Unlock an EFFORTLESS Golf Swing with this Simple Adjustment
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us can a simple change to your swing make a massive difference to your consistency and how far you hit the golf ball well this week i had andrew come and see me andrew came for his second lesson we had a first lesson about two or three weeks ago and he was out the golf course and he said to me he said danny my wife didn't recognize me i said i didn't lose any golf balls i was hitting it further than i ever have done before it says absolutely brilliant i just want to keep improving so i want to share with you what we did with andrew because what i'm increasingly seeing on the lesson t day in and day out is this one simple simple fault which you know what anybody no matter your age or ability can change if you make the change it will make a big big difference to your overall consistency i want to share with you exactly what that is in this week's golf course now before i do that look if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus look if you do enjoy the golf lesson there's a free practice plan in the description box below complete for free just download it and take it to the driving range right so let's get stuck into this what is this one big thing it is super super simple all it is is is your ability to complete your turn and that is what we did with andrew we improved his ability to complete his term what do i mean by that this lead shoulder needs to have the ability to complete its turn its cycle around the body to a position wherever you can physically get to now you might find that you're you've got lack of flexibility and you can only swing to about this height that is fine but this lead shoulder needs to have completed its maximum cycle for you to achieve your maximum energy and more importantly accuracy okay if you have more flexible you can keep traveling this sleek shoulder now what does it do well look if you've wound up here you've stored energy but the other thing it allows you to do when this leech oil is able to get around it allows if you've just pivoted on the way back you can now simply pivot beautifully on the way down and just repeat it and that's it's accurate but here's what i see and this is what i saw with andrew this leech holder didn't move at all so what happened was is this the club would simply just pick up in the air and from here because this lead shoulder hadn't got around the club never got around here so all he did was then throw the arms at it and would either hit the ball miles left or put a big slice on it i see other golfers who don't move this leaf shoulder they don't pick it up but it's still an armsy swing they swing with their hands and the rams around their body now the club comes around here then the club's stuck behind them they then sling over the top and then they slice it i see golfers swinging you might be one of these hooks the ball picks the club up and then drops it inside again all because they're having to rely just on their hands and their arms but if this lead shoulder can move we can pivot in a simple arc back look and look on the way down we can simply pivot on the way through because you've created that simple pivot but with andrew he couldn't do this he cited his age he was 65 years old inside his age and a lack of flexibility but it wasn't that he had locked his body he'd locked his legs he'd locked his torso and he'd locked his head and in locking all those three parts he wasn't able to make a move and i see this a lot so what i'm going to share with you right now and help you with this is how you unlock each little section very simply the lower section here let's start unlocking this this is what we did with with andrew here i want you here to unlock the lower section i need you when you pivot when you're turning here i need your lead knee to start to point inwards towards the golf ball i need your trail leg to actually extend this way look at this it straightens a little bit here it doesn't go into reverse pivot so it might be oh it's not going to revert but no this is providing space it's unlocking look this section if you don't unlock this section you don't unlock the torso if you don't unlock the torso the shoulder's locked it's just going to be your hands and your arms just get the sensation look of unlocking this lower section here okay leading lead knees going in trail leg is actually extending here very very simple all right sometimes what you could do is a bit of feedback nice and simple just grab this on a wall i just grab an old lyman stick put it on your back side here i'll do it from this side and watch here i'm going to let my this starts to slide this butt cheek here starts to slide this way wiping the alignment stick this is providing space look for me to naturally turn and unlock the lower body it's as simple as that now if this is new to you what i would suggest you do is hit some golf balls doing it so don't worry about anything else at this stage just simply practice getting this lead uh knee in you might find it might be helpful to lift your lead heel off the ground as well that would be nice to get a lot of places that really helps just literally unlock that lower part of the body now i would do this i'd go pause feel what it's like get yourself set and then hit a few shots okay nothing more complicated than that lit just simply just place some balls up there unlocking that lower section once you've done that and that's starting to unlock it's now time to unlock the torso now the toss is very very simple again what i'm see what i see when people are unlocking are blocking the torso this comes from the mindset of everything's got to be still okay so in order to unlock the torso we don't want to be kind of staring at the golf ball we want to allow ourselves to move so this lit the torso now look at this the torso tilts it doesn't turn look we don't turn like this in golf we have a tilt so now as you've kind of in a sense got some right leg stack to straighten and extend here this is going to provide space look for this lead shoulder to go down and across and now look my literals moving it's able to travel because if you unblocked this section here so suddenly now i'm able to go around the club now is working naturally upwards because i'm working the shoulders on this line i've unblocked the torso so again how do you transfer that into the golf swing one simple thing i like one exercise i love by the way to kind of feel this is this to reverse overlap the grip so i literally swap your hands around so i've now got my um my bottom hand at the top of my top hand at the bottom and all i'm gonna do here is make a few swings and it will get you the sensation of this sec this lead shoulder naturally working into a tilt combine that with the legs you can actually hit golf balls doing this i'd warn you it's pretty tricky but it gives you a great feeling look of how this is moving away look at how far this leaf shoulder now is able to travel it's a great way of feeling it so try that the third and final thing to unlock this is i'm gonna grab a cap two seconds so let's grab my cap here third and final thing is your cap allowing your cat look here to move so where's my cap line now it's pointing in this direction one thing that andrew said to me said look i you're supposed to keep your head still and i don't know where this advice came from but if you keep your head still you lock your neck if you lock your neck you lock your torso allowing this freedom for it to move is so so important but as with andrew at the start it feels a bit out of control so you're gonna have to go with it so we get ourselves set here we've unlocked the lower section we're now starting to unlock the torso and we're unlocking that cap here just allowing freedom look look how far the lead shoulder now has traveled across and we've stored an energy now we can just simply pivot through that shot let's have a look at this in action
a little bit hooky that one came a bit out of the toe
but all i would do when you're doing this is completely forget about what the ball goes to start with as i said to andrew build a system with this feel what it's like and this is all we did we built a system for android where you could take to a golf course so we said look what you do you get yourself set feel it go back then hit the show
simple as that you simply just keep repeating the shot i've got a little hybrid here this works by the way for driver any of the clubs in your bag just simply get yourself set each time working on just building the system up i'm unlocking my lower body i'm unlocking my torso i'm unlocking this head everything's unlocking to get that lead shoulder back around to complete my turn
and away we go so in summary the simple adjustment you need to make you must unlock the lead shoulder why it needs to get around so we can store energy we've got some energy to unwind two it needs to get around because if we go around we pivoted if we pivoted one way it makes the pivot easier also on the way through how do you do this unlock the lower body first allow the lead knee to naturally flow in towards the golf ball if you have to leave let your lead heel come up do it it feels out of control andrew didn't like that initially because it feels completely out of control very old-fashioned maybe sometimes he said but there get it in allow your trail leg to naturally straighten a little bit this provides space for you to come around second thing here your shoulders make sure they go into a tilt they don't go into a turn if they go into a tilt you'll easily be able to complete your swing again not putting pressure on that body and third and finally allow your head your cap here is a good guide allow it to turn over this section here so it's pointing over there and now we're in a position to create a lot more space for that lead shoulder to get around we can store that energy we can deliver that club back into that golf ball so i really really hope you enjoyed this training if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up and remember this you don't have to remember a thing there's a free practice plan in the description box below and if you haven't already i have just launched my facebook uh page go and check it out we're gonna put some short very very short videos on there that are hopefully gonna help your game like no end so of course look if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe until next week have a great engulfing week