What Nobody Tells You About How To Hit Driver Straight
Nov 06, 2023
Full Transcript - there's something that nobody tells you about how to hit driver straight and without knowing this you could be stuck slicing it or hooking the ball for years so what let me now tell you exactly what that is and give you three very very simple things that you can take straight to the golf course to immediately start to straighten out that ball flight so before we get into the three steps let me just share with you something that a very few people are aware of and it's really really important to know this you know with an iron shot the ball's on the ground so we strike down on the golf ball okay hit the ball first with a driver we know the ball's teed up so we actually want to almost get underneath the golf ball so we catch the ball a lot later on in the arc so because of that we put the ball what further forward in our stands opposite the inside look of our lead heel here but this has some problems which a lot of people aren't aware of when you set up to drive and the ball position is forwarding your stance as that ball moves further and further forward this is straight yeah this is a straight shot but if you move that ball further forward in your stance what's happening now we are going to catch that ball now later on the air well where's the club heading at the moment of impact left of my target yeah so if you slice the golf ball this is normal because your club's heading left to Target because that's a driver setup with a face that's open you are going to create a Big Slice okay if the club face is closed in worse you're going to hit that big snapper or pull hook to the left yeah so what you've got to remember then is you have to make some adjustments because of the nature of the driver so here's step one
I want to get rid of that shot for you right so what we want to be able to do now is straighten your ball flat that's the whole purpose of this golf lesson okay so step one in this process is this we're not going to change big big things to start with what I want you to do to straighten your ball flight up is this take your Club take your driver okay what I want you to do is we're going to close the face at the moment is at 12 o'clock we need to close that face to 11 o'clock and then I want you to grip the golf club now you've just seen with the ark and where that ball position is naturally for driver okay your Club is going to be heading left Okay the reason why that slice is happening is because your Club is heading left but you have an open face so if you close that face slightly in a dress what should happen to that flight she's reduced shouldn't it it could go left but my bet is it won't we won't completely get rid of the slice but we'll reduce it to a straighter curve okay so much straighter curve so that is goal number one move the butts keep the ball where it is close the club face then grip it very very important okay and let's see what happens now to the flight foreign okay look at that so you see how that has completely almost eliminated that curvature to the right and provided a much much straighter ball flight now for a lot of my students who try this for the first time that don't get above like that as straight as what I've just done there it reduces their slice remarkably just to a little fade but the more they kind of practice this the straighter they get but if you have a look at this it hasn't hit the middle of the Fairway it's a straight shot yes but it's gone and hit the left side of the Fairway now that already will be a massive Improvement I'm sure the ball will go further as well but we want to hit the middle of the Fairway which brings us on to the next point I said just a minute ago because with driver we have to have the ball forward because we're hitting it up off a tee if your ball position is too far forward on the ax it's too far forward too too uh maybe I have seen people with it almost outside their foot without them realizing your slice will be exaggerated and even if you did this tip here when we close the face you would now start this ball too far left does that make sense because you're going to catch that ball later on in this Arc so the second stage for those of you who are doing that move the ball back a little bit in your stance making sure that it's two to three inches inside your lead heel okay or maybe just a couple inches lead here again the further the ball goes back the more chance look you're going to catch that ball where we need to catch it the further it's forwarding us down so the more we're going to catch it late but there is a maximum with this you can't put it back too far unfortunately because if you do you move into iron setup you're going to hit down on the driver too much okay so that is point number two check your ball position
but look at that that one is dead straight the question is what changes have I just made to achieve that come and have a quick look at this so here's how I've hit that straight and this is what most people just don't get I know it's how I want you to hit it straight now if we hit a ball here right in the center of this kind of circle yeah well yes we would hit it dead straight but as we said we don't do that in golf we put the ball forward in our stance okay so we hit it later on in the circle so we hit it here this point so when we hit at that point look at the difference that means the club is heading naturally look left of Target so the only thing this was two things you can do okay to hit it straight you can do something within your swing or what I like to do to keep things simple is just simply change your setup so watch this all I'm going to do is I'm going to take that and I'm going to shift my setup around slightly like this if we aim our bodies to the right of the target nelsonly that's the way we start hitting the ball much much straighter come on look so take a look at this here look I'm going to aim my body my feet my knees my hips my shoulders my forearms everything look is going to be aiming what feels like right of Target feels like you're going to go over there somewhere but I'm going to exaggerate this just for a second if my ball position is positioned further forward in my stance here can you see how I'm going to still hit the ball dead straight because I'm going to catch that ball later on in the arc even though my body alignment is set up over there by the time the club finally comes and hits the golf ball it's working it's where backgrounds to straight towards a Target most people set up completely straight to their target and as we've said that then when you step when it finally gets around the corner when you hear Look the club's already heading left you're in that slice territory yeah so get yourself set just a little bit it feels like knees hips shoulders aiming right of Target ball position doesn't change we've closed that club face in now we've gripped it and now we're ready to go foreign so I think I've overcooked that just a little bit yes look I've just overcooked a little bit and created a beautiful draw as opposed to that straight shot but if you ever wanted to play the draw that is how you do it you overcook this motion keep that club face close and that is how you'll create that beautiful draw if you want all right now let me give you just a quick bonus tip which is super super valuable if you follow these three tips and it doesn't seem to be working a lot of time it's because of this one thing now we've just said if you start to slice the golf ball it's very tempting to try to kind of get those the hands rolling over okay but there are some downsides to this see the more you start to get into this mentality where you're trying to get the head passing over like this what's happening now well the head's really going past the butt end of the club if you do this what's happening that's right you're actually making it worse you're swinging more and more left of Target this is going to bring in actually more of the slice you're going to swing more this way okay bring in chicken wings actually think of it this way we don't close the face like this we close it look like this we still want to maintain the orientation of that head and butt end of the club when you hear look look we want to create that kind of snap okay with the toe coming over yes but not with a flick like this which I see so many people doing so this is super and super important the more you flick the more you swing left the more you can create that type of motion that impact here where the handle still staying intact that is going to create that good strong flight that heads nicely out to the right and comes back so watch out for that one so I really really hope you enjoy this steps if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with your friend remember I'll put these steps in a downloadable practice guide in the description box below so you'll never have to remember a thing plus this video right here kind of really customized the stuff in terms of setup as well definitely worth a watch but until next week have a great golfing week.
Transcript Summary-
Alright, folks, let's dive into the secrets of hitting your driver straight and fixing that annoying slice. There's a crucial detail many golfers overlook, and it can have a huge impact on your game. With an iron shot, you're hitting the ball on the ground, so you strike down on it. But with a driver, the ball is teed up, and you want to catch it later in the arc, which means you have to put the ball forward in your stance. However, this can lead to issues.
So, let's talk about the first step. We need to close the clubface slightly at address. Imagine your clubface at 12 o'clock, and we want to move it to 11 o'clock. By doing this, we can reduce that slice. This adjustment can work wonders in getting your ball flight straighter. Now, don't forget to grip the club properly; it's a vital piece of the puzzle.
Moving on to the second step: the ball position. If your ball is too far forward in your stance, it can exaggerate the slice. You should place the ball two to three inches inside your lead heel. Finding the right position will help you catch the ball where you need to, reducing that unwanted curve.
Now, here's a critical point many golfers miss: your body alignment. If your setup is square to the target, it can lead to a slice. You should feel like your feet, knees, hips, shoulders, and forearms are aimed a bit to the right of the target. This might feel strange, but it's essential in getting that straight shot with your driver.
And finally, a bonus tip for you. If you're struggling to fix your slice, avoid over-flicking your hands during the swing. Maintain the orientation of the clubhead and the butt end of the club to ensure a strong, controlled flight.
I hope these tips help you straighten out your ball flight. Remember, practice is key, and don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen overnight. Keep working on these adjustments, and your drives will become more accurate. Enjoy your time on the golf course, and here's to a great golfing week!