The Worst Golf Swing I've Ever Seen | Transformed in 15 Minutes
Mar 29, 2022Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us if you've ever struggled with your ball striking or your consistency of direction with your irons or your woods take a look at this this is a video of andrew a recent student of mine comes to see me almost ready to quit the game striking his irons poorly really slicing his driver and if you have a look at his swing you'll probably notice something a little bit strange there's almost like a little loop in there now what i want to now look at though is this image now look at the difference in his swing now now this was just 30 minutes later massive difference some of these striking designs much much better suddenly he's getting a lovely draw with them now what i want to do is share with you exactly what we did because the process that we went through can help any golfer including you if you're looking at trying to improve your ball strike with your irons or your woods you could change your swing a lot faster he'd been trying this for two to three years making no progress we managed to change it in 30 minutes did it last no he came it started to drift back to his old style but you know what we told him when that happens how to get back into it so we gave him a process that's what i want to share with you today before i do that look if you're new to the channel from your first videos of mine please consider subscribing i release content just like this every week to try and help you improve your game plus i always put a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below so you never have to remember a thing so let me show you the process that we gave andrew to completely transform his ball striking remember he'd been trying to solve this problem for three years and he fixed it in 30 minutes yes he did lose it a little bit but we got it back by him going back into the process i'm going to show you that process because it's super super valuable but beware it is incredibly simple and because of that sometimes unbelievable right so what i want to show you this he had a loop in his swing why do people do that because i said look i actually mentioned this to him i said if we were playing tennis so you're throwing a ball and and you were can i ask you to hit a ball towards a target what would you do well you just do this so the racket would come back here and it would go through to there it would make no sense whatsoever to do this wouldn't but why then do these things happen in all our golf swings weird movements that cause all these poor strikes and for andrew and for many of my students it comes down to this one andrew had almost forgotten about the target he hadn't even he was aiming somewhere over there be forgotten about the target he'd been focused so much on his swing mechanics and trying to solve these problems that really if he was truly honest he hadn't really focused on that yeah the second thing is is just focusing on target do you think that kind of is going to help yes it does but the third thing you need to do as well as focusing on a target the next thing you need to do is then develop a feel of what the club head is doing so that you then can say okay like with a racket i can feel that my racket is kind of here so i can move that racket towards a target if you put anaesthetic in my arm i won't be able to feel anything and therefore i probably won't be able to hit the ball towards what i'm trying to do the target so that was stage number one i said to him we're gonna imagine playing a bit of tennis for a second so i got him to independently swing with independent arms and what i want to look at now is look at the difference in his swing are there any loops in his swing when he starts to swing one-handed and what i'm doing here is when i got him to grip the club with one hand i said look get a feel of this club face yeah get a feel of the club face and then imagine that club face going towards your target swinging towards your targets all i did okay no loops whatsoever in his swing yeah then i got him to exactly the same look feel where the club face is picture your target swing now with your lead hand what he's doing unbeknown to him he's now feeling how both his lead arm and his trail arm are both working i showed him it on camera and he was unbelievable that there was no loop the next thing the next step i wanted to take with this right super super powerful is i got him to hit some balls off a t because obviously balls can be distracted so i said look take the ball and wait to hit that ball like a tennis shot just down the fairway yeah so make some swings so that's all we did i got him to sell him uh set up hit some shots off for t i'll do it off the ground but offer tea
and literally hit them forward nothing more complicated than that and as he was doing this we filmed it and we put it on camera and showed him and i said are there any loops no we did exactly the same with his left hand put his lead hand in play got him to hit some shots i said are there any loops going on absolutely not why because you have two things in place you have the target where you're now you're aiming at you'll now get a feel of where the club face is and you're literally swinging that face and aligning that club face up through the shot or getting certainly a feel of it absolutely no loops so this as a stage one is an amazing exercise for you to feel what your trail arm and lead are doing in the golf swing then what's the next stage what do you think i do i got him to hold the club now in simply two hands and i said to him same principle now if you have a preference now you put both hands on you might feel oh i felt better swinging my with my lead hands and maybe your focus goes on your lead hand just become aware of what that's doing and see if you can start to repeat the motion right so i got him now to swing again just off a t nothing fancy literally playing the role look at the target and get a feel of what that lead arm is doing through the golf swing okay nothing more complicated than that and bit by bit you can see his swing is already changing within 15 minutes now we're starting to see the loop disappear the reason being is it just didn't make any sense to come this way why because he had a target in mind which was over there he had a feeling now of where the club face was and he simply took that feeling well i need to hit a ball in this direction that's all you've got to do sometimes yeah and once you let the learned feeling of this and this you then start to apply it to this okay now do you think he lost it from time to time yeah he did so what we did was we gave him a routine that he could take to a golf course so i said look this is clearly working you're hitting the drawers now almost instantly so how do we get into a system well look the first thing we need to do is remind your body what to do so maybe make some swings so we got him swing one-handed he's dominant and felt the most comfortable so this is where the feeling was so we stuck with that hand i said let make some swings like this and you in your pre-shot routine okay where you're going okay and then it's like going underneath as opposed to now over it's amazing then put the club behind the golf ball make your swing get yourself set and then just simply swing away visualizing the target visualizing where you want to hit that shot okay and it was really honestly as simple as that i've got too much club for this for this hole um but that's it that's how how he developed it but there was a problem so we're going through the session literally half an hour we've almost done finished but this was a great thing what often happens when you get back home you sometimes lose it don't you but luckily he'd booked a couple of hours and i said we didn't need two hours but we definitely need an hour because after about 45 minutes he drifted back what happened well he just started beating balls and as he beat balls i was like what's going on here so i said to him i walked out onto the range and i said do me a favor can you just um swing towards me so i stood over here and i said swing towards me for me and he goes danny i haven't been picking a target out i haven't i forgot that i started i don't know what i was doing i just lost sight why because we get bored sometimes yeah we so whatever you're doing you need to put this into a system so you do not forget yeah as basic as it sounds all golf really is is having a picture of the shot you want and then being able to match or get the feel of the club head and apply that club head to the golf ball because you can because you can feel where it is you don't feel it you don't have a target or there's one missing you're going to be all out of sync so we built a routine where look visualize where you want the ball to go get your dominant hand on the hand they feel more comfortable at the time start making some swings okay simple as that visualize where you want the ball to go get that feeling get yourself set up into position and then you know what just go and look he said does this work with driver yes it does we got him doing exactly the same thing with his fairy woods his driver you name it everything was working unbelievably well could he fall back into those habits of course he could just like you could but this is a process have a target in mind get the feel of the club head take simple things like tennis analogies yeah literally you wouldn't make weird things in your golf swing or in tennis you would get this right every single time learn the feels these simple things sometimes are the best things you can do so i hope this really really helps you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up maybe share with somebody who you know is going kind of making this way too complicated and look i'll put a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below and if you're new to the channel you like videos just like this one can subscribe by pressing that bell button as well it's completely free to do so but until next week have a wonderful golfing week