You WON'T BELIEVE how EASY this makes Chip Shots Around the Green

chipping short game Nov 03, 2023



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Full Transcript-  so today I thought I'd take you on the golf course with me and kind of show you what I do around the green so my whole variety of lies because probably just like you at some stage in my golfing career I struggled to strike the chips consistently I struggle to kind of get distance control I want to share with you how I overcome that you know I have a certain two three drills I work on which I basically I'd work on religiously and it's made chipping one of the best parts of my game I'm going to show you what those are from not just good lives but from a variety of Lies around the green now before I get into this video if you're new to a channel it's been your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing and these videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus whatever we do around the green today I will put into a free download or practice guide which you can just simply download in the description box below so let's get cracking so the first thing I work on and love you to work on is getting a consistent strike and I've got a little system to help me do that so what I do is I put a kind of alignment stick here an alignment stick here almost forming an L we're going to focus on this alignment first now to get a consistent strike I want to make sure that the club lands in the same spot time and time again I don't want it one minute Landing here then here then here that is going to lead to come inconsistent chipping so what I do is to help me do this is I have a wonderful drill I take my a trail foot and I put it in line with my heel like this now what this helps me do is it pushes all my way a lot went my way over onto my lead side but it helps me stay still and over the golf ball sometimes when I start off chipping and I go into a normal stance I allows me too much movement here and that's going to affect where I strike the golf ball so this drill is brilliant I see so many top players working on it so get yourself set and all I do is I put my trail foot here get myself set over the golf ball once I'm there okay you'll notice my shaft is fairly neutral okay it's not too much lean here not too far behind it's fairly neutral the second thing why I love this drill is it allows me here to keep my trail hip high and my trail shoulder High sometimes when you start to get too deep under the ground I start fatting it a lot of the times because you are driving downwards the shoulders going down into the ground by having this up like this it kind of keeps this high and allows you to stay create what's called a very shallow style divot so I love that so encourages low point to in the same place and encourages a very shallow divot so let's I start with that let's hit a couple of shots with this drill

so I'll spend oh it's not pretty good start so I might spend a little bit of time kind of doing that um before and I don't always start off like that that good and I might spend a bit of time just kind of getting that lower Point consistent first on the practice ground once they've done that and this is simple you could this by the way I take this drill onto the golf course I really I've seen so many top players using it now the second thing I do is I've got this line here now this is an important one because what I often find is I see with so many amateur golfers they tend to kind of Drive the handle quite a long way now if I do that look at that club face it's completely out of position it's aiming right then you get this kind of yippy flick what I love about this line here and you can visualize it on the golf course if you don't have alignment sticks is it helps me to get the club look swinging or the club releasing look beautifully on an arc the handle starts to the shaft becomes quite neutral swings through down the target line and then back around versus look at this if I start to drive straight away I know the clubface is way over there so it gives me a kind of a real good visual to get the club squaring up through impact and then working back around to the Target so simple visual work to treat let's look at this in action

beautiful okay so I've got the chipping down in terms of strike now the third thing which is hugely hugely uh important I mean this is a killer for most people Rhythm and a type of Rhythm so what I'm going to show is this is how I control distance control I've got a 56 degree wedge here but what I want you to do is this I want you to find a rhythm first this is not Rhythm by the way people have short swings and then that's not Rhythm this isn't Rhythm either long swings and then oh I've only got short distance slowing down what I want to do is when you're starting out chipping I want you to do something like this I want you to find a really it'll do even if this Rhythm hits a shot that goes too far we're going to go into that in a second but just for now let's find a rhythm okay I feel pretty good with this route I must have a see where this ball finishes so felt really good and that's gone probably uh what's that eight nine feet past the flag so what I do now is I've got a bass Rhythm it's a confident Rhythm it's not decelerated it's not too jabby what I do now is I've take that rhythm and now make it a little bit shorter but it's still look rhythmical this is how you start to learn the feel of distance control

so you should see there I've actually just shortened my swing but I've kept Rhythm yeah so all we're doing is we're shortening the length of the backswing naturally but keeping the Rhythm through the stretch I want to go a little bit further oh that's even got a little bit shorter the almost delicate ones look at this I've still got look Rhythm this one's going to finish short of the hull

but I still got rhythm I'm not decelerating through these shots okay so let's take this now these three things here we're going to take this Rhythm we're going to start to move around some drill difficult shots around the green come and join me so often asked what differences would I make from a real dodgy lie like this in the in the rough it's almost like a fried egg you can you can barely see it well here's what I do let's set up exactly the same way we're going to put we're going to get the drill here um toe just on the heel we're going to allow that pressure to be on the on the lead side but here's what we're going to do differently we're going to let the wrists kind of just work a bit more on here we're gonna let the wrist kind of pick the club up just a little bit here so the club come down a bit steeper I'm actually going to let the club actually hit the ground maybe a centimeter behind the golf ball but nothing else changes so that's now my low point and I want the club to square up just as we did over there with the alignment sticks through the impact area the final bit is this your Rhythm I don't want you going at it hacking it in this rough I still want Rhythm through the shots I still want this look I'm finding now my rhythm so what I'll do is I'll go near the ball I'll feel how stiff this grass is and I'll find a rhythm and then I'm going to stick to that Rhythm if this rhythm's wrong that's fine but I'm going to stick to it I'm not going to decelerate or something it's on the accelerate I commit to the shot

so I commit to that what you'll see is this property you might even see there's almost like the grass grabbing sometimes when the rough is super super thick you might not even be able to get through the shot but it doesn't matter you still commit to the Rhythm and if the grass suddenly grabs your club and it stops that's all good too now look at this Come With Me Now

so bunkers this is a shot around the green can you use this in bunkers in Wind bunkers we can take something very similar we can put our Trail foot back like this just as we've just done a minute ago but in bunkers we're going to get a bit lower we want the handle lower because we want a shallow divot through the sand now from here what we're going to do I still love this kind of Trail foot back now why because it keeps my body over the ball it stops me kind of dipping it in here and getting too much down or catching it fat so it keeps me in a consistent spot which is what I want right then what I want to do is it's very very important I want Rhythm just like we did before so the difference in sand is we're going to need a fairly longer swing and more Rhythm because we're not striking the ball we're striking sand so it's more of a deflective strike but I see so many golfers going D cell or Excel so take your time find a rhythm that's going to work I think that's pretty good to me I focus now on a spot just behind the ball maybe an inch or two behind the ball and then I'll literally commit to that spot with a fully committed Rhythm and that there look at length of Swing that's a pretty damn good shot for long bunk shot if I had a short Bunga shot I would simply do what that's right a shorter Rhythm but still rhythmical I've got one more for you so let's give you one more game changer shot it's going to save you a load more shots around the green okay so this time what we're going to do is I'm going to ditch the actual 56 degree wedge and moved to another one okay and I'm going to show you how you choose what club do you choose all those kind of things so let's grab now a seven iron we're doing a throw ball here now what do you noticed this is a lot of green to work when you've got a lot of green you don't need to choose Loft in fact look I'm actually going to go now look for my seven iron and all I'm going to do is do the same thing same routine I want to strike the ground in the same spot so I'm going to use the same drill I also kind of when I'm coming through here I want to get the club face coming through Square so I'm going to visualize excuse me the club coming through Square the final thing what Rhythm do I need same as the bunker no way he's gonna go too far right so seven nine short shot do I desell no I still want look Rhythm so I'm gonna Focus my eyes on the spot just on the front edge of the green I know now I'm going to focus on the Rhythm that's going to get me to that spot right there okay look at this here it's gonna put the green slides from left to right

and look at this it rolls all the way it's very safe rhythm's good come up a little bit shy then I wanted okay greens a little bit slower than I thought but it's super super safe okay so three things get a consistent strike in a consistent spot in the ground as goal number one do this drill to start with okay then make sure the club's coming through on a beautiful Arc get a another alignment stick to help you to do that so the club face Country Square and just start driving that handle third and finally find a rhythm not long to jab or short to accelerate find a rhythm and by the way one final thing which I fail to remember at the end of the Rhythm there's almost a stop it's one two it's not Rhythm isn't this and lazy it's one two I throw both use one two there's an end to that Rhythm all right try this out let me know in the comments how you get on thanks so much for joining us if you did enjoy the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with some of your friends who are struggling with their chipping I know this will help and of course look if you want to know more or you want to prove the chipping from more shots around the green check this video out right here this one particular has been a bit of a game changer but until next week have a great golfing week.


Transcript Summary - 

Hey there, folks! Today, I want to take you through some of the essential techniques to up your chipping game around the green. Chipping can be a real challenge for many golfers, just like it was for me at one point. I used to struggle with consistent strikes and distance control. But I've got a few drills that I swear by, and they've made chipping one of the best aspects of my game. So, let me walk you through them, not just for good lies, but for a variety of challenging situations.

Before we dive in, if you're new to the channel, do me a favor and hit that subscribe button. I'm here every week to help you improve your golf game. Plus, I'm going to put everything we discuss today into a handy practice guide. You can find the link in the description below. Let's get started!

First things first, let's talk about getting a consistent strike. To achieve this, I've got a simple setup using alignment sticks. Place two sticks to form an "L" shape, focusing on the first alignment. It's all about landing the club in the same spot consistently. To help with this, I've got a fantastic drill. I put my trail foot in line with my lead foot, which shifts my weight forward and minimizes unnecessary movement. This setup keeps my shaft fairly neutral, ensuring a consistent strike. Also, it encourages a shallow divot, which is essential for precise chipping. Spend some time with this drill to find that consistent low point.

Now, let's work on club face control. I've got another alignment stick here. This one helps you maintain a square clubface through impact. Many amateur golfers tend to drive the handle too far, leading to erratic shots. This visual cue helps you swing the club on an arc, keeping the handle neutral, promoting a squared-up clubface through impact.

Now, let's talk about rhythm, a critical factor for distance control. I'm using a 56-degree wedge for this demonstration, but you can apply this principle to your club of choice. First, find a consistent rhythm, even if it sends the ball too far. It's all about finding that rhythm. Shorten your backswing slightly while maintaining that rhythm. This is how you learn the feel for distance control. Don't go long to jab or short to accelerate. Keep that rhythm consistent.

Let's put it all together. These three elements are your foundation. Now, let's tackle challenging lies. If you're in the rough, especially a tough lie like a fried egg, your setup remains similar. The key difference is allowing your wrists to pick up the club a bit more and create a steeper descent into the ball. Still, maintain the same rhythm, even if the grass grabs your club.

Now, bunkers. You can adapt a similar setup, but get lower to maintain a shallow divot through the sand. Rhythm is crucial here as well. Find the right length of the swing for the distance and stay committed to the shot. It's a deflective strike in the sand, not hitting the ball.

Here's a game-changer: when you have a lot of green to work with, like in a pitch shot, switch to a less lofted club like a 7-iron. The same principles apply—consistent strike, clubface control, and maintaining rhythm.

So there you have it, folks! Work on these three foundational elements, and you'll see a massive improvement in your chipping game. Try it out, and don't forget to let me know how it goes in the comments. Thanks for joining me, and I'll catch you next week for more golf tips!