What No One Tells You About How To Hit Driver Straight

best driver tip driver driver slice Sep 30, 2024

Transcript Summary- Hey, if you’ve been struggling to hit your driver straight, don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of my students come to me either slicing or hooking their driver, and what they’re doing to try to fix it usually makes things worse. In this lesson, I’m going to show you a simple way to hit your driver straight, and it’s probably not what you think.

First, let’s talk about the ball flight. A slice, for example, happens when the ball starts left and then curves to the right (if you’re a right-hander). The reason for this is the club face is closed to the path, and swinging across the ball creates spin. Most people try to close the face more, but that only makes the slice worse. Instead, we need to focus on swinging the club on a better path—one that’s more out to the right—and letting the face stay slightly open to produce a draw or straight shot.

So how do we do this? The setup is key. Start by placing the ball in line with your lead heel, which is the center of your swing. If your ball is too far forward, you’ll end up swinging across it and slicing. Make sure your handle is slightly forward, and maybe even shift a little weight onto your lead side to encourage an in-to-out swing path.

Once you’ve got your setup right, focus on visualizing a simple target. Imagine you’re hitting the ball through two headcovers placed just a few feet in front of you. This helps you stay focused on the immediate task of hitting straight without getting overwhelmed by the distant target.

Keep it simple—set up correctly, focus on a small target, and let your swing follow through naturally. Trust me, it works for all levels of players. So give it a try, and don’t forget to grab the free practice guide in the description. Have a great golfing week! 

Full Transcript- If you have struggled to hit drivers straight don't worry you're not alone many of students come to see me day in day out either slicing their driver or hooking their driver and most of the time what they're doing to try to correct it is completely the opposite to what they should be doing in fact they're making their slice worse or making their hook worse with some common advice that they see they hear time and time again in this video I'm going to show you what I do to help them hit driver straight consistently and it's not what most people think so before I do though look if you're new to the channel your first videos of mine please consider subscribing at least videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box

below so nice smooth one let's a look at this dead straight look down the middle of the Fairway so how do you hit driver straight well look hitting a straight shot is simply about controlling the spin on your golf ball so check get a football here for a second so let me explain how you start to hit driver straight when my students understand this I cannot tell you that aha moment they of to describe to me so I use a ball because it's the simplest way I can explain it so I want you to imagine just for a second that you know if you're slicing it what does that look like what does the flight look like it's a ball flight that sets off left of Target if you're right-hander left of Target and slices and curves with spin over to the right hand side so what's actually happening well this is where most people get it wrong the club face for you to create a slice is closed now I mentioned that because so many people when they're slicing it over to the right hand side they're doing their best to close the club face and often making their slice worse let me explain so your ball sets off to left how does it set off to left well your Club face must be look pointing left of Target right now if the club path the path that the club swings on is it matches in the same plane as the uh face you will hit look a beautifully straight shot but straight left to Target right and that's what we call a pull shot but what causes the slice is not so much the club face but more the path that you're swinging it on so the club face look is aiming left but if I want that ball to curve to the right what's actually happening is is the path isn't swinging this way anymore more it's swinging this way and what's happening is is it's this that creates the spin on the golf ball which done at PACE will curve the ball way over to the right hand side so what I do right if you are slicing the golf ball what we do is this we do completely opposite to what most people have been taught what we do instead is this we need if you want to hit straight shot the face look to go from here to actually look at this as opposed to aiming left of Target we're moving the face look more if anything to the right of Target now think about it why would we do that well what's the opposite to a slice a ball that sets off to the right of Target and a lot of people are after this mythical draw shap which goes further which sets off to the right and curves back to the left how is that created well it's the opposite we get the face look aiming here what would that do well that would Now set the ball off more to the right hand side if then just testing your understanding if I wanted that ball now to curve back to the left what would I do would I Sho the F no way what we do now is just do the opposite to what we just told you in the on the slice we would get the path working look more this way so the face doesn't change but I'd swing the path more this way that would produce Spin and get the ball curving back to the Fairway so if you want to hit and you want to get rid of your slice for instance we've got to get you moving the club setting up in a place which gets to face more right and getting you swinging more out to the right and side moving more towards the draw if you can do that you'll hit driver straight now ultimately the pi resistance is getting the face and the path look beautifully smacking the middle of the golf ball here and that's going to get you going dead straight but the way we learn I teach my students this when you're slicing it I get them to move towards the extremes first let me show you how we do it I promise you it's super super simple so if you want to hit the center of that golf ball and hit that ball Beauty ly straight with your driver you've got to ultimately hit it with the center of your golf swing what does that mean well look at this here the center of your goal swing is basically where your lead armpit here and you Club all form a beautifully straight line okay if you can strike the ball bang in the center there you're going to hit a pretty pretty straight shot but if you're slicing it that's not what that's not what's happening at impact what's actually happening is this what do you notice I've got a lot of weight behind the golf ball I've got my hands behind the golf ball the club faces the byproduct he's aiming where left a Target what's happening is our Center look is too far now behind the golf ball and you hit those slices so you haven't looked after that Center either at setup or during the golf swing so what I do my students first of all is I want to make sure that you preset the center of your swing like this the first thing that's super simple is ball position so many players I find their ball ball positions are way outside their Lead Foot or on the on their toes almost well if this is the center of my golf swing my ball positions too far forward look what am I going to do I'm going to the a going to come around here I'm going to catch the ball look this way and back into slice so ball position look needs to be on my lead heel which is basically look the center of my swing right that's the first thing the next thing is this so many players they ultimately they've got the handle too far behind the impact if you've got you too far behind it imp what's going to happen well you're already look shutting the face down because you're trying to probably avoid that kind of slice which again look is actually going to get you what swinging more left to Target so we've got ball position handle position make sure inside lead thigh it's in the center of your swing now this is a real common one and remember a lot of these things faults that are happening are often because you've got the mindset of avoiding the ball going over here so we do more and more of this a more this way hands more this and we're desperately trying to swing and avoid that which creates more and more of your slice so once you've got the ball position there handle position there I may even look at this I may even move a little bit of weight favoring this foot why would I want more weight well an impact if we've got a lot more weight over on our front for an impact what are we likely to do we likely to hit more this side of the golf ball which is moving towards what draw shapes the opposite to what if your weight is look back here that makes sense so it's really really important that you get the setup right to give you yourself the best opportunity to hit driver straight if your setup's wrong it's so hard to hit driver straight it really really is so once your setup's right there's just one final thing get the handle raised a little bit here a lot of people who are slicing it when they're coming into impact they have a lot of kind of what we call coping in the wrist here so I like to get my students with a slight placing it just raising that handle again it helps the club come much more this side of the golf ball here moving towards more of a draw Tower shot whereas look if we have too much cing here the club's coming Steep and across the line of the golf ball so once you've got setup the that's stage one done there's a swing thing I'm going to go into in a second but I would get my students I want you to do the same get used to this build it maybe into a routine look get the club here opposite lead heel turn turned out a little bit here then make a step away from the target once your ball positions in place here what we're then going to do is make sure the handle's in place make sure maybe you've got a little bit of weight just favoring that lead side here raise the handle and then just start hitting a few shots from this probably feels quite strange position one thing I would say is is take out of your mind trying to stop slicing if anything imagine trying to set the ball off more and more to the right hand side it's often your avoidance of that that causes the problems as I said right so start with set up and then we'll work on to one in swing thing which really is a game changer for my

students so once You' started to kind of get used to that kind of setup position and you've kind of got a feel for it just do this one thing in the swing if I saw a tall player actually practicing this exact same thing it works for beginners intermediates and clearly top Bros so I don't know about you but my students love for me to keep things incredibly simple they don't like to think of lots of things in the golf swing it just blurs their mind so what I do is I love to give them visuals to to look at really so here's a perfect one which works every you know every time not every time most of the time so once you've got into a good setup and by the way that is really really important it makes this next step so much easier you can see I've got like tram lines and what I like about this is it's a lot easier a lot easier to start hitting the ball straight when you have something quite close in front of you to almost imagine hitting through almost like a gate yeah now if you're looking at a Target we in the distance for the mind that's quite daunting it's kind of a quite difficult thing to comprehend but when you set up here and I'm looking at those head covers there for instance and I look at those head covers I think you know what make a swing I'm going to try and hit the balls bang through those head covers there I think I could do that but if I push those head covers 50 200 yard down the Fairway that would feel really daunting and really difficult so I don't do that I give you know just a simple visual here which is maybe two feet for in the front of the golf ball get themselves set up and make that your go now think about it if you start to try and avoid slicing I not think of the girl oh I don't want to slice you know the club's going to come over here right so just focusing once you've got set up and imagining hitting that ball bang through the center of there you're more likely to get into the correct position to hit it dead straight sounds simple it really is it doesn't require lots of thought but the nice thing the other thing I found this is feedback I get from my students when they do slice it okay because they do even with this drill sometimes they go oh my god daddy I really felt it I felt why that ball went left and now they adjust automatically why because they have this guiding them all of the time all right so get yourself set here and all I'm going to do I've got myself set up got my handle raised weight slightly further forward and my only focus Point here look is to imagine smashing that ball straight through the middle of those head covers down the middle of that

Fairway that felt pretty good to me look back on camera there we go look beautifully look be look at that look at these numbers look dead straight it's so so important to keep things as simple as you possibly can start with a great setup and then use Simple visuals to help direct your golf swing but also give you feedback when you don't do it so well yeah this is what I do is one of the first things I do with all of my students it's the simplest way I know to help you to hit driver straight I hope it helps you if it does give me a thumbs up maybe share it with a friend and remember there's a free download practice guide in the description box below if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell so you can receive videos just like this every single week for until next week have a wonderful golfing week.