The Unexpected Secret To Striking Your Irons Like The Pros
Sep 06, 2024 Transcript Summary- Hey guys, nothing feels better than hitting a beautifully compressed iron or hybrid shot off the fairway, right? But I see so many students struggle to achieve this consistently, despite knowing the basics like getting the weight forward or striking down on the ball. The problem often comes down to one simple flaw that messes up their entire swing – and that’s wrist cupping at the top of the backswing.
When you cup your lead wrist, the clubface opens, leading to slices and weak shots. Your body then compensates by flicking the club at impact, robbing you of that pure, compressed strike.
To fix this, make sure your wrist stays in the right position at the top. One simple drill is placing a credit card in your glove to give you instant feedback on your wrist angle. If the card digs in, your wrist is cupped, and you need to adjust.
Once you get your wrist position right, you’ll be able to turn back onto the ball with a square clubface and finally compress those shots consistently. If you’re struggling even after correcting your setup and wrist, it’s time to feel what great compression is like. I recently worked with a student using a cool device called HackMotion that helped him get instant feedback on his wrist angles during drills, and it transformed his ball striking.
Want to strike the ball better off the fairway? Start with a solid setup, fix your wrist position, and feel the correct impact position. Keep practicing, and check out my other videos to keep improving!
Full Transcript- Nothing sounds better or feels better than a beautifully struck hybrid or iron shot off the fair with that lovely compressed sound but you know what I have students come to see me time and time again not being able to do this on a consistent basis they've heard all the tips they've tried to get their weight forward they've tried to get their handle forward they know they're supposed to strike down on the shot but none of it seems to be helping them consistently strike shots off the Fairway and one of the major reasons for this is is they are corrupting their uh their swing with one simple flaw in this video I'm going to share with you what that floor is because very few people tell you about it but before I do look if you're new to the channel it's when your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at leas videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download or practice guide in the description box below so if you're regular to my channel you'll probably realize that look to strike anything great off of Fairway we need to make sure that we strike the ball then the ground so if we look to a circle here we're striking the ball before the club gets to the largest or the lowest point of that Circle here this is the secret to striking this is ultimately here how you compress this on a regular basis now a lot of my students already know this but despite understanding that they've got to try and achieve this they still end up getting this kind of like risty flicky strike here where they're often thinning the ball or catching the ground a little bit behind the golf ball and certainly not hitting it as far as they could so in this week's video I'm going to share with you the one thing that seems to be corrupting so many people so many golfers and stopping them naturally achieving this strike time and time again and also what I'll do just a little bit later on in the video I'll bring you in on a live lesson of me actually coaching a student on how to create this compression I thought you'd find it really really useful so let's start with just step number one so the first thing is this you know we clearly going to need to have a great setup so we start with setup first just to make sure we've got a good setup setup with uh ions and hybrids you want to roughly have the ball position about a club width inside your lead heel here we want the handle position just inside lead thigh here and there look you're pretty much ready to go if you look at this position here my shoulders look a fairly level they're certainly not down here these are all kind of checkpoints that are going to help you get compression but once you've done that how do you make make sure that that happens on a regular basis well you need to avoid this I coach golfers of all different ages and sizes and most players do not have the flexibility to make a complete back swing they're just done um so you'll see when even some of the tall players they're only swinging to about here some of them right but what they're doing to complete their back swing is often ruining their any chance you've got of making a solid strike this is what's happening they get to the top here and as they get to the top they start to feel some resistance and without realizing they complete their swing by cing this kind of lead wrist here and that cupping is basically an opening of the face and it's just easy to complete that way look at this back I can't complete and have to really rotate so what I'm going to do look ah easy and they're simply cupping the wrist what that is is this look at this if I put the club down here now and I bend my wrist or cup it like this what's that done to the club face it's got it pointing way to the right so if you swung now from here and you brought that club back into impact you're going to hit shots way over to the right hand side and golf is done what they do is is subconsciously they realize this so now what they do look is they try to kind of square that club face at impact by doing this now what have they got well you're back into the flick look you're into this flicky motion so you're trying to create compression but look if you've got a cut wrist and you try to create compression and get that handle ahead of the golf club here where's the face it's going to be right every single time so the first thing we've got to do is make sure that you know exactly how to complete that back so that wrist is in a great spot at the top your wrist basically means your Club face is ready to go so you can turn beautifully back onto that golf ball now if you're anything like my students people go well I can't see up there there how do I know if it's in the right place so what I often do is is look I've just I've actually got my old uh just like you can grab a credit card take your credit card open your glove just simply slot it just inside the glove here like this and close the glove off okay now if you look at this here look as I set up to the club here there's a little kind of just a little pressure on this here if you can feel because there's a little bit of the hinge to start the swing here right now the problem is what most people are doing look is is they're bending and they're and they're kind of cing this wrist well when I do that I can immediately feel the pressure of that CAD pushing into my wrist this is the feedback so when you're swinging back here look as I swing back here that's pressure I can feel it digging in there we go it's not there anymore digging in there so now I know my face is ready to go look at this I can complete my swing like this but now I can now I gave this to um a student of mine Casper Lee and he went just from this one exercise here basically working on the top of the back swing here he went from slicing his iron shots to hit him beautifully straight shots I didn't change anything about his golf I didn't ask him to get forward he knew all of that but he wasn't able to do it simply because he's in the wrong place at the top of the swing in fact if you actually look at the EM motion here you'll see how open the club face is here and there's a BPR it from here look you can see when the club face is open he comes straight across the line here comes in Steep and then creates this slice as soon as that club is much more here and that card isn't digging in almost there as soon as he's got here he doesn't need to do this anymore he doesn't need to try and close the face if we just scen it's already there he can beautifully come down on the circle resting assured feeling secure that that club face will AR square at that golf ball each and every single time just like a very very quick fix to get compression now I don't recommend you actually hitting golf shots necessarily with the card in unless you're doing some small shots and one of the reasons for that is as you swing through you're actually going to create a bit more capping on the way through as you finish your swing I don't want you to be snapping your credit cards but it's just a case of what you get yourself make some swings feel the motion where you need to be great take it out and then once you've done one once or twice you've got that kind of motion you can then go ahead and strike your shots so if you're wanting to strike your irons and your hybrids for that matter more consistently these are the two things I always start with with all my students a great setup and make sure that they're managing that club face all the way to the top of the swing cuz if it's like this you've got absolutely no chance of consistently bringing it back to impact okay now once those two things in play if you're still not striking it very very good then what I then do is move to step number three which is ultimately helping you feel what a great strike is supposed to feel like and rather than me demonstrate how you could generate this feel at impact let me bring you in now on a live lesson with Leah Leah had a great setup he had a great position at the top but he was still creating this kind of flicky motion through the impact area I needed him to learn what it's supposed to feel like to create this compression now in the video you'll see me using a device this device is called hack motion in fact these guys guys who own the company been trying to get hold of me for like a year or two and I've kind of pushed them back pushed them back so much so that they flew over uh from lapia to show me this device now like all these things I get people trying to sell me things over and over again but I was really really shocked at how simple this was to use and how much it really helped Leo create cre great compression and when I gave Leo a drill which I'll show you in a second when he was doing the drill correctly it would give him a kind of a green image saying tick you're doing it correctly when he did it almost right it would be Amber and if he did it wrong it would be red as Leo was quite a visual learner an auditory learner it was brilliant really helping him to kind of think okay yes I'm doing right no that's wrong kind of thing a lot of people ask me those questions Danny how do I know if I'm doing it right the device was kind of giving that information so jump into the lesson now with me and see for yourself I want you to just stick it down on in the ground so you kind of in a sense so you're sticking it in like almost what you're going to do see the Leading Edge what we're doing is is we're throwing it like there yeah so you're turning it down feel like you're throwing it there yeah yeah and then move that to there you follow yeah so almost like from here you're going to throw the toe into the ground there behind you y yeah and then what we'll do is is just as a drill and then we'll do imagine throwing the toe down at the ball so it'll probably ring out a little bit in a second but so it like that yes look a different so pause that but that's it there is it so when you but when you do it don't drive the handle look at this just turn it into it turn the toe don't go like that no no no no turn the toe down no no kind of that's the Le yes yeah yeah that's it don't so see this so look at this not this no so here look bang relax relax Bang yeah okay that way inst turning from there you're turning boom you're turning the toe down behind you for a second that's it there you go okay right can you see how look at this so now we're we're getting green yeah yeah so you now generate that feeling you got to kind of do the same thing where the ball is Imagine throw it down there we go and now we got the green so watch's that ball position yeah so it's more and I would do for Helia for me I would do um do the drill yeah behind you just to remind yourself yeah that it's but when you do watch this when you do it can see see can you see that was extended okay so this is a good example here of why you know we could use hack motion here to you I felt like I might have done that right yeah you might but you haven't right so we've now got immediate feedback on the drill telling you that actually you know what you did and for me when you do that you're swinging Too Short right okay so it's a bit too jerky yeah swing it a bit long longer so you have more momentum to kind of throw that club down the toe behind you see here look pause that so are we taking any divot there tiny yeah well there very little so look at this we want to throw the toe into the ground why do we want to throw the toe in the ground what what's wrong with this yeah this is going into that so you're try so the whole point of me getting you to kind of throw the toe into the ground here like this is so that you naturally learn the sensation of a wrist that's naturally going to be more flexed yeah yeah now once you've got that feeling of this where it's almost digging in here you can then gradually move that n that s sensation it is yeah further forward that's different yeah makes sense now we're getting the green so now the Green's telling us that you're doing the drill right yeah and off we
go yeah so you see how high that's gone yeah so that's what so what if you've hit it high what you've done there and a lot a lot of people do this when they're trying to keep their handle ahead get yourself set so when you trying to when you're trying to keep your handle ahead you get too linear yeah and all that does is get the you're eventually going to throw because you're going to run out of space right whereas when you throw it downwards this way with a toe in the whole point where you throw it down behind his an is to feel a feeling get that feeling and then when you he when you move the ball you see a different turning on and then you're going to continue look yeah okay naturally around yeah you're naturally releasing it as opposed to just there you go and every time he does it we're getting green yeah the perfect way to start because if you're coaching him like he needs lead right exactly and now we're just looking at the numbers can you hear the sound on that now yeah and we're just measuring comparing it to the range and just measuring we're not kind of guiding him with the drill there it's more of a measurement tool for him at this point just to get good feedback well what what we've done in reality now is we've given we've given him a drill specific to I mean look at this now I mean look at that now can you hear that sound yeah good yeah I mean look at these numbers no contact great ball you could actually Benchmark that and use that as your car that was a good one yeah so really hope this video helps to improve the quality of your ball striking off the fairy that hack motion was pretty cool wasn't it I'll put links in the comments below so you can find out more about them look if you look want to continue this Learning Journey and really keep it ramping up and improving the quality of your ball striking the next thing you need to learn is lowo how you control lowo time and time again check this video out for that I'll put a free download practice guide also in the description box below but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.