Why 90% of golfers Can’t Control their Chip Shots around the green

chipping live student lessons Oct 31, 2023



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Full Transcript - so in this shotgun lesson I thought I'd do something different there's no point seeing me hit great shots all the time what I wanted to do is take you to a very difficult Chip Shot you know where you kind of like dodgy lies you've got no green to work with and bring in Leah he's my videographer beginner golfer who's probably just like you struggled around the greens very fatted a few thinned a few gets a bit nervous sometimes yeah so yeah yeah so I thought this would be a great opportunity to not give him a decent lie you know where you know he might be pretty efficient but actually give him some real dodgy lies that I think could really help you so Leah take it away let's let's get stuck into your shot game and help you okay shoot some decent shots yeah around the screen throw me in the deep end of it but


okay okay right I know you I know you're better than that a lot better than that um one thing that you're doing which is really common when people start off is is um just focus on the basics first right okay so your action is okay yeah but one of the problems just at the start and I want everyone to kind of pay attention to this so important is when you're setting up to any shot you've got to make sure that when your weight's on this left side but when you put your weight on your left side you don't do this because when you do this what happens to this bit Yeah it moves back it goes back sure and what happens to the shoulders yeah they've got massive tilt yeah so what we want to have we want the weight on the left side if you want to shoulders to level out sure because what you did there you're back here yeah I think I'm assuming I'm going to hit up then on it exactly yeah yeah exactly but actually what you'll do is you will but the problem is now you're going to hit behind the golf ball and thin it as you did yes right we want the club to go underneath the golf ball but we want the club look to drop underneath the golf ball it's only going to do that if our shoulders are more level whilst our weights on this side yeah not this way cool all right okay cool so let's go back to that one just start there first okay

a little bit closer together that's it okay


lovely wow lovely cool so nice and simple right but that was a good lie sure okay right yeah so we said we promised the viewers that would give you some Shockers lies yeah right so let's now just let it just drop right okay now we're talking right so now now the action's put under his Paces okay okay let me go more Eva that's one thing when you're practicing by the way don't give yourself good Lies when you're practicing it's it's pointless because you don't get them right yes yeah especially my game yeah exactly exactly so give yourself some shocking lies and practice for them right let's see how we get them great show by the way thank you pause yeah what do you know it's about the face uh oh it's quite got a lot of grass on it so clean the face before you hit the shot okay right so that it's going to help that contact all right okay

awesome so good strike yeah but too far isn't it yeah okay so what this is we've been doing some work on on your short game okay you've got that strike but how do we get that ball just popping up sure so it lands softly sure right so what you've got at the moment is this when you're striking these you've got a little bit of a drive of the hands okay okay yeah when you do that what you're doing is is you're actually driving the club and you're actually de-lofting the club sure okay now this is really normal because when the ball gets nestled down our instinct is to do what

but what we don't we don't want that to happen right what we want to do is we want the club to slip under the ball sure if it slips under the ball what do you know it's about a loft now it's increasing isn't it okay we've got lots of Loft so when we want to when we want when we're in rough we want to get underneath this golf ball we want to have we want to use the bottom of the club the bounce and we want to get the Loft underneath sure so what you're doing is you're accelerating the grip for impact yeah we should get more power which will give you more power which is great for a powerful shot for the Fairway but in the short game we don't want to accelerate the grip we want to get the the club itself accelerating sure right and I'm just using this as a guide this is kind of yeah probably a little rubbery Club here we actually want the shaft itself to be unloading through impact we don't want the shaft by if you accelerate your hands look the shaft goes like this and then unloads too late right and it generates too much speed sure yeah what we want to do here is the image I want to create I'll give you use this in a second is Imagine here your hands aren't moving very much and can you see the shaft unloading yeah yeah start with that sensation first where you feel like the heads really kind of releasing under sure compared to this okay makes sense yeah definitely so try that first okay thanks oh yeah it feels weird yeah it's a bit weird so get yourself seven feet closer yeah that's it fantastic now keep an eye on these don't let these travel if these travel too fast look what happens you actually load load the shaft yeah as opposed to unload it okay that's it so you want ah so you can see how the club's there you go see how it's releasing yeah brilliant right fantastic okay cool you make sense there you go brilliant yeah it really helps exactly like well just the weight of it helps it helps it's a great feeling it's a great great feeling to get the club under now to help stabilize this okay so that by the way when you're doing this it isn't for you that you guys watching it isn't this we're not we're not getting I'm not at all getting you there am I to flick your wrist no it's just as you as the hands start what happens to the club yeah it comes through it releases that's the idea you want dough on his hands traveling too far to get the Loft sure the second thing we're going to do now you've got that sensation here this is second stage start with this first the second stage to stabilize this so you've now got some room to come through because if if you don't move anything here eventually it will turn into to a flick okay we don't want that right what we're gonna do is we're going to create room by letting this lead shoulder work up okay and back that's it but when you do this watch this it's not this it's not a drive remember yeah you still want to keep the Sensation that she's unloading yeah and when if you unload it the trick on the test is look how close my hands are to my uh my hips try and keep it close yeah but if I've driven my hands like this yeah they move away you've got a lot of space here yeah that's the signal that you've driven there you go okay okay yeah that makes a lot of sense cool so start off we're just going to get the sensation put it again we don't want good good lies to put it in a shock in there look there you go okay okay so get the sensation the unloading of the shaft okay

cool and then give yourself some space coming through okay yeah there you go so there's a little pivot now as you're standing up a little bit it makes sense yeah yeah okay yeah it's good it's almost good with this trying to keep it near there yeah when I'm coming through yep good now as you're doing this just pay attention as you're doing it to where you're hitting the ground at the demo yeah you get a nice dust we're into it yeah that's more into it yeah yeah the last few are a bit Yeah flipping the top of it exactly so if you're if you're watching this one of the things when you're tripping is they're great to get all this kind of the mechanics in play but listen to the sound you know what Leah was doing is it was hitting the tops of the grass but wasn't getting deep enough deep enough so you're not here therefore you never get underneath the Box sure okay cool now swap clubs okay now all you're going to do is try to fill this will feel a bit straight yeah yeah and just imagine the same thing you're unloading the shaft there you go yeah but get the pivot oh yeah so you can come through make sense yeah okay

there you go look at the height yeah a lot of heights now look at how that's landed softly now yeah yeah yeah it makes sense and it's really deep as well down in the rough there yeah exactly right now you'll see the balls drifted to the right a little bit yeah I mean I've been nitpicky here right you've made a good shot usually it's bad but um now the the ball's gone slightly to the right and we'll put it in there again look yeah now it's gone slightly to the right only because he got the beautiful Loft right because you've got the shaft unloading yeah yeah but you got it out to the right because your pivot was more of a up just enough okay right and in golf we want the a beautiful Arc sure yeah so what as well as kind of obviously this shaft unloading this creating space it also needs to work where oh and back yeah okay and that's going to help you then get the club look squared up for impact sure and hit it straight right that makes sense yeah but two of The Elements which were unloading and that yeah I got those yeah well done cheers okay I really hope you're enjoying this and if you can Finance you if you do make sure you give it a thumbs up um and comment down below let me know what you're struggling with is your shot games and if this can help so I'll pause that again anyone notice that there what do you notice there you go look at that noise yep right that's the bounce working now yeah yeah sure


it's more of this look look at this okay this way I'm releasing through there yes now pause there yeah work work on this first okay work on the unloading of the shaft there you go yeah yeah that's the most important initially there you go okay then that's it yeah okay well this one is a shocker yeah

yes that's the one that's the one close that's pretty good yeah I'll take that yeah that's pretty good that was a pretty shocking light yep and we're only using uh 56 here so if we use 60 would that get it higher it'd go a little bit higher yeah okay yeah so let's Nestle in again

oh gosh okay but listen the viewers are gonna love this because this is ultimately what you so we see I mean just take a picture of this for the viewers actually yeah this is where I end up the viewers are gonna just so you can see I'm gonna get really really close hang on look at this that is basically comparison this is basically what we're chipping out of right now um it is pretty shocking okay but look this is real isn't it yeah definitely I apologize again yeah it came too much not not deep enough into it that's it really feel that club is unloading yep there you go that's it and then then that's it that's it good okay

okay look at that now

okay close so it's still releasing slightly more than I mean it's a great job it's a great shot out there I'm still releasing slightly bit to the right so that's something I need to work on I guess getting that and it's and I still I think we could still get this higher without with just by having a bit more of the popping up so let me show you here for a second okay so what what you've still got a fraction which is what I mean it's brilliant right you're doing really good you're doing a really good job with this if we want and I'm being hash yeah if we want this ball to pop up a bit more yep you have to have the confidence and I say confidence because it requires this okay to really unload right sure just go for it and it's hard to do because in most sports where we're bought hitting balls we drive well especially the distance as well it's like in my mind all right don't hit it too hard because you know my fly over the green but um it's a really strange situation see the what the best players feel yeah is like they are literally putting on the brakes here okay and allowing the club to just accelerate free accelerate underneath right so it's like they're stopping this way but they're not stopping like the amateur might do and we're not any movement there's a pivot yeah but they're stopping and letting the club look just yeah underneath okay and I get it it's the problem with this is this is not a miniature full swing you don't do this in the full swing sure yeah yeah the full swing is much more dried completely opposite yeah this is we're in force when we're creating the load yeah then unloading it at the last minute sure here we're actually unloading the shaft very look early on early in the swing okay so it's just a very different way of looking at it requires some confidence and allowing yourself to mess it up yeah sure okay okay clean the face yeah

no that's it if you want to go and jump on this just give a okay have a quick go just to remind yourself sensation now so you see how far the hands travel left yeah there you go that's it just feel that unloading bang There you go that's it then add the pivot in that to complement that yeah makes sense yeah and you know what that acceleration's doing is giving them the club head a little bit of speed to get through the rough sure okay [Music]


that's the one that's the one that is the one yeah some nice height on that as well brilliant see the difference yeah so it's going to take some practice like all these things right but that there I can't do any better than that what happened the confidence to attempt it as well or have faith in it I guess yeah you just look look with all of this it's a mindset right it's a complete mindset that you're gonna have to get you have to just it's a complete different action to a full swing yeah sure yeah so three things we've got unload the shaft yep we've got set up yeah yeah we've got pivot get those things in place and it'd be a huge huge help so once you feel you've mastered this shot and you want some more advanced information check this video out right here I actually get a lesson myself from the best golf coach in the world plus if you want to follow Leo's Journey head over to my website right here where we're actually going to set up a break 100 series we're going to track Leo's Journey all the way through to hopefully breaking a hundred but until next week have a great golfing week


Summary Transcript- 

Hey there, folks, I thought we'd try something different in this golf lesson. Instead of showing you perfect shots all the time, I wanted to take you to a challenging chip shot scenario. To help us with this, I've got Leo, my videographer, who's a beginner golfer and just like many of you, he struggles with chip shots, often hitting fat or thin shots and getting a bit nervous.

Now, the idea here is not to give Leo an easy lie where he might perform well. Instead, we're giving him some really tough lies, which I believe can genuinely help you improve your chip shots. Leo, take it away, and let's dive into your game and work on those chip shots.

First things first, Leo's setup needs attention. He's got to ensure that his weight is on the left side, but without tilting his shoulders too much. We want level shoulders while the weight stays on the left side. Leo had a tendency to lean back, which leads to inconsistent shots.

Leo takes a shot from a decent lie to start, but we promised some really tough lies. So, Leo, let's go for a shot from a really challenging position.

Now, we're talking! Leo faces a really tricky lie. With these difficult lies, the key is to work on your fundamentals. Clean the clubface to improve contact. But here's the main point: we don't want to drive the club with the hands. Instead, we want to get the club to release underneath the ball. This requires the shaft to "unload."

Leo practices unloading the shaft, making sure it releases under the ball, creating more loft. Additionally, we add the concept of pivot to help him get that clubface squared up for impact.

With challenging lies, Leo's shots start to improve. We've got the shaft unloading correctly, and the pivot helps maintain control. The idea is to get the clubhead under the ball, giving it more loft.

As Leo gets more comfortable with these techniques, the shots from tough lies start to land softly and with greater precision. Remember, this will require practice and the confidence to implement these changes into your game.

To wrap things up, folks, I hope you're enjoying this lesson. If you want to refine your chipping further, feel free to check out more advanced lessons. And if you want to follow Leo's golf journey, head over to my website. Until next week, keep improving your golf game!