in there that's going to get spin L down so without changing speed you will hit it further as you saw you do on camera next thing start to add power how do we do this load that trail side really get it in Don't Let It Go wind it into that trail side use that as an energy to really launch it from and picture the window in front of you energy needs to be applied to the ball not all the way through the shot and trying to get those pretty finishes so hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with a friend and look if you'd love to see this lesson I did with my dad live check this video out right here free practice plan in the description box below so you never remember thing but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.