You Can't Hit Driver Straight Using This Popular Ball Position
Sep 06, 2024
Transcript Summary -
Hey guys, it's Danny Maude here. Every week, I have students coming in asking how to hit their driver straight. They think they need major changes to their swing because they’re slicing or hooking, but often it’s just the smallest adjustments that make the biggest difference. In this video, I’ll share some simple tips to help you hit straighter drives.
The first key is controlling the center of your golf swing. Think of your swing as a circle, and the center is under your lead armpit. If you strike the ball left of center, you'll likely slice or pull it, and if you strike it right of center, you'll push or hook it. Controlling this center is crucial.
Step one is ball position. Place the ball just off your lead heel, which aligns with the center of your swing. Too far forward? You'll slice. Too far back? You’ll hook or hit down on it. Even weight distribution is also key. Don’t lean too far back, or you’ll shift your center behind the ball, leading to slices.
Once your setup is solid, you can focus on the swing. Visualize keeping the club head underneath your shoulder throughout the swing. Practice small swings, paying attention to this alignment, and you’ll see a massive improvement in hitting straighter drives.
Get these basics right, and even mis-hits will be straighter. Ramp up the power once you've mastered this, and you’ll add distance too. If you found this helpful, give it a thumbs up, and don’t forget to subscribe for more weekly tips!
Full Transcript- so probably just like you every week I get students come and see me wanting to know how to hit driver straight now they think that because they' gotten these big booming slices or big booming hooks they need drastic changes to their gol swing more often than not all I'm doing is making the smallest changes to what they're doing either at setup or even a little bit in their swing to help them to hit dri straight in this video I'm going to share with you some of the things I do because I think it could really really help you too now before I into the video look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing release videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so my hope for you today is that you're going to find just one or two things that you're going to find so simple it's going to help you hit that driver so much straighter the first thing I want to discuss is controlling the center of your goaling a lot of people don't know where that Center is and it's super super important if you want to learn how to any shot straight for that matter so the first thing to do is this the center of your swing understanding that the go swing is always a circle you're creating an ark okay look you're creating an arc all the time in the Gulf swing it's like a circle you need to know where your Center is now the center of your golf swing just like mine is directly underneath look my armpit here anything if you strike a ball to the left of center you're going to probably slice it slice it or pull it if you strike a ball to the right of this Center you're going to push or hook it so I'll just show you from this visual here look if I stand here if I hit a ball to the left of center the club face is aiming over here I'm going more in slice territory if I have an open face I will slice that ball over here if I have the ball over this side I strike a ball over here to the right of my sensor I'm going to hit the ball to the right if I have a close face it'll hook over to the left right so your ability to control the center of your swing is so important now all I'm going to do now I'm going to show you how you control it first of all in your setup then I'll show you how you control it throughout the swing so we'll look at the down the line aspect just in a second let's first of all look at from face on so the two things that are going to help you hit driver straight we've just said look you're ability to control your Center but that's heavily influenced by your ball position so step one get that ball position off your lead heel why is that important well look it's also linked to the center of your goal swing right there and we said look if you get that ball consistently in the right spot every time off that lead heel you're going to increase your likelihood of hitting it straight anything ahead of that point the ball position is here you're bringing in slices if as we said earlier if your ball position is too far back in the stance not only you're going to bring in hooks uh Hooks and maybe too many draws you're going to also hit to down on the golf because notice this we're hitting down on it from here you're going to struggle to get the ball up in the air yeah so get that ball start off with just off that lead heel the next thing is this get your weight even really even to start with a lot of people start to kind of lean back here what's this done it's moved your Center where too far behind the golf ball what's now that going to happen if your Center's too far behind the ball where are you going to swing on the ark left so you're already bringing in slices so that you've got your ball position in place then what I want to do get even weight put your driver put it right down the middle of your stance like this and then all you're going to do is make just the smallest tilts to the driver now ahead that is pointing look where right at the ball line look at how tiny that is that's all it is that movement there look that subtle movement is now absolutely perfect to hit that ball exactly the way you want it and that's the routine I want you to get in time and time again so before we move on to the GOL swing let's show you the impact of a great setup so I get myself set here look ball is off the lead heel here and then look I'm going to get my weight nice and even point the club towards my lead heel here that gots gets my Center absolutely spot on setup is done now of course there's things we're going to think about in the golf swing but for now if you don't get this right you've got no hope of hitting driver straight consistently so let's have a look at this in
action so nice easy swing to start with let's just have a look at those numbers and look at that they look dead straight and look at this attack angle almost zero that means look we said look right at the bottom of the AR look at my club path one degree just one degree just there that is the power of ball position now look at this from this angle hit one more from here what I'm going to do now is I'm going to change that ball position I'm going to move that ball position now look one two balls four maybe not even two balls we're going to move it just maybe a ball and a half forward of Center I am not going to change my swing or my alignment let's just have a look now what happens with a ball position that's just forward of that so actually just before I hit this shot it already feels weird it feels like the ball forward my shoulders are already aiming left a tag which is going to exasperate this kind of like slice across not just ball position but it's also affecting my stance and again I see this so often so let's have a look at this in action here I'm not changing my alignment here just purely ball position let's have a look at this one two really felt as it's going to pretty high that to be fair let's have a look at this look at the difference look at that club path minus 10 just from a ball position creating that curve and look at that 259 yards that's 30 yards less than the other one with exactly the same golf swing so what would happen if your ball position was was too far back of that well let's show you that in action so if I get the ball position now so back of this line so I'm going to now move it the same distance back maybe two a ball and a half to two balls back of Center what will happen well in theory we should hit slightly more down on this golf ball so we're going to deloft it if you do this excessively we could Sky it I'm not going to do that cuz I'll damage my driver and leave Max on the top all I'm going to do now is make exactly the go same golf swing let's just see what happens so one two let's have a look come on there's a numbers look how low that look and there's your hook look the club path now look is a positive number which means I'm coming out to the right hand side my attack Angle now is no longer am I hitting up on the golf ball look I'm actually hitting down on it this is all look killing my yardage I'm going to get some roll out here but it's killing my distance both of those drives are 30 yards less and without just a simple change of ball position so hopefully now we've made it really clear that getting a great setup is the first stage in making sure or helping you guarantee a much straighter drive now let's look at what you can do in the GOL swing again still relating to the center so you can look after it so what I love my students to do is come almost visualize this Center so if you look at this here I get them to almost close their eyes almost put the club out in front of them here and think look this is where Straight is this is where you're going to be hitting down on the golf ball you may pushing it to the right or hooking it here on this side of the shoulder is going to be your kind of like your fade your pulls your slices right so I want you to make some swings you've got your setup in place you've got your Center in place make some small rehearsal swings where you're paying attention to where that club head is relative to your shoulder now a lot of people during their swing particularly if you slice they're often moving backwards and if you move backwards what does that do it's going to get the path going left you're going to into slic territory so some good players drive forward this is going to get you going into hook territory hitting down on the golf ball so making some Swings with just a simple visual of noticing where you are here and you could almost put the club straight down one two that could be a nice rehearsal look one two one no one no just practice bringing that club head back right underneath that shoulder there so once you've got set obviously setup is going to make that easy if you if the ball position is in the wrong place and your Center's in the wrong place to start with none of it's going to work you make life really difficult right from the outset but once I've got this set up in place I get myself set here one two I've got an idea now and a feeling of how I can start hitting more Fairways with my driver so let's start with a really nice easy swing got my ball position in place here my Center's in place get myself set here and away we
go didn't quite strike that one brilliantly well but even when I didn't strike it very well look look how straight it's gone look at these numbers here they're round around zero which is brilliant and that came out the bottom of the club for me there but when you get set up right when you look after your Center even miss strikes look these numbers here are your accuracy numbers when they're close to zero you're going to be hitting the ball straight this is what you work on once you've done that of course you can ramp up the power and start to really give it a crack and look get these Basics right look after that Center once you've done that then just watch this video right here this is the one that's going to add yardage to your game but this is the thing that's going to help you hit driver straight so if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.