Why 99% Of Tour Players Now Move Their Right Arm Like This
Sep 06, 2024Transcript Summary- By the end of today’s lesson, most students tell me they want to be more consistent, especially with their driver and irons. The key to that consistency, which top players master, is controlling the trail arm—in my case, the right arm in the golf swing. Setting it up correctly from the start and managing it throughout the backswing and downswing is crucial. Amateurs often fail to control this arm, leading to inconsistency. Today, I’m going to show you how to set and control your trail arm to improve your swing.
First, let’s look at how to set the trail arm. Turn the elbow inward and point the palm upward, like holding a waiter’s tray. This might feel tight, but it locks down your arm and helps control the club. You can even try some small shots like this, focusing on keeping your elbows close together to maintain control.
Next, we’ll use a fitness band to train the trail arm to stay connected without restricting movement. This prevents the elbow from flying out, promoting a controlled but free-flowing swing.
Lastly, there’s a simple drill you can use on the course. By hinging the trail wrist and keeping the butt of the club stable, you set the proper backswing and follow through. This helps create a fluid, controlled motion that you can apply to every shot.
Combine these drills to unlock a more consistent and flowing swing, eliminating unnecessary body movements and letting the club do the work. Give it a try, and you’ll see the difference in your game!
Full Transcript- so I want you to imagine you've just joined me on the lesson t for your very first golf lesson and I ask you by the end of this lesson today what would you love to have achieved what would be your main goal well if you're anything like my students they will say Danny I want to be more consistent I want to hit my driver more consistently I want to hit my irons more consistently in fact how do the best players make it look so easy what are they doing well in this video I'm going to show you that basically the best players are controlling their Trail arm my right arm in the gold swing they set it up correctly at the start and they know exactly what to do to control it in the back swing and on the way down this level of control gives them an immense consistency with amate golfers they never set it up correctly and they move it all over the place and it's impossible to have a consistent swing when you do this so in this video I'm going to show you how you can learn it too before I get into video look though if you're new to the channel it's when your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at Le videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game but you never everything I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so consistency how do you achieve it well let's start with this I didn't if you realize but you have 32 limbs from the ground all the way to the club head that you have to control to a fraction of a degree to bring that club consistently back to impact at the same point time and time again how do you do that well the best players do it by controlling this Trail arm now there are three step steps to this the first two steps we're going to show you can do indoors on the practice ground and the final one we can then take to the golf course so ultimately understanding how this Trail arm works just adds so much control to your swing I want you to have like the best players a beautifully flowing golf swing with a free flowing Golf Club but I don't want this body and the limbs to be moving all over the place while you're doing it because you won't be able control this so your body needs to be under control while the club head needs to be out of control control now here's where you start the first thing to do is make sure that your Trail arm look is just set inwards look how I'm turning his elbow just inwards here I'm almost like pushing my elbows together here this is the first thing this is important because what this is doing is it's almost locking down this Trail arm from here look this Trail arm we're going to take this paddle here I'm going to Simply point it towards the ceiling this is sitting this Trail arm here now when I do this and if you do this with me it will feel very very tight some people even say oh that feels a bit uncomfortable there it's a little bit tight but what it's doing is it's control you're locking down the limbs here so that they AR moving all over the place once you're here we then be going to move that paddle straight back down to the golf ball so step one turn this inwards here get the paddle point it to the ceiling so my palm look is point into the ceiling this is like a weight us tray almost holding above your head here then what you can do which is why I use the padal is you can actually start to hit some small shots with this so you get yourself set here and again look if this wasn't there I could move it around this is all over the place now I could pull this inside here I've got no control I can't let this club swing freely if I haven't got control over it whereas when I do this look and I got my paddle in place here and I simply turn to the sky I'm just locked it's just unbelievably under control I can then swing this as hard as I like basically through the shot and this club head is really under control so let's hit a really easy shot now just doing this I'll get myself set here put the paddle just on the center of the shaft here nice and easy I'm not going to H any big ones I just simply swing to the top and as I'm doing this I'm imagining look those elbows look ar popping out here they're staying nice and close together under control and away we go
beautiful nice and simple should be nice and straight there we go look so nice and straight piece of okay right so it's developing first of all set the elbow form the tray keep it there just keep that pressure on the club all the way through here it's just a brilliant brilliant exercise to start to get the sensation of locking this right arm down here this Trail arm into a place that's going to give you control so it's a really really simple thing I'll put a link in the description uh down below it's just a swimming paddle basically but I'll put a link in the description box below let's move on to drill number two now before I move on to drill number two which is the fitness band here I want to just kind of iterate here that when I'm doing this I don't want you to be wooden statues what we're trying to do is move the body in a beautifully controlled way to allow you to swing the club as freely as you like the more freedom you have with the body the less control you have with the golf club but the if we can help you gain some feeling of control with the body you can let that Golf Club flow as freely as you like which just brings us on to the fitness band here so all I'm doing here is a nice stretchy fitness band and what it's going to help me you feel is as I take the club back here it's going to stop what I see a lot of people doing which is letting his elbow fly all over the place here or lifting the arms up and away from the body here but at the same time it's not getting them stuck in like this so you're Mr wooden what you're doing is you can still swing freely but it's not letting this elbow Fly Away makes sense so it's an absolutely brilliant exercise so all I'm doing here is I make a swing here I'm swinging and you'll notice this Trail arm here look very similar to the the P look is sitting down it's not allowed to fly it's sitting down here as I come through same principle what do you know notice about my lead elbow it's sitting down it's not up here it's not flying away so it's just a brilliant way of Ed educating a controlled motion while so that you it allows you basically to swing as freely as you like let's have a look at this in
action felt absolutely beautiful just a little tap down there and hey prester look how straight that is rock it straight again I can swing as freely as are like if I keep my body under an element of control okay so let's imagine you don't have an armband what do you do well that moves us to drill number three which is one of my favorites for the golf course and it kind of in a sense encompasses the first two the first two will really educate you in a really you know really exaggerated way this final one is brilliant for taking to the golf course and I mentioned it on a couple of my videos recently um given to me by Tommy Fleet with Coach gra walk it's absolutely Sensational what you do is this put the Club out in front of you here so it's just left of my Center here and then what we're going to do is keeping the butt really constant all you're going to do is hinge this Trail wrist so the club just pops over at my trail shoulder now most people when I give this to the first time they do it wrong they do this they go oh Dan picture over here and they lift this up here that's not because look my arms are still loose there what do if you could do this with me you'll really feel this if you hinge this just over your Trail shoulder but keep the butt the same what happens is is the ra the trail his hinges that forces the elbow to do this and then you're already look setting this beautiful controlled motion very similar to the paddle we've just done yeah look at this one and it's setting there that's the controlled motion of the back swing but look at this on the way through we're now going to do the same we're going to hinge the club now keeping the but the same look over the lead shoulder what does this do well exactly the same thing this now is sitting the elbow down what have we just done with the bands sitting the elbows down it's wrapping around so now what we've got look is a I think something that we could do before each shot one two one two one two one two one two one two now I've got a flowing swing look noce it look holding away your tray arms nice and wrapped in here coming down look swinging the club fre releasing the club beautifully through now I'm swinging the arms beautifully freely while simultaneously creating a beautifully controlled body motion so we're blending the whole thing together where we have a lovely free flowing motion of the golf club controlled by eliminating the degrees of freedom in our body here so that we can have beauti beautifully straight shots that basically work not just for your irons but for your driver too so let's have a look at this in action let's work on the drill here so I get myself set I do my little movement one two maybe at Rhythm one two once I've got a rhythm of this I simply need to get to the golf ball and give it a
smack and look at that nice and straight nice and simple start to create this beautifully flowing free Club head but control it by eliminating the degrees of freedom that you have in those limbs when you do that you will start to become much much more consistent now look if you'd love to know really really important okay where all this stuff comes from the the band and the and the paddle just look in the description box below the other thing I what we go really well with this video here is this one right here it's very very important you have a great grip to support this if I'm swinging freely and the club's coming in closed or open it's really important that this hands your hands are on the golf club correctly check this video out right here but I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends who struggling with consistency but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.