This Technique Makes Hitting Driver So Easy For Senior Golfers
Jan 08, 2025Transcript Summary - I recently had a lesson with Neil, a senior golfer who felt he was losing distance due to his age. I explained to him that while flexibility might decrease with age, distance loss often comes down to how efficiently you move your body in the swing. In this video, I’ll share simple changes that can help any golfer, especially seniors, unlock effortless power and add yards to their game. Even if you feel stiff or restricted, these tips will help you create a smoother, more powerful swing.
To demonstrate, I’ll hit two shots: one representing the common issues I see with senior golfers—lots of effort with little reward—and another showing an effortless swing with significant improvement in distance. The secret lies in understanding how the golf swing works naturally. Many golfers swing steeply and rely too much on effort, but by changing how your body moves and allowing the club to swing freely, you can create a more efficient, powerful motion.
We’ll start with some key adjustments. First, turn your trail foot out slightly to improve mobility, which helps your body turn more freely. Next, allow your trail pocket to move toward the target, which promotes a more rounded swing instead of a steep, restrictive one. Finally, adjust your head position to allow for a full turn without swaying excessively. Imagine tilting your head slightly as if pouring water out of your lead ear. These changes help create a flowing, circular motion that adds power without extra effort.
To make this even easier to feel, I recommend using a bath towel. Swinging it naturally encourages the relaxed, snapping motion you need in your golf swing. Start with small swings, focusing on the feeling of the towel snapping, and gradually build speed. This exercise helps you develop effortless power without overthinking.
You don’t need a “senior swing”—you just need to unlock your current potential. Share this with a fellow golfer who could use a boost in their game, and if you’re new here, don’t forget to subscribe for weekly tips. Let’s add some easy distance to your game!
Full Transcript- so I've just come off a lesson with Neil it's a senior golfer who says he's been losing distance over the last few years and he's basically put it down to his age and I said to Neil no it's really nothing to do with your age I appreciate that maybe not as flexible as you once were but ultimately you're not basically moving your body like you could do and in this video what I want share with you is is something that I give so many senior golfers that helps them add effortless yards to the game and if no matter whether you kind of feel like you're stiff or a bit wooden I promise you I'm going to help you unlock some effet yards by just changing just a couple of things in your golf swing before I do though look if you're new to channel your first lesson of mine please consider subscribing at least videos just like this every single week to try and help you in previe game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in that description box below so let me start by hitting a couple of shots the first one I'm going to hit is I'm going to put you it's going to be a swing that I see with a lot of senior golfers one that requires a lot of effort a lot of energy going into the back of the but you won't see much reward the second shot I'll show you some of the things that I'm doing to unlock this effortless motion and you should see a considerable dis increase in the distance so let's start with uh shot number one so this is what I saw with Neil very much so loads of energy going into the shot but not really a lot of reward looks something like
this so I'll really hit that hard 227 yards so ignore the distance I'm hitting it just look at in a sense just for now how much energy I put into that right and I've got 227 yards of distance okay shot number two right and I'll show you how we you're going to create this in a second shot number two is much much more effortless let's see how far we hit this one so nice and
easy look easy nice flowing swing hey prestor we've just hit it 271 yards right now the difference between those two shots is really simple right most of the people who hit it a long way they make it look easy because they understand the natural science of a golf swing okay in the first swing most senior golfers are incredibly steep on the golf they're coming down on that ball very very steeply the best analogy I can um show you this is a speed butt and a water skier okay so as I take the club back here I want to imagine this is the speed but and this is the water ski now with a senior golfer on the way down these are completely lined up what happens is the speed but and the skier are basically going steeply down but also at the same speed so they kind of look like this no power the other one looks effortless the club's coming around here the speed butt is here the club is behind the speed butt now the speed butt look is still ahead head the skier is behind now what's going to happen the skier starts to get in line and then look as the boat turns the corner the club gets catapulted around the corner in an effortless way and what happens to the skier he speeds up and slings out right so this is ultimately the secret to power and in order to create it you just have to unlock certain things in your back swing to make this super easy for yourself so let's help you do that and let's keep it really really easy for you so when you're sending up to the golf ball we're going to start from the ground up and we're going to start to unlock certain movements in your body that's going to help you create a wonderful Arc like this around the body so that the club remains behind the hands for as long as possible so that eventually when it comes around as the boat comes around he look the club gets slung so the first thing we're going to do is this we need to improve your Mobility so make sure that's one thing I did with Neil his Trail for right foot here was pointing directly forward the first thing that does is it really restricts the ability of your knees to move if you can't move your knee very well you can't get around the corner on the way back so again this blockage forces a club upwards as opposed to around so we're going to open the trail foot like this so but now so the knee can move this way a little bit we can now create more of the round the second thing and this one is huge for two reasons and I'll I'll explain the second thing I want you to do is is when you write look at my right pocket here so often what happens is is is this right pocket never moves for golfers they're kind of swinging like this now if this right pocket doesn't move okay what do we create that's it just again a club swing that just goes upwards and not around so we take this right pocket here and I'm going to move it towards the target what does this do well it creates again it helps the club and your body move more around but I'm still stuck something else is stopping me from completing my turn and this is the final piece the head position now this one is absolutely huge so often I'm seeing people right and they they have been told to either keep their head dead still or they've even been told to move it but there they're still like this I want you to move your head like this the head can move around and it can pivot on its axis and this is important because as we've made this movement here if I keep my head staring at the ball here I am restricted but if I just tilt my head slightly like this almost like I'm going to look towards you but not quite so I'm looking almost in the corner of my eyes here almost like I'm pouring water out of my my lead here lead ear that's going to free up look how much movement I've got here now if I'm a senior Goan I'm really struggle with flexibility I could even then potentially potentially make sure that it's maybe even allow this lead heel to come off the ground a little bit look to keep on going going but what this is doing is Unlocking The Arc of your go swing because every time something's stopping you where it's the heel down the head now here or the bums too Square everything's now is too steep what do you notice now we're in real trouble now we're just we're in this chop motion so from he look we're unlocking that motion on the way back so let's start to look at this in action so I get myself set here I'm going to turn this toe out and then all I'm going to do is g to make some swings where I'm going to first of all just get myself swinging backwards and forwards in a nice flowing way I'm going to sense that my pocket is moving towards the target like this really move towards the target then as I get to about hip height or waist height I'm going to start to imagine my head tilting like this now what this is also helping me do is this you know I've seen people coming up with senior swings where they to encourage you to go like like this but if you're moving excessively off the golf ball all the time how do you get back to it on a consistent basis well if you move your head correctly as opposed to moving on and off watch this I'm still over the back of the golf ball still here but I'm not actually having to sway excessively off that ball I'm basically helping my my body pivot in such a way that also gives me the freedom and effortlessness but also helps me to make it easy for me to come back down to impact consistently time and time again so let's have a look at this so get myself set balls just off my my lead heel let that pocket to move towards Target and really let my head pivot on its axis so I'm almost pouring water out of that lead heel now at this stage I'm not going to go for any real power I'm just going to create this effortlessness and I'll show you how you start to increase that speed with one final exercise so get myself set let's turn everything going
again just nice and smooth let's have a look there we go look comfortably you know you can see here look I'm hitting slightly up on the golf ball now as suppos it down on it lovely little draw and comfortably 270 yards right now I'm not expecting you necessar to hit it 270 ignore the distance really it's more about how it you know the effortless and how easy it becomes right so start unlocking that body those body parts the feet we'll get that a second the feet the pocket and the head now finally there's one ingredient in there which I haven't mentioned yet and this is crucial a lot of players are incredibly stiff and they're wooden they're trying really really hard and it's not always easy say people swing the club heads relax all those kind of things it's not easy to feel that is it but if you grab a this is a bath towel right just a heavy bath towel that I've strapped up right and what I love about this is it gives different things to different people but what I like is if you swing it just like we've just done create those motions just swing it and let it just fall down to the ground backwards and forwards that's I'm do sure and as I'm doing this I'm really sensing the towel just falling out I don't see this with golfers I see more like this
right and there's nothing there the body's moving all over the place there's no zip there's no power but notice this I'm not trying to kind of zip it but once you've got the feeling of this P just snapping now you've got that feeling you can then start in your own
way I'm now going to try and create a louder snap but you start small with this initially so let's have a look at how that we would apply this to your driver
swing so again let's keep it simple nothing complicated about this we're setting ourselves up we're unlocking some Mobility here we start to unlock that mobility in the foot the pocket the head now we've got the Knack now I've got the towel I'm just letting that towel look snap down the ball notice I'm not trying to hit it like this initially you don't need to start small just get a feeling of what that towels doing yeah get myself set again unlock the back swing and really feel the towel just snapping down at the bottom to give myself that little bit of Zing look and it's just becomes effortless right now if I want to hit that further just like I did with the towel I'd start to work out ways where I could snap that towel but I don't have to think about it it's just a feeling and that's why EX like that are really really useful so you do not need a senior swing you need ways to unlock your current swing and your current Talent right I promise you you might not be able to swing as long as I can but there there is some flexibility in there right which you can unlock I hope this video really really helps if you know some senior golfers who could do with a little bit of extra power please share it with them they'll love you for it um if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the bell if you want to see some more senior videos just like this one check this one out for the but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.