World Champ Reveals how EVERY Golfer can Hit Driver 30+ Yards Further
Nov 03, 2023
Full Transcript - another one it looks quite simple it looks actually quite a simple move doesn't it it is what would you say could add to somebody's distance in terms of speed or what it could do yeah oh like 20 yards plus really yeah you're gonna look at you look you're an athlete right I think the oldest guy that I had was 82. there you go yeah and he he increased his Club at speed by 10 miles an hour one lesson there you go just like that you launched it launched that was actually pretty good yeah
so with the world long drive chat in Martin bogmeyer and just like you I would love to get a few extra yards out of my game so I brought the main man to Hope forgive me two or three buttons imagine being able just to press a couple of buttons in your swing to get maybe three four five ten extra yards well hopefully this guy today is going to do that to me and hopefully that's going to help you too so how you gonna get started well I believe the first like the bottom line of all of this of distance in general yeah and learning from long drive because I mean that's what we want to do right we don't want to become a long driver no but we want to learn and find the right elements in the long drive world what we can transfer to golf yeah so first of all the bottom line is be an athlete allow yourself to be an athlete what do you mean how I learned Golf and how I was taught to play golf was very static yeah so I was supposed to keep my feet rooted right and rotate around my own body and then at some point make contact yeah right so in long drive and what we can learn from long drive is that we're actually allowed to use our feet and actually allowed to to shift weight yes right so off the ball what I want to create is I want to create when I want to start to create speed off the ball already so when I addressed the golf ball I cannot recommend you guys more to actually allow yourself to rock your feet a little bit right have a creative feel for where your body is actually in space and then shift your your buddy off the ball and create speed from the get-go right in long drive we do that like crazy yeah yeah I'll drive my shift like room over here and then like try to speed it up so this is just a little bit like a little bit of motion before you actually take the way take away the club can help you to create speed from the get-go so so that's going to create speed by not doing too much you're still getting the consistency yeah I mean we're obviously lacking a little bit of consistency in long drive because we're we're not supposed to put the first one in play right we're not supposed to hit the Fairway all the time or hit bad shots in the first cut but our bad shots can actually be wherever because an OB ball is an OB ball yeah yeah so for you guys out there we have a 60-yard grid and we have six tries in two minutes 30 seconds and the best one counts so we can hit five balls wherever as long as we hit the that one ball 400 plus yards with most of the time we're good some movement yeah it's good it depends yes yeah let's say static golf is not made for distance got it right so if we want to gain distance we gotta allow ourselves to be an athlete and that comes with can you demonstrate it for us yes so I mean I'm I'm a little special with tea height okay obviously because in in long drive now this this driver that I hit is a two and a half degree so because at some point with crazy speed you actually gotta decrease Loft a little bit because otherwise the ball would just balloon up in the air right it would Spin and would you recommend more people going for more height with teeth does that help oh yeah yeah I mean height in general like actually getting the ball up in the air can help with distance so we'll come back to that in a second but uh that that's probably button three of us okay okay let's start with let's see what we find it the first the first bit is actually allow yourself to feel where your pressure in your feet and your body moves to actually feel like you can whoosh great speed in the very beginning of your swing over here so that's where where it's actually starting and when you break it down your pressure in your feed is actually pushing to that side to eventually move your body right and then create speed from the get-go got it so it's that that's how I would break it down does it feel like I do that in these steps no it's like one fluid motion actually but if I had to break it down it's like the very last bit is like pressure over here shift right and then boom yeah speed up the golf ball speed up the golf club so to me it's like I tap a little bit and then eventually I got this little trigger that helps me to create something and what I'm noticing is you're doing this as well and yeah and you can kind of learn from this is there's always Motion in the way you're approaching you know even just your approach the golf ball you're not kind of just static then doing it it's kind of like there's a whole mush into the to the movement and you're set up isn't it yeah yeah 100 I mean when you look out on tour you see that more and more not this extreme yeah but you see a lot more motion going on you see these Waggles right you see a lot of tapping down here and then at some point they pull the trigger yeah but also when you look at Rory when you look at DJ all of them shift away from the ball before they actually take away the club but it's just not that extreme you have to look at it really look for it to find it but there's a little trigger involved I mean people like Matt wolf right that's like crazy what they do some people are out there definitely doing that crazy Henrik Stenson has this little like shift shift to the right and then he's starting I mean there's these triggers out there yeah but just not as Extreme as a long drive but definitely it's definitely a movement that we can learn from and that's getting you set for distance very early so show is it you're gonna show it to hit it the guys are ancient to to see it
oh launched it launched that was actually pretty good yeah
so going into button number two yeah we've got movement we've got flow what's next so with that speed so we we apply the speed very very early and with authority right we allow ourselves to be athletes and actually create speed from the get-go into the club now we want to utilize that speed in the backswing to complete a full turn okay so what's happening with actually creating speed down here and early is we have a way easier time to complete the backswing so let me demonstrate this so if I would take away the club slowly I would have a very hard time actually rotating my fluorides like all the way back here yeah it's so super hard when you do it slowly yeah but when you do it quickly just like loading a spring yeah easier to just pull it quickly compared to doing it slowly right so utilizing that to actually allow yourself to create a full turn and rotate as much as you can yeah because with that what's happening is a lot of people consciously try to restrict their turn to create to keep the backswing shorter and create more consistent strikes it can make sense at some point but when we look at distance and pure distance we need speed and by creating or completing that turn we create actually a longer hand path on the way back and on the way down as well which leaves us more time and distance to create speed so if you're kind of putting trying to put the club into specific positions that's going to affect you massively isn't it if it's too controlled on the way back you've got no chance of really making that extra increasing hand path and therefore it's going to cost you what would you say when you've done this and you've expanded it what would you say it could add to somebody's distance in terms of speed or what it could do yeah oh like 20 Arts plus really yeah definitely amazing I mean you gotta you gotta get used to all these motions and really you gotta feel out what you want to implement for your course swing yeah right because in the very beginning it's when you always when you've always been in this kind of robotic way of approaching golf yeah it's very tough to let go in the very beginning and actually allow yourself to be an [ __ ] it is because we're all used to like control control control but you got to let go because to gain distance it's actually the opposite in the very beginning and then it's getting back into a controlled mode yeah but first we gotta leave it experience it exactly back in and that's my my usual approach to speed and distance all the time because in the very beginning you got to let go yeah you gotta get the speed going and completely ignore the result because you got to go speed first and then eventually we got to translate that new speed into distance and is there there's gonna be people out there gonna be going they're going to look at you look you're an athlete right and so there's gonna be people out there of old different edges these first two buttons are they I mean looking at bottom one that's not going to affect you could be you know a senior golfer and still have movement in your swing couldn't you yeah I mean I had I think the oldest guy that I had was 82. there you go yeah and he he increases Club at speed by 10 miles an hour there you go just like that yeah because he realized like okay I I'm not supposed to like keep my feet rooted like crazy and I'm like no no yeah you're not and it actually benefited him a lot and he I still got emails from him like today he's like hey I still oh I mean I'll drive my guys like every on it's awesome he loves it and I mean there might be people out there that are like hey I've never been an athlete I've never really played any athletic sports or whatever it might be this is not for me yeah then you might not be the guy to chase speed and distance that's okay right there's numerous ways to play golf right then maybe equipment changes yeah to gain that extra distance right because you want to find the right Loft and the right driver for you to gain that extra distance but there's well with these athletic motions there's a lot more distance to gain than with anything else because your swing is what makes you hit the ball far it is the swing so two buttons yeah number three do you want to know is there another three yeah we got to go to numbers okay I mean now we got the backswing right we got oops oops there we go we might still need these balls so now we got button number one which is the takeaway then button number two is the back swing right and the backswing length so we got the lens we got the hand path lens and now button number three would be the downswing in how I initiate the announcement Okay so couple things to that so I feel when I initiate my downswing
I feel a lot in my left foot right so my left foot and my left side in general is absolutely key in the downswing why is that there's a couple things to it so the first bit is when I'm as soon as I'm up here what happens a lot out there is that the shoulders and the pelvis with a lot of amateur golfers moved at the same time yes so they move into the downswing like this yeah which does two things one it's not very efficient because the pelvis is actually not guiding the thorax to turn yeah so actually sequencing why separation wise you want the pelvis to move first and then you want those shoulders to move because each segment is speeding up the swing yeah right yeah one after the other and the next bit is by doing this you create a path that shows Left Right goes left turns into slices or pulls depending on where the face points right so all in all it's not very efficient this is not the way to go so now thinking of the lower body as the left side the left leg the left foot rather than the pelvis can help a lot of people to know what's actually going on as a bone right it's a freaking bone that is being moved by something down here right so you either rotate you internally and externally rotate the legs right or the the the bones right there or you lift your left foot off the ground and that's somewhat rotating it yeah right so at some something is moving the pelvis the pelvis itself right is the freaking bone that but I can't see people doing it they try and get the hips up and all that time by trying to do this yeah it's It's just tough to move yeah you can move it a little bit it's not really driving no there's no Powder exactly so now thinking up that left foot to actually drive that can be a trigger for you guys out there to actually move your pelvis the right way and early and first so what I do and what I like to do is now in the backswing lift your left foot off the ground put your left heel just a little bit not because I I mean it can't help with rotation too and all that but actually to really feel what's initiating the downswing yeah so if you've lifted it once the idea is lift it up yeah and then first thing you do just before you move your hands up here almost feel like you create a little pause up here slam that thing down and I've seen I've seen him practicing that as well I see you practicing this kind of almost like yeah so I mean what what I do when I when I do this it does a lot of things it moves pressure forward it initiates that first motion like all that absolutely yeah it's just one of my triggers to initiate it the correct way it does a lot of things also when when you do this it creates the right Force output and all that it can do a lot of a lot of things it looks quite simple it looks actually quite a simple move doesn't it it is yeah it is super I mean it it looks super simple just doing this right yeah totally but do it but it's kind of like finding the Rhythm and the timing of that isn't it yeah so I've made the experience you almost can do it too early right it's like just do it as early as you can as soon as when you say uh when you say You're Gonna explain some of those guys early early I mean um so when you're on your way back and still rotate you're almost supposed to move your pelvis before the thorax has completed its turn yeah so it's almost like this some people call it like the ax Factor yeah X Factor stretch or whatever that's still turning well that's going the other way well that's all right already going forward yeah and because it's very tough to actually feel this still moving backwards and that res move forward yeah I like to call it just move your left foot down like stomp your left foot down yeah as early as you can yeah and early meaning like your hands are still on the way up and you already slam it down so for some people because I'm not used to it you could almost feel like they're almost gonna start it's stamping down not even here yeah it might to some people it might feel like just take away yeah yeah yeah and then check your video Yeah film yourself face on and see what's actually happening and I guarantee you guys it's not what you feel such right yeah like the feel and reality sometimes is over here and over there right so just film that but it might be a great feel to just be like okay I would just want to stomp down as early as I can yeah yeah and that's going to do a lot of things and one is like moving in the right sequence come on then show us this is the big one okay move it up here and then slam down all right just move it off the ground a little bit
that was over the that's over the red light right it is oh the red light over there that's it another one because what that does as well it's so cool this move because it does a lot of things with that motion actually when I stomp down I try to keep my torso on the right side right which puts me like when I when I press like this it's it's almost like the the force almost moves in a straight line you want look looking at that you want you look like you're almost trying to get this way up on it is that right did you like try to go Lefty swing now right yeah yeah okay so yeah I want to stay here because What's Happening by doing this is I actually swing up on the ball yeah yeah right compared to doing this yes yes this way I swing down on the ball yeah so I actually try to stay back to launch the ball up in the air by going and hitting up on it yeah yeah it's the opposite with irons yeah so this does not apply to iron yeah right but with drivers we just try to hit it as far as we can right so this is a great move to do so and now people say like yeah but I always want to do the same swing yeah if you want to hit it far that's not the way it works right you got to do two two different things I mean you don't putt this way right allow yourself to be an athlete so you got to complete different motions yeah that's the way it is okay so once again just try to catch it clean maybe a little more right this this Matt somewhat kind of aims yeah it does yeah that's okay that's okay a little bit off the ground slam it down early and stay right
it was pretty hammered that was pretty hammered yeah that is a 197 and I think that should go oh yeah it does go over the net nine yeah so that that's like the move that is awesome Eddie oops super thank you super good so do me a favor go and follow this guy on his YouTube channel he's an amazing amazing stuff so we've got three buttons we got almost dancing get those feet speed up speed at the start yep yep and then we got completed backswing and three stomp it down and take time on one button at a time thanks so much for joining us thanks so much for Callaway for putting on this amazing show here at Topgolf with their brand spanking new paradigm drivers hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel come and join the channel by press that subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a great golfing week.
Transcript Summary -
let's break down these key elements for improving your golf swing and gaining more distance. First up, we have Early Speed. This is all about embracing your inner athlete. You see, in traditional golf, we're often taught to keep our feet planted and rotate around our body, but in the world of long drive, we're allowed to use our feet to shift our weight and create speed right from the start. So, my advice is to allow some motion in your feet, rock them a bit, get a feel for where your body is in space, and shift your weight off the ball to generate speed right from the get-go.
Now, long drive competitors take this to the extreme, shifting weight like crazy, but for the average golfer, it's about adding a little bit of motion before you take your club away, helping you create speed early on. Keep in mind that long drive isn't about consistency; it's about distance. So, if you want more yards, it's time to unleash your inner athlete.
The second button to press on this journey to longer drives is Backswing Length. Creating that early speed allows you to complete a full turn in your backswing. Think of it as loading a spring; moving quickly allows you to rotate more. If you try to take the club away slowly, you'll struggle to complete that full turn. By doing this, you're extending your hand path on the way back and on the way down, which gives you more time to create speed.
This can add a significant amount of speed, and I'm talking about 20 yards or more. You may wonder if these changes can work for golfers of all ages. Well, yes! I've worked with an 82-year-old golfer who increased his clubhead speed by 10 miles per hour after implementing these principles.
Now, let's move on to Downswing Initiation, which is the third button to press. Initiating the downswing is critical for generating power, and you can do this by focusing on your left foot. Often, amateur golfers move their shoulders and pelvis together, which isn't efficient. Instead, the pelvis should move before the shoulders.
To get the feel for this, try lifting your left foot off the ground slightly in the backswing. Just a little lift. Then, before your hands reach the top of your backswing, stomp your left foot down. This initiates the correct sequence, and you'll feel like you're moving your pelvis and hips correctly. It might seem like a simple move, but it can have a significant impact on your swing. It helps you swing up on the ball, which is essential for maximizing distance with your driver.
So there you have it, three buttons to press for longer drives. Embrace your inner athlete, create early speed, complete your backswing with a full turn, and initiate your downswing using your left foot. These changes can add significant distance to your drives, and I encourage you to work on each element one at a time. Remember, it's all about unleashing your potential and finding the right elements from the long drive world to improve your golf game. So, give these buttons a try, and you'll be hitting longer, more powerful drives in no time!