This Golf Swing Takeaway Fault can ruin your golf but its easy to fix
Jan 25, 2022Full Transcript
in this video i'm going to show you how to perfect the golf swing takeaway because look if you can get that first section of your swing correct it can make a massive difference to your overall consistency i have like seven or eight students this week all of them from slicing to hooking to poor ball striking every single one of them had what i call a handsy swing an armsy swing two arms driven basically leading to massive inconsistencies once we fixed it and helped them to become more body driven in the backswing in that first bit of the takeaway immediately it ramped up their power and consistency anybody can do this once you've learned the skill but it does require a small process to go through i'm going to share with you that process because i think it'll really really help before i do though if you're new to channels from your first videos of mine please consider subscribing just press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i list the video just like this one plus i always put a free downloadable practice plan in the description box below so you'll never have to remember a thing so you'll see with great players when they move this club away you'll see how lovely and coordinated this motion is you'll see how their shoulders have moved beautifully most of the time here you'll see this lovely triangle up between shoulders and arms and the club face is perfectly stable what this allows them to do is it allows them to make a great backswing and because they almost have been body lead the body will lead on the way down it will keep turning through the club face is incredibly stable and it leads to very very consistent strikes and shots very powerful too because it's body lead for most of my students this week they were very arm led in the takeaway they had very inconsistent impacts because what's happening is either they would pull the rams in you'll see this if you ever see some camera arms going this way left the body behind hands going this way left the body behind lifting it up left the body behind lots of faults whatever that fault is and create a variety of different things but when you get to the top because you've been arm led you'll be armed down too very inconsistent so in three steps today i want to show you step by step how you can add structure to this motion and some consistency so the first thing i want to look at here is this we want our arms connected to your chest just like this and when you move that club away naturally we want to be in this place yeah strong place where look if i am the connected i'm forced to use my body look to turn if i move my arms away my body is left behind so simple things you can do to feel this is get anything that seems to weight if something that's fairly heavy a bag of shopping a practical bag as i used in my last video or grab some weight like this and just place it out in front of you simple exercise to feel what this structure is going to be like now from here just move the body backwards and forwards now look it says because it's a heavy weight i'm not likely to do this it's extended i'm forced to use my bigger muscles look to swing this weight towards you now as i'm doing this this has given me a beautifully coordinated motion without me even trying so now you've got the structure of this motion let me show you how the best players make this look effortless and easy what i like to do is get your feet together for a second and put your arms down here exercise that i learned from dr kwon and i mentioned in my last video absolutely brilliant what i want you to do now is this is i want to ask yourself this if i swing try to swing my arms my feet together it feels like a lot of effort but for some reason when i swing forward and then i step suddenly look i'm able to create more momentum why is that
why am i creating more momentum so you can probably see it i'm able to use my foot to help launch this backswing it's that launch this kind of twist and launch here that helps to keep and maintain my arms the best players aren't trying to put clubs in positions they're able to swing this into position very naturally because they're using the correct muscle groups what they then do is this they use this when you put that pressure on that foot to swing as they're swinging back here they'll then immediately put pressure on this foot to do what that's right create stability on the way through to swing this way so they create a rhythm with this and this is what i want you to do this is your takeaway create the rhythm each foot is landing before you swing so look i'm landing i'm using that pressure to swing and i'm landing swing each time look i'm now able to marry the takeaway into something that resembles much much more of a golf swing so let's transfer this now to a golf club super simple all we're going to do is follow the same process feet together we're going to start off just by feeling the backswing first so remember we're going to land then swing shift and swing so we're going to swing forward here then we're going to use this momentum shift swing the club yeah swing and notice i'm going back to my feet together exercise first then i'm momentum then very quickly once you've got that um sensation you might find just to watch out maybe check it out on camera just make sure when you're doing this you aren't doing this swinging back at the same time this is landing check it out on camera what we want to see is you land then the club comes back you're using this force here to create momentum and control in the club if you don't and this goes together it is an arms swing and that will lead to all the problems so remember it's landing then swinging now trying to do with both feet so we're going to go forward shift swing shift swing great exercise from dr kwon okay so one swing two swing fantastic right get that sensation organize the motion on both sides one thing to watch out for which i saw with a few of my students when we're landing and we're swinging sometimes when the ball's there you don't want to leave it so you don't you stop moving here and your arms start taking over keeping the strong position as i'm swifting here and swinging my chest is there it's facing you my back's facing the target when i'm moving over here now it's still facing you now i'm in a strong position to swing okay so each time bang bang get into that strong position now you might be asking well how do i transfer that just to standing still well get the rhythm of it first and then you'll find it so much easier to when you go to a standing ball so do some swings one two that could be part of a practice swing one two you can even hit golf balls if you want just like this one two this will give you a really really great feeling so the question is how do you turn that into a standing position well look the drills you've just gone through today they will provide you with your impetus because every single player i know has a different type of trigger going through the drills will help you discover yours but let me explain or give you some examples of what i'm seeing working with some of my students and some of the people on tour so you've got people on tour who will kind of sense this kind of pressure move into their into their trail foot here and you'll see them kind of practicing this and that motion there is a great way so i feel like pressure in there it's been driven there by that lower body okay you've got other players maybe like a matthew wolf who has a little pivot this way pivots towards the target on the way back and uses the pivot backwards to drive his back swing back why he does that who knows but the point is he's found it through probably drills that he's been doing so another example would be you could imagine almost like a lawn mower exercise where it's really tough and rather you're pulling with your arms you're going to use your body to pull that lawnmower cord backwards here that's another way of imagining the swing but the key is rhythm what i love about this exercise here where i'm landing and swinging landing and swinging is it's a flowing motion and the more flowing you can get the more natural it will be when you actually stand still over the golf ball it's probably one of the reasons why you see a lot of players moving around a lot they don't get too static because they get static they're in trouble so take that sensation push that pressure keep that control and away you go
simple as that so take your time with this takeaway super simple build the structure in first once you've got the sensor structure using the weight then ask yourself how do you create momentum in that way that's right there's a pressure going into the floor when you do that and you use that the floor you automatically create an organized swing back and look and organize swing through get those sensations in take your time with it enjoy hitting some shots and you will start finding that you'll be having what's why the what's called a body lead motion as opposed to i'm lead motion and you'll start to have much more consistency in your game so i really hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel come and join the community by pressing that subscribe button and the bell and remember you don't have to remember a thing i'll put a free download practice guide in the description box below by the way if you missed last week's video really great one people and really enjoyed it links works very very well this one you can access this right here hope you enjoy i'll see you soon