Worlds #1 Coach Shares Right Arm Secrets With Me - Live Golf Lesson
Nov 21, 2023Full Transcript- so just like you I need to improve the consistency of both my irons and my driver so I went out and thought who I believe is the world's number one golf coach Pete Cowan coached in many many major Champions now he gave me something that you're going to absolutely love he showed me exactly how to use the right arm in the golf swing for consistency of ball striking for both irons and Driver you're gonna love it it's going to help you too because it works for any golfer come and join me right now so I'd love to learn how to improve that level of consistency with flight control and just ball striking just generally I don't think you've got enough money to pay me I I know I know I know the Rolex is coming I promise all right go on then let's have a few shots and see what we've got what raw material we've got to work with right okay
can I have no excuses this is like the first shot of the day
so I always ask players what they're working on particularly with their coaches and you know obviously you work on your game yourself what do you work on when you're actually going out onto the range and obviously doing the videos what do you actually work on what do you what do you actually basically think that your golf swing is so what's what I do I think is wrong with the golf swing no what do you think you do well or badly in your golf swing I've got good coordination so I know I kind of I can get a ball around the golf course you know pretty pretty standard but I do feel like what I tend to work uh work on is just trying a bit more being a bit more steady of the golf ball but I know that I get a hell of a lot of um lag this handle starts to drive and you I think you've mentioned before it almost drags too much and then I have a very very late release which has means I just don't feel like I've got control of the ball flight well you hadn't of that one that was far too high and loopy exactly yeah that's exactly that so that would be really really typical then so what I would do to kind of personally correct that I'd start to kind of work on things to kind of drop that ball like down um some of the things that you've talked about in terms of loading the shoulder you know realizing that you know I found out when it you know unload that shoulder here and get the feel like I'm getting the club more in this place here I feel like I'm in a better place to come and compress the ball yeah well if you watch players that are actually trying to work on controlling the ball flight they always have to actually compress the shaft and the face on the ball and to do that you've got to be in the correct position delivery position but to get the delivery position you've got to have loaded it correctly on the backswing yeah so I see most players Unfortunately they load it where they've got to manipulate right and you're the same you're exactly the same so when I talk about the golf swing to everybody I say right simple terms let's talk about a simple golf swing so the two worst golf shirts in golf are what right going right left going left where do they come from one comes from horizontal the other comes from vertical so obviously that makes a 90 degree and when I put that over the ball you can see why I lose both of those balls so I want one in the middle so when I address the ball this is the Simplicity of the golf swing yeah I'm trying to get the right side in the right place on the backswing as well to apply the pressure to the ball to control your ball flight so it's all interrelated yeah so when we have to address the ball this the shaft approximately is 45 yep and then as we move back on plane and set approximately 45 yep now this is the key a lot of players separate their arms to 90 degrees cut that yeah whereas a really good player that's compressing it has a 40 the right arm stays down and left arm's about 45 so it makes about a 45 degree angle between the two yeah and the shaft stays in between so then as I am coming down correctly the shaft moves to 40 staying behind me but stays 45 and then as I turn the right side pressure on the ball it comes back to 45 degrees and as I move through then it moves back and forth across my body to 45 yeah yeah got it so what players talk is about holding off yes they don't they've just got maximum pressure on the ball to take it to the Finish yeah that's what they do but to do that this right arm has got to sit down properly so I don't see enough players moving this right and that's why we talk to a lot of players about swinging cack-handed as a feeling that being you know left below right for a right-handed player so as we're going back now you can see what that right arm does and the left arm about 45 degree angle and then from there you can see how the right elbow comes out in front and now where's the book gonna go there it's going to match my body turn it's going to match it isn't it yes yeah and so then what I get on it I can get shaft pressure and face pressure on it yeah so I've got to get this right arm in a position where I call it from the top I call it spinning the right arm down why because I'm trying to match the arm speed with the body turn when you say spinning the right arm down what do you mean well if I if I I'm spinning I'm just spinning the spinning the arm down without losing the right wrist and that's why Hogan says I wish I had got three right hands because he could compress the ball with three rights right not this no yeah so your forearm turns down but you maintain the pressure yeah yeah so then I can maintain the pressure on the shaft with the right hand and move it to finish so I've got shaft pressure face pressure and I've got right wrist pressure all the way through so from there I can control the actual ball flight and I can even control even more when I match the body turn to it because most people are throwing it so I'm saying to you right in the golf swing I'm trying to really in theory I'm trying to spin my arm down faster than I can turn yeah so the arm spinning down is making my body move out the way of course I've got to spin it down because the ball's on the ground yeah so the body's trying to turn this way with the ball's on the ground so I've got to get something to move it down so these are the simplistic views of getting the actual arm down into a pressure your situation where I can apply shaft pressure but more to the point I've got body pressure because it's stretching up as I'm turning so I've got the whole of the chest right side on it to achieve that and I'm opening up so I'm not just trying to pull the left side which everybody thinks they're going to get massive speed out of pulling the left side well you're gonna if you're not careful you're going to leave the club behind and then oh you've got to hit it with this brilliant hand-eye coordination so that's when the dragging over then so yeah you know a mini shot a mini shot is basically from here a mini shot is from here if I get that in position I'm turning I'm turning the face down I'm turning the face down on the ball as I'm opening so I'm spinning my forearm down you see it you can see it on that camera the right wrist pressure so I'm just spinning my arm down and I'm maintaining wrist pressure as I'm turning through and you can see from there the start line is going to be very tight because I'm not too much from the inside and I'm certainly not over and I don't cast the risk I leave the wrist alone and I can in some of the drills I hold the elbow and I turn the forearm down leaving the wrist I don't try and move the wrist out of the hand at all so I'm turning it down look how now the butt ends coming back into me to match my left hip turn and then I get the stretch and then I can maintain that pressure on the ball okay so you have to build it up from almost mini swings now from here I'd be spinning the right side you can see from there spinning the right side down as my body's turning and it's always coming in the correct delivery because outside supplies the only common denominator I've seen between all great players when they play well is they get the club in the correct delivery position relative to the shot they're trying to play yeah whether it's a fade or a draw that's in the correct position and that's what they do when they're playing they all do it slightly differently but they all get it in the correct delivery so they've got time yeah everybody says moments of Truth is impact it's too late yeah so I'm in delivery relative to the shot and then I can match all the movement up with the body so how do you how do you go about starting this it's like someone so what what I would do to get you to get the feeling first of all I get you to swing cat candid and get this right arm and feel what the shoulder and the elbow and the forearm and the right wrist do okay to actually achieve that so I want you to do that for me okay right and I want you to use your body when you do that not just throw your arms up to the top okay so just just literally yeah yeah getting posture right now from there move it around and set that right see now that right up now you've got a 45 degree angle can you see that how tight this is yeah now from I feel that tire actually yeah yeah so now you're going to spin that leave that club and leave you you spin the shoulder down and then this forearm you see how the right elbow has gone in front of your head yes right so now you're turning the face pressure and what's happened to your left hip yeah yeah stretch look where your butt is yep where's your butt would be yeah 100 almost there 100 yeah all day long yeah yeah so you turn in the pressure now so sometimes you've got to have a feel for what you want to do yeah yeah and other times you've got to say well I can copy what they're doing some people copy some people feel some people can just pick it up you know visually yeah right yeah straight away so you've got to be careful with that and just uh right what do you feel what do you see what you see what do you see and what do you feel when I do that for you well first thing I feel this right shoulder feels very tight yeah um so it feels kind of really really stable yeah and it feels like from here um I'm correct yeah so I'm moving this down it's kind of not sure what to do from there right your forearm pressure your forearm so you spin your forearm down can you feel that pressure in the foot So you you're basically spinning the forearm down and keep keeping the wrist angle of course you do yeah yeah but then you're doing your body action look how your body actions have moved out there and you've maintained your spine angle correctly yep because you've moved the club out in front of you correctly yeah not manipulated it got it so you've turned it down with pressure yeah and you've got full face on that so it looks like you've de-lofted the face but you've got the shaft pressure in the face so different now because I would normally be yeah yeah well everybody that's you know good manipulators will do that yeah and and that there's nothing wrong with that yeah but you're not going to control your fat balls like that easily no it is that's it I mean I find that I'm uh when I'm on it when I'm playing Links golf course I can control it in the sense that all I'm doing is playing a punch style shot right most people most people when they're punch in Drive their hands forward 100 [ __ ] and they never really get the start line correct yeah and it goes a lot so which says you're right I'm going to get you to hit a mini swing now there yeah grip normally I'm just getting all the way up yeah I want you to swing up to just basically your hands just above your hip height on the backswing right now all that position now we hold this right elbow here now I want you to now turn the forearm down but I mean that's it maintain your wrist pressure got it yeah now it looks like that face is delofted yeah but it's not sure no definitely not sure yeah all right yep so I've maintained I've got the pressure and that's why Hogan says he wished he'd had three right hand slipped it with yeah now you can hit it with three right hands from there okay you know what you want to smash it yeah you do yeah but you're also stretching now you'd be stretching up as well so you've got leverage from your left side as you as you're doing it but that happens naturally yeah yeah through because I'm turning the right side down then that's getting my legs to work into the ground properly yeah yeah and that's why we say look the golf swing has got three dimensions to it up down lateral in rotation up and down lateral conversation yeah right so we're trying to incorporate all those but one's got to be in charge because right trying to think about lateral and rotation it's impossible so I'm saying to you right in the golf swing now which one's going to be in charge it's got to be vertical isn't it yeah definitely because obviously up and down create the lateral yeah and then it will rotate so that's that's why I'm turning the whole thing down onto it so that's why I call it spinning down because I'm trying to get faster with my right side yeah then the body opening up yep so I don't want it to get behind me yep so I'm getting out so it's a lot easier to play with the club out in front of you than from behind you 100 and it's a lot easier to get your start line correct yeah so I'm thinking here when so the thing that I'm so when I'm when I'm in this position here yeah I'm maintaining that that yeah really what you're doing you're maintaining the wrist but you're spinning you're spinning so really yeah that's it you're spinning your forearm down yeah very much so yeah very different yeah spinning the forearm down as as my body's opening up so if I said to you right I want I want a mini swing now yep timing is going to be an issue for you yeah of course yeah all right yeah so but I want you to almost go to just past hip height and then I want you to try and spin spin the right forearm down without without losing without doing this yeah without look so from from there back here I want you to now spin the forearm down got it so you feel as though you're turning the face down on the ball got it yeah got it I'm turning the face down on the ball and now I can move on the arc left yeah got it so from here I want you to spin the right arm down and turn the face on the ball as you are opening up yes don't worry about the opening up because that's going to happen naturally yeah yeah so set yourself up okay little mini swing okay right so I might spin spin your right forearm down and open up properly and turn that face down on the ball
so what's happened to the ball flight there's much more penetrating that's much more pressure on it you can hear it yeah even you know you hear it on the camera yeah and that's the problem is then everybody thinks that they're going to get a lot more speed by swinging longer but it's actually really what you could do is you could speed it up by spinning your right arm down faster and opening your body faster but your body's going on faster it's a bit like saying right I'm gonna throw a ball to somebody 10 yards away my body's only going to open up the right amount but if I'm throwing it to somebody 50 yard my body's going to open up in in harmony with it isn't it yeah I'm not going to go oh there no no so all of a sudden your brain knows what you've got to do yeah so if you've got it in the correct delivery position yeah you can maintain that all the way through yeah and I think with all this that speed comes once you've got the feeling I suppose doesn't it yeah you as I said to you you know I don't know anybody that can't spin their arm down fast from the shoulder movement and the lat yeah and the tricep and the but but really it's almost when people say what you mean I say look the club's there I'm leaving the hand alone I'm spinning my forearm down yeah I'm leaving no you're rotating it just spin it now
pressure on your shaft as well yeah yeah I can feel myself because but everybody anybody that manipulates wants to do that all the time but you've got to remember as well these guys out here although they're great players yeah most of them are still manipulators yeah 90 over 90 of them are new flip it's just the guys that have got better mechanics and the brilliant manipulators yeah are the ones that win more consistently yeah and plus the fact they all puts
but you know it's that sort of thing and I'm saying to you now right so I would get you to practice loading it loading the body cack-handed and really working the body up to the top and really feeling the tightness in the whole of the body movement to the top first drill would be just try to get the sensation yeah yeah now you look at your angles there yeah and then from there you slamming that right shoulder lat that's it there as you are now spin the right forearm down on it that's it yeah in it yeah chest chest is opening up correctly and the right side's delivering the blow so is it okay for me to feel this right side the whole right side going pressing well it'll happen yeah I'm turning down properly yeah I'm not going to do that yeah yeah exactly which is what everybody does but the only reason people pop there yeah is because they pull the left side first yeah that's the only reason yeah so if I can get to the point where almost I'm stood like this and I'm turning the right side down I'd be much better than somebody that's actually I can really feel that yeah I feel like it feels very very very stable yeah again completely different yeah but your ball flight will come down and then you can decide how much lower to do with that because you can set the shaft even more ahead yeah which will bring everything down even more okay and so if you did want to get it up you just push the ball forward or move the shaft back or yeah I mean ideally you would put it forward and you just say right the pressure is going a little bit more across the ball if you like yeah and I'd put a little bit more cut spin on it to keep it up there but you will you will get it up I promise you you wouldn't put as much shaft lean on at a dress and that's the least of my problems earlier so if if I if I go there can I maintain that it's going to go x height if I sand it square and turn it down then it's still going to come back so maybe it's going to kick it up in the air so when you say Put It Forward I don't because I'll still want the right side to be on it so you know when you put it forward you might likely to move out of position okay okay perfect but you can apply pressure in many many many different ways but for me feeling that right side tight and feeling the 45 degrees angle and then from there now from there I'm spinning I'm spinning my right arm down everybody looks at the board what the body's doing but my focus is on I'm doing something to create another movement yeah yeah yeah yeah so I'm doing something to stop what 90 percent of poor poor players do are you feeling it I'm gonna pour the power on oh yeah I lost you yeah and you feeling it all in the right side yeah absolutely yeah for me yes I'm saying some people actually you know with this yeah they can feel it they're turning their left shoulder down as well that's why I talk about you know controlling the shoulder muscles the turning the so when I'm both my shoulder muscles are turning down I can maintain pressure yeah but I can't turn them down if I'm
so that's why we talk about the shoulder pressure that you apply to the actual arm pressure to the hand pressure to the shaft pressure to the face pressure okay so it always feels as though you're turning the face down on the ball and then moving it on the arc so even a mini shot for you I'd say to you right I want you to do this then get to there turn the face down on the ball of the forearm just you know just knock it as though you you're going into a force nine Gale and just it's just coming out like a bullet and I'm using seven on here but you'd probably hit like just a 90 yards hundred yard tub shots so grip it down and do that same thing yeah right turn the face down on from that position so here right turn it turn it down forearm pressure shaft pressure and go let's say you want you feel as though it's going like a bullet yeah through the wind
foreign there you go I know it's moved on the wind but it's moved on the wind but it's got there's a noise there yeah it whereas the first one you hit was a clean yeah almost a clean head that's compressed isn't it yeah that's compressed yeah so you know in an Ideal World you've got to get the right delivery position and the right loading so it's it's the old saying if I load it properly I can probably unload it properly if I load it poorly which is what most players do they try and get a look that they say right oh this is a really good swing this is you know my arm's in the right now from there I've got yeah I can't control the pressure from there yeah if I I'm here so you're just just for the people who are watching when they said lordy this is now packed stable because you're at that position where you've unpacked yeah yeah you're not gonna let it go from here I can turn the shoulder muscle that leave the hand Alone look yeah turn the shoulder muscle down and then I can maintain the pressure all the way through and all of a sudden I'm matching the turn to the body movement yeah much in the downturn so I call it you know from here when I've loaded it properly I can spin it down as hard as I want yeah spin it down as hard as I want and keep moving yeah you know that'll just go further and further and further yeah you know so I know for a fact that if I spin my arm down faster I can get you know really really good club head speeds even for an old fart like me [Laughter] come on let's see if I can rip a few out there so but you won't be in any hurry at all here to hit big shots you just want to learn learn the feeling first absolutely because there's a lot of people who can't actually you know they don't respond to feeling until they get it yeah I don't know what you mean I don't know you know so what we've got to do is give you something that's going to feed you into the field okay
posture's good load it properly and that's it nice and tight forearm pressure that's it down so turn the face down on the ball and move okay
so that's all right but what you've done what you've done there is because it's gone left yeah yeah you've turned the face down but you've let the wrist go okay that's why it's gone like that okay so you've not maintained the pressure to the finish so you've not continued turning your body to the Finish got it got it so you bought what happens there is and that's the way I talk about that I want the inside to keep turning to stabilize the outside because of what I talk about you know the kiddies roundabouts where the chains on the the swings on the roundabout and the kids sit in their swings and as the center goes around they go out yep quite naturally and they can't go any higher than that because obviously the gravity so they're swinging around at speed the center's going to and they're all happily swinging and then all of a sudden it slows down gradually and they come in yeah nobody gets hurt but if you're spinning around that quick and somebody jams the center the outside then becomes so it's the same in the golf swing if I stop the center moving the outside becomes unstable and that's what I've done that I've come in here stopped and then correct flicked so you're not taking it full pressure all the way through yeah so that's but it's a good way of hitting a sling drawer yeah yeah but it's it's a nice still a nice shot but it's got too much right to left spin on it okay
but this bit this transition was all together turn it turn it down turn the that's it turn that's it as though you mean it yeah yeah okay got it
I quite like that you've outpaced it with your body a little bit that's why it was a bit thin yeah I felt a little bit out of time you're just slightly out of but it's it's really started but and it's got some still got some pressure on it yeah I felt like it's not looped has it no so no you know then it's then it's a question of how much do I turn it down and turn through it at the same time yeah I could so you could now which I I quite like place to do right instead of you turning it down quickly I want you to turn it down slowly okay right but I want you to turn it down and just still move with it yep so match it all up okay but with a a much calmer swing yeah yeah all right so but yeah I want you to turn it down I want you to feel that you're just going right here I want you to feel they're just going bang with the forearm yeah the wrists the forearm wrist bang and then just that's it and do it nice and calm but we should still hear good pressure on the ball even though you're doing it calmly Okay so load it turn that face pressure down and move move with it that's it nice and calm to the Finish
nice but you've slowed down a little bit through impact which is why it's just turned a little bit more when you see slow down yeah you've gone calm slow down club's gone and then you've tried to pick it up after yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it's just a combination movement yeah and that's when you think that's the swings right and then I'm saying to you now what I want you to do now little three-quarter I mean you turn it down and I want you to feel like you're holding it off this side yeah yeah so you don't don't sling would you visualize the third to help yeah yeah absolutely so you turn it down and then I'm turning it down and my arm pressure is continuing up it feels like watch it feels like I've held it off this way that's it I've held it off that's it turn that face full face down with pressure in the forearm and finish it like a fade okay
what's it done pressure fade yeah but you can hear the difference in the noise can't you yeah I can feel it yeah I can feel it it's it's it's maximum efficiency of movement yeah that's what it is so when everybody's saying you know oh do I need to get into the gym yes you do if you want to be really really good but you really need to be able to control the actual right side in your golf swing for me the right side in the golf swing to make the left side open up everybody says I want you to be open more at impact but if your right side's not in the right position delivery is no point no and you know what it's what I'm feeling in this uh Pete is the brilliant lesson you gave me last year on the short game I know we're talking completely different impacts and it's a shocking The Specialist but both things are clubfest control yeah you gave me Club first control with the shot game where I was able to control trajectory by putting that pressure and I know this is completely different in terms of what we're trying to achieve but the same feeling I'm getting is um less handsy and I know that was some practice I'm I'm going to be able to kind of stabilize that feel like I'm stabilize the club a little bit more and get get better ball flight yeah definitely most definitely that's our four on that four arm spin it spin it down and hold the pressure on it and finish it so it's it's in here and then turn it down grab the elbow yeah grab your elbow yeah right there there in the hand position okay yeah so that should bless your Club there yeah right now watch forearm spin down that's it and hold it can you feel it yeah definitely yeah it stays in position it doesn't doesn't pop no okay so I'm just it's almost like I think I'm spinning it down as I'm turning yeah yeah but yeah from here as I'm spinning yeah I shouldn't have to rotate that at all I should just be able to spin it down and maintain the pressure all the way through
yes there's none of this at all yeah got it because I can then keep the shaft pressure
and then the left arm comes back into you correctly on the way through and then you know like say feel it almost feels like a fade turn it down and move that's it now your right side's in position yeah
no no you've thrown you've thrown The Club at that okay so you've gone in position and then you've just thrown The Club at it okay you've not maintained the shaft pressure and the face pressure on the ball okay so you you've tried to turn the right wrist down but then you've stopped yep maintain that pressure all the way through okay
so turn the face down on the ball that's it turn it down on the ball don't be frightened to turn in the full face down on the ball as you're opening up okay
let's play it from a solid yeah turn the face down full face down on the back of the ball and move
so you've manipulated that yeah which we knew because when you've got a bad lie everybody's trying to pick the ball instead of just saying no no maintain that pressure okay cool that was a half swing again maintain that pressure turn it down turn it turn it down into you so this way that's it turn that's what it feels like that's it turn it down into you that's it that's it turn it down the ball's got you've got to get down not around there's enough around with your body turn it down and move that's better that's better but if you if you set the shaft pressure a little bit more to address that will come right down the pressure on that ball I'm going to try and visualize that because I think when you ask me to play a very low one I feel as I can match the
that's it spin it so what you're doing is you're spinning it down in front of you aren't you yeah you're not spinning it down out there no it's it's that that's how you maintain the pressure on it the body's opening up that's it that's it yeah then maintain the pressure and that's easy to move it on the arc
no so you've cast that okay so you can see the divot's gone much much deeper yeah definitely so you've cast it early so in an effort that in an effort to turn it down you've lost all the angles okay you've not maintained the pressure in the elbow the forearm and the half shaft so even a shorter swing than that get me a shorter swing and more pressure okay so a little half swing a pie a pie turn it down into you so here that's it so all you're doing is turning it down so don't don't worry about the don't worry about the club moving just think about your forearm pressure down in there so maintain the forearm pressure that's it yeah that's it that's it that's it maintain that that's it maintain that pressure as you move I think I got it yeah open up down better you know what do you know what that was it's similar to it it just fit I think yeah I could feel it it's almost like almost really delaying this feeling like it's almost delayed right because this wants to do this because that's tight I've trained it yeah yeah I've trained that kind of yeah yeah
so now it's just a question of you know drilling it and drilling Andrew and then what what do you want and that's what I would say to your you know your subscribers that you know most of you unfortunately are what I call Pickers or flickers and yeah because you've got to be because you're not in the delivery position that you could actually just apply pressure to the shot and turn yeah so and that's why they're not playing the tour they're not out there maintaining that pressure and turning then the body angles and the spine angle and the chest is all you know in the right place but you've got to load it to unload it properly yeah so so none of this is you this is useless until we've nailed this yeah and that when we nailed that then it's kind of getting that sensation yeah and that's what I said from here it's leaving every leaving the club alone and spinning the arms down and the club will come out in front of you and naturally that's it that's so it's just really a question of right from there leave everything alone how can I fast can I spin it down and move out of the way yeah got it yeah I think so yeah yeah I'm just going to move that and spin it out of the way let's get it while it feels there yeah and keep that shaft angle
foreign don't like that because you dragged it right so you can see that it started right yeah so I know from there you've got too much shaft lean with the club face open yeah and that you've not turned the full face down on the ball because your start line would have been a lot more to the left than that yeah so I've tried to keep the shuffling but I've kind of driven it yeah yeah as opposed to get the before I'm doing yeah exactly so hit that minute hit that as though you it's all you messing about you're going to walk up to it You're Gonna Go Bump we've got a forearm a pressure on my shoulder pressure and just play the shot as though I'm chipping it into a very strong wind and I'm not gonna get the ball flight too high yeah
better much better much better now you've turned the face down on the ball I think that's the plus to start isn't it I think that's what I need to feel like when you when you ask me to do that before I felt as uh I had much much more control I think adding that piercing a little bit I'm going back to the old manipulation yeah I got it that's it turns spin it yeah spin your arms down as fast as you can hold in position and go match it up
really good really good got full face pressure on that and the Finish says you've done it well because you've matched your body turn to it I felt that I feel very good yeah I like that what are the questions that your subscribers would ask so I think um I suppose the one thing they're going to ask if they're going to sit they're going to see someone like myself trying this and realize actually it's quite tricky uh to do and a lot of people they they're going to how do you text somebody to the golf course yeah you know so how do you build this and then you know from this uh doing some shots like this how long does it get likely to take and what do you do to take it to the golf course yeah well obviously you're good you're going to go back to tight mostly it's just that you progressively get that little bit better and a little bit better and then when you play you leave it alone yeah you don't you're not playing practice rounds when you're playing golf no you know you're not playing practice ground you know when you're actually out playing golf you will hit the shops and you're still you're still gonna players that are manipulators are still gonna but you can add that little bit of pressure shots you can add you know other things to your Armory as well which is good and it will get better and there's no doubt about it if you learn to actually deliver the blow a lot better and the body opening up you're not going to injure yourself because I see the injuries coming from you know this yeah until they're not not from that important out there completely and would something you know there's going to be people out there who are you know in their 50s senior golfers does this apply to to those guys I'm 72 yeah you know so you know even you know they they that the guy that wants to play a little bit better golf he's going to stand here and he's going to say well if I turn the club down like that and move you know even at this place if I turn the club down that and move yeah you know but you wouldn't do that because that's a terrible strike so from here you're turning the face down on it and it's only just a mini mini and then it's that you know and you can play with you could play with that that's 130 yards with a nice shot yeah without really too much effort just out of Interest with that previous shot which wasn't quite struck as good and what have you done to change that well I've from straight away I've just used my right forearm better okay so I've just on the second one I've turned my forearm my forearm down a little bit more and then moved it right yeah yeah I get that so I've moved it down so a lot of the older players they don't use these muscles they think they've got to you know do that and I'm saying no most people have got a forearm that they could actually punch with or do that and then if they're in the right position here and they turn it they turn the face down and move it's amazing how much you can get because you're always pushing it Forward yeah so it's always going in the direction you want to go get it but I don't I see far too many players when you know when they're having lessons they say well I've got to get from the inside
but if you look at me from here as I'm turning my arms down where's the club coming from they yeah inside inside all the time so you tried correctly yeah not from the inside under so the guys so let's say you've got we've you know I'm a natural drawer the Bob has been plenty of people who are slicing it on the channel and you know how does this type of thing what we did today help someone who's slicing it well from from the top what it will help them they'll probably from here they'll probably turn it down almost too early right but then all of a sudden the paths going to the right and the ball's a bit left so yeah all of a sudden you can almost throw throw it down and draw it from there yeah so from here here right what is he saying throw that right out so throw the right arm down from the inside and just keep going so if I throw the right arm down early and do that I've got a you've got beautiful I've got me draw yeah yeah yeah if I throw the right arm down from here and move it across the ball got my fade love it love it all right brilliant all right that's awesome I get some practice stuff thanks so much for your time really appreciate it I appreciate that hope you enjoy it yeah how good was that I hope you really enjoyed it if you did and you want to see me have a short game um lesson with this Maestro click this link right here if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends who may be struggling of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button right here so you don't miss out on future videos
Transcript Summary-
Hey there, folks! Today, I want to share a fantastic tip I recently got from the world-renowned golf coach, Pete Cowan. It's a game-changer for consistency in ball striking, whether you're using your irons or your driver. This is something that can work for any golfer out there, and I'm excited to break it down for you.
So, let's dive right in. The key here is using the right arm effectively in your golf swing. It's all about achieving that consistency in your ball striking. Now, Pete showed me a method that's not only going to help you, but it's something I absolutely love, and it's applicable to any golfer. Let's get into it and see how it can improve your game.
Before we begin, no excuses here. This is like the first shot of the day, and I want you to share what you're currently working on. What aspects of your golf swing are you trying to improve when you hit the range? I know, for me, I often focus on being steadier with the ball and addressing my lag issue. That late release has been causing some trouble with control, especially with that high and loopy shot.
Now, when I discuss the golf swing, I like to keep it simple. I talk about the two worst shots in golf – going right and going left. These stem from horizontal and vertical factors, creating a 90-degree angle. So, when I set up, I aim for the middle ground, simplicity in the golf swing.
As we address the ball, the shaft is approximately at 45 degrees. Moving back on plane and setting, it remains at 45 degrees. Here's where it gets interesting: many players separate their arms to 90 degrees, a common mistake. A good player, compressing the ball, maintains a 45-degree angle between the right and left arms. This is crucial for achieving shaft pressure and controlling the ball flight.
Now, let's talk about "spinning the right arm down." From the top of the swing, it's about matching the arm speed with the body turn. I often refer to it as "swinging cack-handed," where the right stays below the left for a right-handed player. This motion involves turning the forearm down while maintaining wrist pressure, creating a 45-degree angle.
For a proper delivery position, the right elbow comes out in front, matching the body turn. The key is achieving the correct delivery position for the shot you're playing, be it a fade or a draw. This is the common denominator among great players.
When we work on controlling the ball flight, it's about compressing the shaft and the face on the ball. This involves "spinning the right arm down" faster than turning, creating a pressure situation for effective ball control.
Now, let's break it down with a mini-swing. Start with the right side in the correct position, turn the forearm down while maintaining wrist pressure, and open up the chest. It's all about feeling that right side pressure, creating a stable and controlled ball flight.
Remember, the golf swing has three dimensions: up and down, lateral, and rotational. Vertical control is crucial, focusing on turning the right arm down faster than turning the body. This creates the right pressure for consistent ball striking.
So, let's put this into practice. Grip it down, go for a mini-swing, and feel that right side pressure. Spin the right arm down, turn the face down on the ball, and let it rip. You'll notice a more penetrating ball flight and improved control.