Why You Can't Hit Driver as Far as You Should - Simply Do This
Mar 03, 2025Transcript Summary-
So, I’ve just finished a half-day golf school, and our main focus was helping golfers hit their drivers better. The number one request? You guessed it—they wanted to hit it straighter. But in reality, what they really wanted was to hit it much longer. The problem? Every time they tried to hit the ball further, they lost control—some slicing the ball way to the right, others hooking it left. No matter how hard they tried, adding distance always seemed to come at the cost of accuracy and strike quality.
In this video, I want to share the one thing that changed everything for them. This is the missing ingredient that so many golfers overlook, and without it, any other swing adjustment is pointless. Once we fixed this one thing, we could then move on to the next step—ramping up their speed and creating effortless power. But first, if you’re new to the channel, consider subscribing—I post videos like this every week to help you improve your game. And don’t worry about remembering everything—I’ve put all the key points into a free practice guide in the description below.
Now, let’s take two golfers from the school—Chris and Paul. Chris struggled with a massive slice, while Paul had a severe hook. Both were losing out on serious distance. By the end of the session, Chris had gained about 20 yards, and Paul added nearly 28 yards! But before we could even think about generating power, we had to fix their clubface position at impact.
Chris, for example, had a clubface that was wide open at impact. If he swung aggressively, the ball would go flying right. Naturally, he tried to correct it by manipulating his wrists, which only led to inconsistent shots—sometimes left, sometimes right, and nowhere near his full potential. Paul had the opposite issue—his clubface was too closed, sending shots way left. To fix it, he would force the ball straight, killing his distance. Both were stuck in a cycle of compensations, and the key to breaking it was ensuring their clubface was truly square at setup.
I asked each golfer if their clubface was square at address, and they all said, “Yes.” But when I checked with an alignment stick, it became clear that their forearms and clubface weren’t actually aligned. For example, Chris had his clubface pointing at the target, but his forearms were aimed left—this caused him to cut across the ball, creating a huge slice. Paul had the opposite issue—his forearms were pointed way right, which led to his big hooks. True straight hitters have their clubface and forearms aligned properly at setup.
So, here’s your first step: check if your clubface and forearms are truly square at address. This simple fix immediately helped Chris and others hit much straighter shots, giving them the foundation to build effortless power.
But what if your setup is correct and you still slice or hook the ball? That’s exactly what happened with Frank—his setup was perfect, yet he still lost control during his swing. The issue? He had no awareness of his clubface throughout the motion. If you can’t feel where your clubface is, you’re going to struggle with consistency.
To build this awareness, I gave Frank an exercise: hold the club in front of you, spin it around randomly, then—with your eyes closed—find a square position. This helps develop a feel for the weight and balance of the club, allowing you to instinctively know when your clubface is square. Tools like HackMotion can also help by giving real-time feedback on clubface position, reinforcing the right feel.
Once you have control of your clubface, then—and only then—should you start working on adding power. If you’re interested in that next step, I’ve put a bonus video in the description and pinned it in the comments. In it, I walk through the exact process I use with my students to gradually ramp up their speed and distance.
I really hope this video helps! If it does, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends. And if you want to dive deeper into increasing distance, especially with your irons, check out this video right here. Until next week, have a fantastic golfing week!
Full Transcript- so I've just finished a half day golf score we focused primarily on helping golfers hit driver what do you think the number one request was you got it they wanted to hit driver straighter but really really they wanted to hit driver much longer than they were doing the problem is every time they tried to hit driver longer kind of this is what
happened they would hit a big booming slice either to the right so they lose complete control of the golf ball I also had one of the guys who was a big hook of the golf ball he would hook the ball way over to the left so the problem is is no matter how hard they tried they could not add distance without compromising their direction or their strike so in this video I want to share with you the one thing that I gave each one of them everybody seems to miss this ingredient and no matter what you're working on your goal swing if you don't have this you haven't fixed this it is absolutely pointless working on anything else I fixed this one thing in their swing and that gave them then the ne we can move on to step two which is then how we ramped up and created some effortless power with them I'm going to share with you that in this video before I do the look if you're new to the channel it's one of your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll put everything we talk about in this video into a free download practice guide in the description box below so let's start with two of the guys in the school Chris and Paul both really really extreme Chris had a big boom in slice Paul had a big hook to the left now both of them should have been hitting the ball so much further they were at the end I think we managed to get about 20 yards with Chris and Paul I think it was about 27 or 28 yards in the end um but they both needed to change this one thing let me explain what it is so ultimately if your Club face is out of position coming down so let me give you an example so Chris is is a good example his Club face imagine this was wide open was pointing way over to the right side as he coming down the club face is wide open now the problem is if he was to beautifully be aggressive through the shot now as you should be where would the ball go let's show you Ball's going to go if you are really aggressive way out to the right now the problem is when you start seeing that ball head out to the right when what do you think Chris is naturally going to do well he's going he doesn't want it to go into trees on the right hand side so now what he's going to do he's going to see he's going to try to straighten it up so when he stries to straighten it up he would then start to kind of use his wrist to straighten it up so now it looks like this now the problem is his distance is going to massively reduced and now he starts hitting one left and he goes backwards and forwards left right left right and he's completely lost so now he starts get more and more careful of the golf ball just to try to hit the Fairway now the same was true for for Paul but just in the opposite way Paul would have a great big hook because as his Club was kind of coming into the golf ball his basically his Club is really closed so he would hook it now and then to the left so what do you think he did to straighten it he would just force it down the middle of the Fairway like this and now he'd go like this and he's pushing it forward the problem is all of these things create shots that go right left but you're not you can't create a beautifully flowing golf swing if your Club face is open or closed so step number one before we work on helping you create effortless power and that lovely flowing swing I want to help you as I did with us guys help you to learn how to kind of get that club fish ready to go Square so that when that club is coming down it's perfectly ready so you can just let that club flow through let that club flow through beautifully so I've recruited a little bit of help and brought Leo in to help us with the visuals so the first thing I want you to look for is and I did gave this to every single one of the uh the guys in the group I asked them is your Club face square at setup and I went around and everyone goes yeah and I went is it and then went yeah definitely well it's pointing at the Target it is but is it truly square and then I went around with an alignment stick and I did this so this is what Chris was doing take a look so the face is aiming straight at the Target right but where's the forearms eming they're aing to the left for Chris that created a swing that swung across the line of the golf ball and created a really big bend slice Spin and I said to him so Chris where is your Club face and he's still some still Square well straight hitters have four rounds Square in a line where's your Club face now wide open isn't it this is why you're slicing it yeah so I want you to check that for yourself now you may hook the golf ball now one of the guys not Paul actually for another guy Frank actually he was a hooker and ultimately Frank's face again was pointing towards a Target but look at this he was way down here where's his forearms pointing way over to the right hand side so I said to him straight hit don't have the forearms pointing over there they have them Square Now where's your first pointing left that's why you can't get it up in the air or that's why you Sky the ball straight up in the air so the first thing I want you to check before we work on any part of Swing is is are you actually set up correctly is your face truly set up to square cheers money thank you so when you're setting up to the golf ball here you want the forearms completely Square to that club face here now if you you slice a golf ball as christed we actually just exaggerated it a little bit for him just to kind of get sensation so if you I'll show you here just so you can see this if your face is square but your forearms are here this is kind of what's going to happen I'm going to swing across the bottom line here my face is going to be a real positive number and we're going to get a great big booming slice over to the right hand side so if I compare that if I just now hit a shot for you where we take this position we move it to square now the face is wide open now all I'm going to do look is square the face grip the club now from here I've now got a face forearms that square but with with Chris I actually moved it and exaggerated a little bit so I've got his forearms point a little bit just so he could almost create a draw for him and now suddenly again without any big shots we're going to start seeing a ball that's going to curve right to left in the air because we've exaggerated it a little bit makes sense now if I wanted to hit that straight what do you think I would do I would straighten my forearms up and the golf club let's do that for you to hit that ball much much straighter get this up so I get myself set he look and that's all I do with show the guys Square everything up forearm straight club face straight again no big shots to start with and now what we're going to see look is a ball that now flies beautifully straight this is goal number one before you work work on anything this is what I started with Chris and a couple of the others and it got them hitting me much straighter this allowed them then to work on the next stage which is how you create effortless power now if you're anything like my students once you start seeing a ball going straight you're going to want to know how to hit it longer but let's just hold our horses just a little bit because one of my students Frank he was set up perfectly straight he was square with his Club face his forearms were perfectly kind of square and in line yet he still sliced it and there first still made all the problems coming down trying to flick the ball losing distance and the reason being somewhere in his golf swing he started off perfect with a straight shot in him great setup but somewhere in his goal swing he lost it why he doesn't have feel of the club face he doesn't know where it is so just like Frank I needed to help him build awareness and I want you to to them awareness in your Club face I'm going to show you the first exercise that I gave him so hold a club out in front of you here now look at this I'm going to spin this club around look all over the place and with my eyes closed I'm going to find square look at that perfectly Square how did I do that I've developed a feel of the weight and balance of this golf club what that allows me to do is Swing the club beautifully freely like this and I'm completely aware of that club face and feeling in space and at high speed I need you to be able to do this so that's the first exercise I want you to do build that as a skill right just sit on your couch play around with it the other thing you can do is you can use kind of external tools I've got like you might wondering what this device is here I've got hack motion on my wrist here okay now this is another way of doing it so ultimately when you're swinging back if I get myself set up here listen to this so I'm getting myself set up in add address position now from here all I'm going to do is swing to the top now why can you hear that noise it's pinging right now on the way down still Square now I've got a feeling I can just do a nice smooth swing won't go very far but it's going to go look reasonably straight now what he's doing is he giving me a feel and making sure that my feel matches right it's giv me some form of awareness of Club face now with someone like Frank who opens the club face it's going to look something like this so I get our set
there's a clo face open but great now it's perfect right so now he can feel it he doesn't have to look at it there we are or through right so having a way to kind of in a sense develop that awareness of Club face it's not always easy to feel so you can practice like this once get yourself set again one more time this time look good here but watch
no wrong I'm opening yeah so there we go so I'm not looking at the face necessarily I can get this feeling here and then swing away right so the whole point is is that building some form of awareness let's turn this down building some form of awareness into what you're doing in in terms of the club face allows you then eventually once you got that feeling to then start to ramp up the power with that in mind I want to now help you add more distance to that driver so what I've done is I've put a free bonus video down in the description box below I'll pin it also to the top comment where I show you the things that I work on with my players to gradually step by step ramp up their speed and power probably a little bit too much to put in this video you've got enough to get on with so I really really hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with your friends look if you want to find out more about hack motion I'll pin that to the top comment below if you want to know how to kind of create extra distance with your iron shots particularly check this video out right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.