Why 90% of Golfers Can't Hit Their Irons Correctly - Just Lock These In

best iron tips golf Oct 14, 2024

Transcript Summary - This week, I want to help you strike your irons, hybrids, and fairway woods more consistently. Many of my students have been frustrated—one moment they hit a beautiful shot, and the next, they top it. The key to consistency is controlling your trail arm. When you do this, you create a repeatable swing and hit solid shots time after time.

Now, let’s talk setup. To strike the ball then the ground, your ball position needs to be just inside your lead heel. This helps you hit the low point of your swing consistently, like the pros. Next, the trail arm—most golfers hold the club with a flat wrist, which causes flicks and weak shots. Instead, use a “gunslinger” grip, with a hinge in the wrist. This naturally brings your trail arm and elbow into a strong position, giving you that crucial forward shaft lean at impact.

Once your setup is dialed in, it’s all about pivoting around that trail arm. Picture it as tightening the screws—locking everything in place so that you can swing smoothly and consistently, just like Adam Scott or any great ball striker. Get those screws tightened, pivot around your body, and let your elbow lead the way through impact. That’s how you’ll start hitting more consistent shots.

If you’re new to my channel, please consider subscribing for weekly tips, and don’t forget to grab the free practice guide below. Now, let’s get to work!

Full Transcript- so this week I'd really love to help you strike your irons hybrids and Fairy Woods much much more consistently you see I had a loot of students this week and they were super frustrated they're out on the golf course and one minute they're striking a beautiful iron shot but then the next minute they're topping it and you can imagine how frustrating that is well what they hadn't considered and this is what I gave to them and I want to give to you is to create a consistent Motion in your go swing so you can create a repeatable short time and time again you need to have the ability to control the trail arm in your goal swing if you can do this I promise you what you're going to start to see is a repeatable action that will strike the ball time and time again that is what I'm going to focus on in this session to help you strike your irons your fairwoods and your hybrids much much more consistently before I do that if you're new to a channel from your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at least videos like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box

below well that's not a bad shot to start the day and I would love for you to start to achieve something similar I'm not expecting you to hit it as far necessarily but i' would love for you to become more consistent now we mentioned controlling the trail arm is key I'm going to go into that in a second but one of the factors here which is so important is this number here four 4 in what does that mean low point4 in look all great players I mean all of them they strike the ball then the ground they do that with the hybrids the fairwoods and the irons if you are struggling with your consistency what's 100% happening is is that you your margin of error is nowhere near Four Ines past the golf ball you might when you strike it pretty good maybe be one inch past the golf ball and you go oh that's pretty good strike but because the mar is really tiny the next short you're like one inch behind the ball and now you're fatting it or topping it okay so what I want to do is show you now what you could do at setup to give yourself the best chance to achieve that and then we'll get stuck into basically the magic of the of the trail arm in the go swing so look to strike the ball and the ground it's really simple look you know as well if you watch my videos enough this is the low point of your swing your golf swing is an arc and all the best players look strike the ball before we get to this point so where is that ball position it needs to be over here somewhere so we look at this here really simply take your stance take a club Put It One Club width inside your lead heel and make sure the ball's there if the ball is there and your low point is here what are your chances of striking the ball on the ground massively increased if your ball position is too far ahead of that now suddenly we're going to risk striking the ground behind the golf ball makes sense so really really simple the next thing and this is kind of like preloading this kind of trail out to really help you kind of strike it so all great players they have look the handle ahead of impact they achieve this with a little trick they do with the grip right so I want to show you this your Trail arm so when you're gripping it right look at my trail arm here now a lot of people when they're holding the golf club this wrist is very very flat now that is brilliant when you're chipping but terrible when you're actually swinging a golf club because if you're gripping it like this and it looks pretty normal to most people but this wrist is in this position here you're basically look in a throw or a flick position this is what most people are doing when they're striking it inconsistently it's also very weak we need to turn you into this strong position here and it starts with understanding how to hold the club with the right hand so it's the Gung Slinger hold look at this so I'm holding it much more here can you see almost like a hinge in my wrist now now if I hold it here what's that done also to my trail arm if you [ __ ] that wrist up here and hold LS can you see how my trail arm is moving inwards this elbow's moving inwards and this is the key to ball striking you will see with every wonderful ball Striker this elbow naturally is leading the way the best players are thinking about it they are setting themselves up to achieve it every time by just simple basically setup changes right so we're hit in this position here that locks that arm in place if the elbows if the wrist is like this the arm starts to pop out and you're into that position [ __ ] that wrist here here move that hand around and now suddenly look we're in a great place to kind of get that compression so youve got ball in place you've got the grip in place the elbow now locked in and the other thing what I'm really feeling here is this bicep is almost like squeezing squeezing against my kind of chest here again all setting up to do what have that handle naturally ah head without me having to think about it too much during the swing that is it that is your setup done so let's get on to moving the trail arm effectively so you can also kind of create this repeatable swing so you've probably seen with the better players they almost look beautifully robotic in a certain way they're almost kind of like the an Adam Scott for instance beautifully kind of consistent almost robotic what they're doing is they don't have any what I like to call loose screws they basically all their screws are tightened well you've just tightened the first screw you've locked this in place now what we want to do with this Trail arm is this now it's locked in place and this is locked in place here what we're going to do is we're going to Pivot around it so look at this here I'm pivoting around the elbow and the body and all I'm doing as I do this I'm just simply PIV around my body and the club will follow a beautiful AR but what's amazing about this is look because I pivoted around this this elbow is leading the way as I'm coming down now without me even trying as I come down where's my elbow it's leading the way I can just keep turning back onto that golf shot and very naturally I will have the perfect conditions for great ball striking unfortunately most people because they don't grip it too good here with their Trail land they move this elbow away so now I've I've loosened the screws here or I've pulled it back here these screws are all loose I get out of position and I'm trying to find the position in the down swing it's too hard to repeat you can do it but as you probably found it's not very consistent so what we're doing here is we're tightening the screws we're kind of locking those in place there and then we're creating a pivot around that there now look the screws are nice and tight I can work the club back into the golf ball here and give it An Almighty smack knowing that I've got control of the club through the impact area so let's have a look at this in action so I get myself set up make sure that that kind of ball position is one Club width inside my lead heel I'll show you what I do with fairwoods in a second get myself set here getting to the Gung Slinger positions here you see I get in here that elbow automatically kind of moves inwards to push the shaft forward there we go now I'm in there now all I'm going to do here is this I'm going to visualize a white line going down to my target line here but I'm going to Pivot around the elbow and the bicep here to create a beautiful back swing here the screws are nice and tight I can move into impact and just simply give give it An Almighty

smash simple as that now you look at this look 4 in after the golf ball here now you might be wondering what these numbers are here these two here this is impact so this basically means I'm 2 mm either side just off the center so really really accurate the swing plane here is basically the circle I have a lovely shallow motion through the shot this gives me consistency if that number is really high like 60 70 very very steep leads to inconsistent shots but how am I able to hit the center well when you start to tighten the screws I want you just to picture this in your mind you've kind of got yourself set up in that position you've tightened the screws at the start now notice what I'm doing here you will not see me moving up and down a lot okay I see this a lot with goers when you start moving excessively up and down what are the chances of you uh creating a beautiful consistent swing it's not going to happen what's going to happen here is you're going to throw this club right so what I want you to do here is this once you've tightened those screws there that hands in great position just a mat picture your neck here your sternum and your chest and this connection here all locked in and all you're doing is your pivoting look around that motion there it's just a beautiful simple turnaround now you might not have the flexibility to get all the way around here that's absolutely fine John Ram doesn't you can still create a beautiful motion which gets to around about here from there because it's so under control look at this I don't have to try and keep my handle ahead it's already there CU I've already preloaded it all I do is turn look and then just smash it down that Target line that is what I want you to do so picture this picture the circle you're creating and understand that when you tighten those screws lock everything in place you're able to achieve this on a more regular basis let's just finish off with what I would do differently with what I've got five wood here so all I'm going to do is fivewood with the Fairway Woods I would just change the ball position a little bit one of the reasons why they're tricky to hit is is that the low point with a fairy wood we're going to have to push the ball a little bit further forward because we might not have enough Loft on that fa if we have a club back we'll deliver not enough Loft above B won't go up in the air so I'll push it so that about a ball width inside my lead heel but nothing else changes I still do the same grip I do the same swing I don't change a single thing all right so let's hit a fair wheel to finish let's have a

go so nice and smooth and you can see here look with a fivewood didn't quite stra that perfectly but 1.2 in after the golf ball so a a little bit less and the margin of error is definitely Less on that but it's the same principles all right so lock everything in place start with a great setup lock this in lock this in lock this in here and lock doesn't mean tight it just feels like you're just tightening the screws and then from here look you've got this beautiful pivot look around the body here that's going to set that handle naturally ahead and then you can just give it An Almighty smash setting this up really really helps your ball striking I hope you enjoy the video if you did give a thumbs up if you want to know how this works with the driver check this video out right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.