The Secret to Effortless Power AND Accuracy in the Golf Swing - This IRON TIP Just Works!
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us have you ever found that every time you're trying to add a little bit more yardage out your irons or your wood you start hitting the ball everywhere well a recent client of mine paul 60 years old was just wanting some more distance and the problem is is every time he tried he was doing exactly the same thing the reason being he had a golf swing that was reliant on his hands and his arms that means it's an inconsistent swing so he had to swing slowly he was forced to swing slowly to hit it straighter or strike it a bit better we needed to help him become more consistent first to recruit more of his body then he could then amplify that swing to gain yardage we did that in three very very simple steps what i'm going to share with you too because look if you want to add more yardage but keep the accuracy it will certainly certainly help now before i get into the video look if you're new to the channel it's one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing just press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus i always put a free practice guide in the description box below so you never have to remember a thing okay so let's keep this super super simple three steps for you now what i didn't tell you about paul was paul was 60 years old so you don't have to be like 20 years old to be able to do everything that i'm going to tell you here and we added like 20 yards on 279 from 150 to 170 plus amazing right now we did it in three stages the first stage we're going to talk about is how we generate speed second how we then turn that into kind of control and accuracy and third how you then take it to the golf course so first stage speed speed for paul came too much from the torso in his arms and that is why when he tried to increase it he would lose accuracy i needed him to add some more control so i needed to get speed coming from the ground and his legs too particular as we get a bit older we get weaker here it's important if you want an effortless swing to use all of you so all i did was this i got him to make a backswing here and it doesn't matter what the back swing is for now i said look just bend your knees and then what i want to do is i want to push off the ground and as you're pushing i want to let the club swing down i want to see if you can feel the relationship between your legs and the club because it's your legs that release the club not your upper body not your arms and your hands that was a big concept for him because he thought it was all about releasing with his hands and trying to time it and no the timing came from this now imagine it might be better to see from this hand if i'm playing like baseball here i'm going to push away from the bat the end here to increase that speed what i'm not going to do is go with it going with it will be like this staying here very fixed nothing happening but watch when i push away this gets catapulted so just a simple changing mindset connecting with you the ground connecting with the legs that clear at the moment is not uh the full goal setting we're going to do that in a second the accuracy element but it's just you connecting with the feet the ground to get the vertical component that exists in the swing now i'm sure you can have questions about how we strike it we'll cover that in a second but just for now it's about how you feel speed so i actually just got to hit shots i really just got hitting shots like that literally sensing this kind of acceleration coming from the ground now when he first started you might watch this shoals or tens arms were tense so he would do this the club wouldn't release why because all this beautiful force that came up here never got transferred to the club you've got to have oily shoulders and arms in order for this force to transfer to the end of this thing so be prepared to mess up be a child have some fun with it right so that's the first thing we did added the vertical component to this motion okay that was stage number one stage not bad first one okay stage number two was then saying right now you can feel that let's start to add some control to this motion now to do that all we did was we needed again we said look we don't want you to swing with your arm so you need to kind of sense how the feet work so again imagined i got him to imagine who stood on the gigantic container a lid of a container and i said what we're going to do i want to turn that lid on the way back this would help him to get on a beautiful arc on the way around turn that container on the way back and then on the way down turn that container back here and then continue turning it on the way through simple yeah but it's simple if you have the arm structure if he just continued to do this whilst turning he'd be stuck in here or if he just kind of did this and pick the arms up he'd be all over the place so we needed to kind of get him to feel the structure of the arms too so imagine this you stood on the uh look at this container here push your arms down with your biceps connected to your chest here and all we're gonna do here is turn that container backwards and forwards i might even start with a little movement here turn it the opposite way backwards and forward now look i've got that structure now look watch this as i now turn back here turn the light this way where's my arms go my arms are now going to follow this they're going to follow what the ground again they're not independently just doing all this they're going to follow with me so i've now got some control some structure to this so we start with that on the lid now at that stage there was no vertical component was it all we're doing there is going turn the lid back control turn the lid back down and keep turning it and you've got this lovely motion wonderful for your wedges by the way in your pitching but with the power shots you also need to add that vertical component into that so what we then did is this okay paul turn the lid now imagine now you're going to add the vertical component into your backswing so you're going to turn the lid and extend push off the ground then again on the way down turn the lid back down push off the ground so it becomes more one down two and it's like well how am i gonna strike a ball like that danny well look his interpretation of strike was often staying down staying level but the problem is then you have no acceleration strike doesn't come from that you've still got again of get this club coming through strike naturally comes from your weight going forward yes but the acceleration comes from you pushing off the ground and said i said just trust me on this you will strike it you'll find that timing but trying to add the control element just won't work so we said look now we've got sensation turn the lid you've got the structure start to see now that as you're doing this you've got a push here you're going down and you're pushing here just see if you can feel this rhythm so it's like one one two one two you see i'm almost going down and through people think that's going to be inconsistent i promise you we'll prove report 20 yards and a draw amazing so start to add that in turn that lid feel the force driving the backswing up and down call that little clean will it reach
just about yes good so and look i was that's i'm hitting a tan here so what we're doing is we're really getting that sensation of turning the lid adding the vertical here turn the lid add the vertical now what you could also do we did report just to kind of enhance this i said okay well what we can do is why don't we add some smaller shots into this entire motion too so what we did we said look okay turn the lid to about here you've got the structure and then just from there just imagine you're going to turn the lid on the way through and extend so back it's a smaller shot so this won't reach smaller shots just literally turn the lid and extend so you then got the sensation of this release now if you've ever been worried about strike watch this as you turn and you're turning lid you naturally keep this handle ahead to compress the ball if you just didn't turn the lid yes and you extended you would flick it but this doesn't happen with this exercise because as you turn the lid this naturally keeps the handle ahead and the extension here really releases that club power but sometimes you might find it difficult to to do at speed so you just do some smaller swings where you turn the lid turn the lid back and from here practice smaller little punch shots
just punching them down there so they won't reach but now we've got well maybe it does not far off now we've got a little bit of control so then how do you then take all of that to the golf course well look that alone can be still swing mechanically yeah so you've start to go to bring in the target with this and the third and final thing was i said let's turn a visualize a draw see if you can connect this turn the lid to a shape so let me go into you look i want to throw a ball a long way or throw a discus pick my target that's where i'm going so we add some intent to this motion so i got him to imagine okay we'll set the ball off over to the right so where's he turning the lid he's going to turn the lid more over here great got it then he's extending he's releasing more over to the right hand side to bring it back around and away we go let's have a look at this a nice little drawing now
oh god ahead of that one got ahead of that one not good for them i didn't quite get through that one but doesn't matter the reality is this once you've got it feel the connection of power first feel how the the use of the ground releases the club vertically second to add the control get this exercise here turn the lid biceps connected turn the lid see how that i turn the ground drives the arms in on a beautiful lake on the way back and then again on the way down feel that motion backwards and forwards then add the vertical actually add the vertical component to that this would work just for wedges this works for all of your clubs where you want power including driver okay i'll do another video next week on driver maybe going into some of this but for now get a vertical component here bang and release through it should really really help we probably was amazing the difference all right so i really hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends who you think could benefit of course look there's a free practice guide in the description box below so go and pick it up and you can use the channel for me first videos of mine please consider subscribing but until next week stay safe and have a wonderful golfing week