Why 90% Of Golfers Can't Hit Their Woods Off The Ground
Mar 11, 2024Full Transcript- so there's going to come a point in your round of golf when you're not going to be able to reach the green with your second shot with an iron and you're going to have to pull a Hybrid Club out or a fairway wood to get there in this video I'm going to show you how you can really strike these more consistently many of my students are coming to me saying Danny I'm catching the ground behind the golf ball I'm often topping it thinning it I never really get a consistent strike that is what I'm going to discuss in this video but not just that I'm going to share with you a tip that one of my mentors and probably one of the best golf coaches in the world Pete count shared with me off camera a tip that is the simplest tip you can possibly imagine and is really really helping my students improve the quality of the consistency of strike not actually just with a woods but with every Club in the bag I'm really excited to share that with you now before I do the look if you're new to the channel it's one your first videos of mine please consider subscribing I release videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free practice gide in the description box below so before I share you this amazing tip from Pete you're going to need to make some small adjustments to your setup if you want to hit your fairwoods and hybrids and long irons solid every time so let's start with driver so you understand the subtle differences so if you start if you set up to a driver you know immediately you are going to be creating with every Club in the bag look a swing Circle I like to call it right now with every Circle there's a maximum radius to that Circle a point at which the club reaches its lowest point right now with a driver that generally is either directly underneath your lead armpit that's the lowest point of every swing in your bag is underneath your lead armpit here now this is where you want to position your driver okay notice this here now where's my sternum it is behind the golf ball this stage right now we drive it if we could even have it a little bit further forward than our low point so we actually hit the low point of the swing and actually start Rising upwards because the balls SE up we might want to hit it launch it miles up in the air this is all great for driver but if you set up anywhere like this have that ball too far forward with your fairw and hybrid you're going to be in big trouble okay so what we do instead if I pick out let's say I'll start with hybrid if I start with my hybrid here if I position this ball where I had the driver now the problem is look the club is going to get to its lowest point underneath my lead armpit and now start to almost work upwards this is going to give me look a very topped style look I'm I'm going to almost hit up on the golf ball so the very first thing you need to recognize is this the number one fault in golfers who cannot hit hybrids and faws is you are not hitting down on the golf ball we need to improve your angle of attack this club generally is hitting upwards okay so how do we make sure that you automatically strike down on this golf ball every single time here's what you got to do first you need to make sure that the ball is on you strike the ball on this side of your low Point your low point is underneath your lead armpit so then everything the strike needs to happen on where this side of the Swing so what could you do well we don't want the ball anywhere near this bit we're going to move it back how much you move it back you're going to experiment a little bit right but look at this I'm now moving look here now can you see here I've got a hybrid here and I've moved it a good few balls look a hybrid and a bit look inside of my lead foot here what else could we do well look I want to strike that ball look this is a low point when you lead arm and Club line up I'm going to move my hand the club back here I'm going to have my hands look slightly forward inside my lead thigh here again what's that doing it's basically making sure I hit the ball before the club gets to the low Point all right very very important what else and then this is a big one a massive one what very few people do when you're setting up your angle of your shoulders okay are hugely helpful to improve the angle of attack a lot of players when they're setting up to their Fairy Woods often because intentionally they've struggled to get the ball Airborne they start to do this they start to look up here and their shoulders start to kind of angle backwards and when you do that what are you doing now you're leaning back here and you're Shifting the low point of the swing back even further what's going to happen you got it you're going to start hitting up on that golf ball all things that are not going to help so when you're setting up just imagine that you're almost trying to level off the shoulders just a little bit here so the right my trail shoulder here should only be slightly below my left only because my my trail hand here is lower on the grip all right but get those shoulders More Level what's this going to do it's going to help you make a swing look that works more up here and down towards a golf ball versus a swing where you back here and you're working upwards all things that are going to help you strike down on that golf ball one final adjustment position a little bit more pressure over onto this lead side what does that do again look we want to strike the ball if the more pressure we've got over here look with our lead side we're going to basically we're going ahead of the golf ball this is going to help us look strike the ball then the ground versus look when our pressure is back here we're again we're we're too far on this side of the golf ball you're going to hit up on it it's going to massively affect your strike so let's start with setup first with fairwoods it is it's exactly the same but as long as your ball position and everything here is this side of your low Point you're going to really increase the chances of you striking that shot so let's look at this in action so I like to get into a routine with this and what I do is I start my feet together so the ball now is in the middle of my stance then what I do look is I take a a small step to the left and a slightly bigger one to the right this now knows that my ball position is just ahead of Center and then I'm going to make sure my shoulders levels feel like I'm really on top of this golf ball and my hands are forward that is pretty much it feel a pressure here now look if I exaggerate this look I'm basically striking on this hitting the ball on this side of my swing I'm not behind the golf ball Hing on this side that is all I do and then what I'm going to do I'm going to visualize an arc that strike down on the golf ball and I'm going to trust the loft of the golf club this is huge trust the Loft don't try and lift it the Loft will get it up in the
air absolute Beauty right so I struck that really really well and you can see here look where's the lowest point of that divot look after the golf ball this is crucial for any shot off the Fairway hybrids long irons fairwoods all the same you need to Strike balls on this side of the low point right now I'm under No Illusion that just a changing setup will transform every golfer but it is a must you must start well it makes life so much easier right now let's move to my fairy wood now nothing changes with fairywood same principle you might not have the ball as far back but you're still going to have it back of this low point but what happens all right if you don't have a consistent swing and you're kind of moving all over the place well that's clearly going to affect the tougher clubs in your bag like your hybrids and your fairywood so you need to learn how to create a beautiful Circle and this is where Pete's drill comes in it's absolutely brilliant What I want you to do is I want you to grab any club in your bag and hold it like this okay at the shaft now the low point of of this swing with the fairywood is still the same it's it's underneath my lead armpit here now I want you to take the club and I simply want you to put the shaft where that low point is here so it's completely straight right there notice where my trail I'm is this is your impact right this is where we're going to return to not here like this where my trail I'm I'm pushing it forward now all I want you to do now is this I want you to picture this this club is roughly at a 45° angle this is the circle I want you to create I want to imagine you're holding a pen and all are you going to do is draw the circle with the pen at a 45° angle when you do this your tra arm will simply work perfectly and you will simply create a beautiful back Swing From Here imagine the pens there look you're going to track that all the way down back here through Twi impact and you're simply going to feel this motion what do you think most people do when people draw this perfectly well it's easy what do most people swings look like hookers what's happened now you've drawn it in here this is your hook what do slicers do do you think they come down here no you're going this you're not drawing the circle right it is the simplest thing to practice and yet the one thing that will completely transform how simple this go swing can become so this is your destination do this together okay now what I do with players is I do it step by step we draw the circle here now as I'm doing this notice this my trail arm naturally is rotating slightly to create that circle now most people even people draw sometimes struggle here by collapsing cuz that's see what they used to remember it's a pen how do we get that pen you're going to have to bend your wrist you're going to have to bend your arm in a certain way to kind of draw that finish that Circle off now this is a key bit which most people love because it's so unusual for them most people do this but they don't do it when they've got a pen in their hands they will draw it back here and draw it back through to impact now how do you work on this well I like to do I start small with players they now know this is what it's got to feel like at impact most of the time they're back here right they now know that this Trail arm is tucked in here and they're there now all I get them to do is I get them to draw the swing now look there draw it and then from here what would they do most people would slice would come over here or hook drop it in here now just imagine just draw it back here just simply from here look draw the shape back into the golf ball how simple is that so let's start first of all with a small version of this and then gradually build it up because the Top bait is where most people screw up so I want you to picture this circle now we've got it almost two hands we're going to draw that 45 degree actor here and then all you're going to do look is you're going to simply draw it back down look I'm turning my trail side look back down to the golf ball how simple is that so we start there the setup we've we know now is all in place all we're going to do is do a mini swing to round about here and turn there now chances are I'll always go further than that but we're just drawing that Circle 45° Circle back turn that 45° back onto the golf
ball just like that absolutely ripped again come and have a look at this look at how here where the ball was where's the divot you got it after the golf ball this is super super important now as we move to a slightly longer swing you've just got to watch out for this a very few people understand how this Trail arm is supposed to be working this is where the pen really really comes in so as I'm drawing this look I'm drawing this 45° Circle here I get it here now this most people collapse lift Bend you've got to if you're drawing here you just trust it the pen the wrists are going to work the elbow's going to work look to bring that Circle all the way around here now from here just picture it working back down and then back on this 45 degree angle and bit by bit I promise you you are going to start absolutely ripping not just your hybrids or your faws every single Club in the bag and you can do this in comfort of your own home so let's start let's hit one more and let's show you one rip snotter onto the
green absolutely ripped again look at this every single one of those divots look after the golf ball K super super valuable so do me a favor remember with Fairy Woods get the setup down first then just practice practice practice feeling this circle I promise you it's going to be super super valuable look I've got a free practice guide in the description box below and look if you want to know how this works with your iron specifically and want to improve the quality of the bottle striking check this video out right here and of course look if you're new to the channel press press that subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
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