Why 90% Of Golfers Can't Strike Their Irons & Fairway Woods
Nov 22, 2023
Full Transcript- so 9 out of 10 students I was coaching this week we're really struggling to hit the irons and the Fairy Woods off the deck so frustrating they were hitting the ground behind the golf ball someone even hit the ball at all they would top it along the ground and others were lacking accuracy and distance by hitting some big slices or hooks so frustrating isn't it when you did a great drive and you end up ruining it off the Fairway now we managed to secure every single one of them in very very different ways and I thought it'd be really helpful for you today for me to give you five simple ways that you can go about improving the quality of your contacts and your accuracy with every Club off the ferry now before I get into the video if you're new to a channel it's been your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing all these videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you'll never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so tip number one and I gave this to Todd Tobin's really really struggling with this contact it often topped the ball just along the ground now all I gave with him was this really simple visual I said Todd ultimately I want you to imagine now a clock face on the ground now look at this here your lead almond Club here are at 12 o'clock and notice this they're ahead of the golf ball okay this is super important I said I want you to hit that golf ball not at 12. right now you're not even going to hit Top you're almost hitting here at like 11 o'clock here I want you to hit that golf ball at one but for you it might even feel like you're hitting it at two o'clock here right so I said what do you think you need to do to achieve that so it says well okay so does my bulb position need to be further back yes so the stage number one I've got into move his ball position back in his stance stage number two I got him to put his handle forward right so what we've done is is we've made it we've moved these bulbs in from too far forward here to more Central in fact I gave him a little routine of putting his feet together and taking even steps so he could get his ball position right every time then all I did was make sure his hands were opposite his inside left thigh so now we've set almost like what he felt was this two o'clock position from then all we did was go to visualize the clock face and I said look Tom from here you've got to hit it at two you've been hitting it almost at 11 right so I said just now hit some shots from that new setup position with ball position and hand position and start to hit it at two o'clock not 12 o'clock
but it didn't work which brought us on to tip number two So what had Todd done there well basically we'd preset him it should have struck it well shouldn't he we preset impact at two o'clock but what had he done because he was so used to hitting it at 12. his body returned back to what he feels comfortable which is almost this lifting position right lifting up I needed him to work on striking more down or get a feel or a visual striking down so this moves on to tip number two we've got him now preset to impact it okay now I need him to kind of maintain that two o'clock strike and to do that I got him to visualize this I got him right now I said look Todd there's a soul to your golf club here right now when you're striking that ball you're the the the part that's actually striking the ground is the back part of this golf club that's what you're doing you're adding Loft to the golf club when you're here in the backpack I want you to get the Leading Edge the front part here striking the ground first I want to imagine that so I got him to do a few exercises before he actually hit the next shot I got him to get himself set up at two o'clock but then when I did I said look I want you to imagine now that Leading Edge Look cutting into the ground and straight away what's that to happen his weight started to go away forward because the only way you can get that Leading Edge making a mark look in this Turf is if you get where your weight forward every time he went backwards he would just bruise the ground with the back part and the blunt part of his golf club this was a game changer so now we'd set him up now with his hands forward okay body in position all I got him to do now was fire that Leading Edge okay imagine that it's digging into the ground okay as he strikes this golf ball here made a few small shots
and that there gives that beautiful compression so those two tips were enough for top let's work on now tip number three so tip number three and this involved Lewis now Lewis actually had a pretty good setup position okay everything was okay the problem is he was missing one ingredient which is Club face Club face is King in golf so when he was swinging the club back he didn't have as much flexibility as some of the other guys and one of the things he was trying to do is completely swing now the problem is is in doing that a lot of people feel like you've got to get the club all the way to parallel but you know what you might not be able to do that right now the problem is what he was doing is excessively then he was trying to [ __ ] his wrist to try and get the club completing and all this does is gets what's called extension in this lead wrist here and that opens the face wide open and what mean by an open faces the face becomes like this the more those wrists start to [ __ ] like this the more that face opens now the problem is when you face up and you're going to have to close it right otherwise you slice it now what he was doing some consciously the closet was he'd be starting to do this that gives that kind of flicky horrible strike it wasn't a two o'clock solid straw like this it was a flicky strike so the simplest change we made to Lewis's game was to make sure I give him a feel of this as opposed to in a sense opening I actually got him here look just to get a sensation look of this wrists almost here look just doing this just close the face from 12. to 10 or 11 right just get the sensation and on the way back I got it I made sure that he was doing it somewhere on the way back he just felt that her face was a little bit more closed because you've only got a quarter of a second to complete the downswing so the face is closed and he's ready to go it's so much easier just to then turn beautifully onto that golf ball if the face is wide open and I and I turned onto that golf ball that I'm going to shank it slice it you name it whereas if the face is there we can now simply turn on and keep that beautiful compression and that two o'clock strike that's all we did with Lewis so get himself set up I got him to rehearse a couple of motions where on the way back he felt at a club first those knuckles were turning down a little bit here and then from there played almost a few little chip shots down the Fairway and that creates this beautiful for beautiful draw [ __ ] for me but for Lewis because he was actually kind of slicing the ball initially this kind of just beautifully straight up with slice so tip number four involved Richard now Richard was struggling with not just his contact but his Direction too and his number one issue which I see so often so just be careful of this okay is when he takes the club back the arms start to pull the club inside the club gets very very narrow and if you look from behind here my right elbow starting to get tucked way behind me when you start getting very narrow again often in an attempt to make a full swing the problem is is when you get narrower here you're going to have to do what you're going to have to throw the club out as you throw the club out it releases and now it releases early and you end up in this kind of flicky position here I see this all the time particularly it's like the older gentleman as well because you struggle with sometimes the flexibility to complete and then you cheat by bringing this around it's so important to keep the space this keep this right arm here this Trail arm away from you here because if it's away from you've got width we can move it back towards look and create that two o'clock strike we talked about earlier but if it starts to throw inside you then have to throw the club out and as the momentum goes this way the club gets thrown and ends up like this okay no we're near the strike that you need so what we did with uh with Rich is basically get him to focus on this Trail level and just this right Trail arm here working out and creating width now I needed him to feel like he was probably only swinging to about here because in reality he even when I got into something to here he's still swung back there so I want you to visualize this I want you to visualize a very wide swing here stays out there so hands are out there so that you can now move Look to that two o'clock Place wide and then take your Trail arm look and move it to two o'clock there to two my right arm gets in here I'm Really Gonna struggle I can't get it to two I'm gonna have to come out and around the corner okay so just visualize nice circles I'm going to small swing just to here then move it to two o'clock okay nice and simple
there we go let's play it down the Fairway just like that okay so move it out move it to two o'clock so tip number five involve the fairwoods and you know what every single one of them struggled with the fairwoods off the deck and the reason being very very simple is this they assumed they needed to treat it like a driver when actually Fairy Woods hybrids should be treated just like irons so just like the clock first the only difference here is this as opposed to maybe striking in at two o'clock with the irons I want you to strike it maybe one o'clock so what changes do you make in order to achieve that you move the ball position a little bit closer towards your front foot but not to the point where it would be with driver which is 12 o'clock using one ear around and let's say one o'clock three inches inside that lead heel here the hands are still ahead here and you still want the same principles okay we're still having a slightly descending blow look on this golf ball to strike your Fairway Woods just keep that in mind okay if the ball is going along the ground and you're topping it it's almost certainly nothing to do with the fact that you are coming down on the golf ball it's mostly because you're probably hitting up on the ball here and you're hitting the top of that golf ball all right or you're doing all the things we talked about in the first four steps so treat your Fairy Woods exactly like irons just with a slightly further forward ball position here hands forward with the same intention to hit down on this golf shot
and you can start ripping fair was just like that so hope you enjoyed this five simple tips you know somebody's struggling with their ball striking off the fair with the woods as well as the irons please go and share it and of course look if you enjoyed it videos like this one and you'd like to see a video specifically just on woods and hybrid Salon please check this one out right here and of course look if you're new to the site press that subscribe button right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
Transcript Summary-
So, 9 out of 10 students I was coaching this week were really struggling to hit the irons and the fairway woods off the deck. So frustrating—they were hitting the ground behind the golf ball, someone even didn't hit the ball at all, and others were lacking accuracy and distance with big slices or hooks. It's frustrating when you've had a great drive, and then you ruin it off the fairway.
Now, we managed to help every single one of them in different ways. Today, I want to share five simple ways to improve the quality of your contact and accuracy with every club off the fairway. Before we dive into the tips, if you're new to the channel, please consider subscribing. I post videos like this every week to help you improve your game.
Tip number one: I had a student, Todd, who was struggling with topping the ball along the ground. I told Todd to imagine a clock face on the ground. The lead arm and club were at 12 o'clock, but I wanted him to hit the ball at 1 or even 2 o'clock. We adjusted his ball position and hand position, setting up for a 2 o'clock strike. This simple visual helped him avoid topping the ball.
But sometimes, just visualizing isn't enough, which brings us to tip number two. Todd had preset for a 2 o'clock impact, but his body reverted to the comfortable 11 o'clock position. I needed him to strike down, so I got him to visualize the leading edge cutting into the ground. This helped him shift his weight forward and achieve a better strike.
Now, onto tip number three with another student, Lewis. His setup was good, but he lacked flexibility. He was trying to complete his swing, resulting in an open club face. I had him focus on closing the face, making a quarter turn adjustment on the backswing. This simple change eliminated the flicky, inconsistent strike.
Tip number four involved Richard, who struggled with both contact and direction. His arms pulled the club inside, narrowing the swing. I emphasized maintaining width by keeping the trail arm away. This prevented the need to throw the club out, resulting in a more controlled and consistent strike.
Finally, tip number five focused on fairway woods. Many were treating them like drivers when they should be approached like irons. Similar principles applied, but with a slightly more forward ball position. The intention remained to hit down on the ball for a clean strike.
I hope you find these five tips helpful in improving your ball striking off the fairway. If you know someone struggling with their ball striking, share this video. And if you enjoyed it, consider subscribing. Until next week, have a wonderful golfing week!