This Technique Makes Fairway Woods & Hybrids So Easy!!
Jan 06, 2025Transcript Summary-
Here at Canterbury, the fairways are getting much softer, which means the course is playing longer. Many of my students are now needing to use their fairway woods to even get close to the green in two, but they’re struggling with consistent contact—some are topping the ball, others thinning it. The first thing I tell them, and I’ll share it with you, is that fairway woods are the trickiest clubs in the bag to hit off the ground. They’re long and have very little loft, but there are ways to improve your consistency, and I’ll guide you through it.
First, assess the lie. A good lie is crucial for hitting a fairway wood. If the ball is sitting up nicely, you can get the clubface under it. But if it’s sitting down, even a perfect swing can result in topping or thinning the shot because you can’t get the loft under the ball. If the lie isn’t ideal, switch to a higher-lofted club like a 5- or 6-hybrid to advance the ball down the fairway.
Next, focus on your swing setup. Your ball position should be just behind the low point of your swing arc, typically under your lead shoulder. This helps ensure you make solid contact. Also, get the right distance from the ball—relax your arms and let them hang naturally. Too close, and you’ll dig into the ground; too far, and you risk topping the ball.
To control face alignment, make sure your forearms are in line with the clubface. Many golfers have uneven forearms at setup, which causes slices or pulls. Keep them level, and you’ll have a more natural, flowing swing without compensations. Finally, practice the “one and two” drill—swinging back and through while feeling the clubhead strike the ground after the ball. This rhythm ensures clean, consistent contact.
Follow these steps, and you’ll start hitting your fairway woods and hybrids more effectively. If you found this helpful, give it a thumbs up, share it with a friend, and subscribe for weekly tips to improve your game. Don’t forget to grab the free practice guide in the description. Have a great golfing week!
Full Transcript- So here at Canterbury the fairways are getting much much softer which means that the course is playing a lot longer which also means that a lot of my students this week are now starting to have to use their Fairy Woods to even get anywhere close to the Green in two and they're struggling some are topping it some were saying that they kind of thinning it but they just said Danny generry I'm just really struggling to get consistent contact time and time again the first thing I'll say I said to them and I'll say to you first of all fairy was a tricky to hit they're the hardest Club in the bag to hit off the Fairway because they're the longest on the fair and the least amount of L you've got in your clubs having said that there is a way to improve the the likelihood that you're going to make more consistent contact time and time again and what I shared with them I'd love to share with you too because I think it could really really help before I do though look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in that description box below so here I am look I've got 300 yards to go to the uh to the green and many my students automatically because they've got a long way to go they just pull out a fairywood the problem is what they haven't done is Step number one assess the LIE now here look I've got a pretty decent light and I can get that fairywood pretty much into the back of that golf ball which is great and that's going to really be a light to kind of chi fairywood but just look just a centimeter next to it boom it's just popped down a little bit now the problem is look I can't get the Loft to the bottom of that golf ball now you could put the best swing on the world the problem is you're going to top it and thin it and you're going to go what what have I done wrong you haven't done anything wrong apart from you haven't assessed the lie so stage number one make sure that the ball when you is on when it's on the fairw is on a beautiful lie if you're hitting Fairy Woods for those people who have maybe lots of clubhead speed they may be able to hit a fairywood out of there by hitting down on that golf ball but look at this when I someone like me would hit down on that ball I'm delofting that club I'm not going to hit that ball very very high but it needs quite a decent amount of Club speed to play that shot for the majority of people that I'm coaching it's an absolute nightmare don't do that make sure you've got a really really good lie if you haven't choose something a bit more like a hybrid a High lofted Hybrid maybe like a five hybrid not a four or three again too too low maybe five hybrid six hybrid just Advance it down the Fairway so step number one assess you lie now let's start looking at the golf swing so once you've assessed the LIE the next thing you want to do to improve Pro the quality of your contact is is to be able to control basically where this club lands where it strikes the ball ultimately how deep it goes is it going under the ground or is it too high from the ground you need to be able to control basically the depth of your Ark and you clearly need to be able to control where this face is aligned so first things first a lot of my students who are struggling to get the ball Airborne often try to help that ball up in the air it's completely understandable but with a Fairwood fact with any golf shot on the ground you want to hit slightly down on the golf ball it basically guarantees good contact to do that you just need to remember that the golf swing is always an arc so from here look I'm swinging and the kind of the low point of the arc is underneath this kind of lead shoulder so therefore your ball position the position of that ball needs to be basically to the right of that so if I put this club straight down here with a club uh lead arm and Club forming a straight line I drop the club straight down my ball look is behind that point this simply gives you the best opportunity to make sure or guarantee great contact once you've done that all you then do is this you need to then basically make sure that you've got the right distance from the golf ball so I see two things happening either people are too bent over like this their arms are crumpled in here now the problem is here is if the arms extend what's going to happen we're going to go digging straight into the ground we're going to Fat it conversely you'll see some players sitting back like this now the problem is they stretching for the golf ball they will put the club on the ground but because it's a stretch when they finally come back to impact they're now too far away and they'll probably top it or thin it okay so I want you to have a easy effortless golf swing so to control How deep the club goes we want to make sure we control the radius of your swing to do that you let your arms just hang beautifully relax down here put the club down I happen to have a ball that's actually above my feet in this situation so I'm going to go down the grip a little bit here but my arms now are completely relaxed and I'm controlling the radius of my swing look I'm my club's just resting beautifully on the surface here it's not I could I could go deep under the ground and I'm not sitting up here where I'm going to stretch for it I'm just beautifully resting the club on the surface in the perfect ball position too and those two things even before we move to the goal swing should make a big difference to your contact but there's one other thing you still want to be able to control where this face is you don't want it pointing like this way right to cause those horrible slices or pushes out to the right hand side and you certainly don't want to arrive The Club at impact left to Target because then you hit the pulls so how do you help yourself increase the likelihood that it's going to arrive Square again let's start with setup first then we'll do one thing in the golf swing make sure that the club face is square at impact at the start of your swing but this is the big one make sure your forearms are also in line too now with Eric one of my stud this week they really he he was slicing all over the place he said I don't get it Danny I'm trying clf is square setup but his forearms are like this his Trail form is so much higher than his lead forearm and the Align of those forearms are pointing way this way so all he did in his gol swing was simply swing straight across the line of the golf ball when he tried to swing properly I get these forearms aligned and swing down the line of the target where's his Club face it's point to the right so you just hit it over there so then what happens is over time you start to make compensations like this look to try and square the face now you suddenly get into the risty flicky position and you then start to compromise your contact too so please please please watch this this is a big one hold the club out in front of you get those forearms lined up with Eric all I did was take his for here get his bicep squeeze it next to his chest to get them lined up and why this is so so useful is I want you to have a wonderfully flowing golf club right where you don't have to have any compensations I want you to be relaxed and effortless and once you've got your body in place if the body works well the club can work well too but if your body's out of position you've pretty much got no chance to have a lovely flowing swing you're going to have to do weird things to manipulate it so you've got ball position in place you've got the arms a correct distance from the golf ball nice and relaxed you've got the forearms all lined up with a club face you've got one final ingredient you got to now hit the golf ball so we've got to learn to feel the swinging club head so with my students I simply get them to do the one and two exercise they've got in position the body's now going to control this a flowing motion get them to swing backwards and forwards backwards and don't don't be frightened of actually striking that ground one and two one and two right you'll no notice I'm taking a slight diver the ground's very very soft this is just fine this is me striking the ball then the ground so get myself set here ball position in place it's whoops that'll be a penalty shot put the club look ahead of this ball then move it behind you know the ball's in the correct place here correct distance from the GOL ball from here all I'm going to do is make that wonderful flowing moan one and two trust your golf swing nice and relaxed and away we
go simple as that set yourself up build the best opportunity you have to make great contact with your Fairy Woods if the inside works well it allows you to swing the outside beautifully freely and you should start hitting your hybrids and your FWS so much better if you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you want to know how to hit longons check this video out right here I'll put a free download of practice guide in the description box below if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.