You Will Hit Driver Straight If You Follow This Process
Mar 08, 2024
Unlock All Practice PlansFull Transcript - so this week I want to help you with your driver specifically accuracy so this week I had many my students come to me and they've really frustrated because what they're doing is is they're striking it okay but they cannot control their accuracy they've either got a big curve to the right they're slicing it or they're curving it to the left they do not know how to hit that much much straighter ball like my old coach used to say to me say Danny the woods are full of bigit let's start working on helping you hit it straight so there's only two things you need to know there's only two things that are actually really C causing this curvature I'm going to share with you in this video what they are now before I do if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I release videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember think I'll always put a free download or practice guide in the description box
below now those are the two shots I want to help you get rid of today if you want to learn how to hit driver stet there are just two things you're going to need to learn learn let me show you how so whether you curve your ball out to the right or curve your ball to the left what is actually happening what creates that curve well it's the ball spinning it's got side spin on it okay and what that is is ultimately this if you are spinning the ball this way out to the right hand side that ball is going in this direction it goes in that direction because your club path of your Club is heading in this direction while your face is aiming in the other direction so they kind of Opp opposite each other so as your path swings this way your face is aiming this way and you get this gliding effect on the golf ball and that kind of spins the ball out to the right side if you find yourself okay occasionally when you particular of your slice if you find yourself sometimes then hitting it straight left the only thing you changed is now the club face is matching the path that you're going on so no longer is it kind of aiming in the opposite direction it's now aiming in the same direction that you're swinging on and then you hit one straight to the left so what I'm going to show you is how you start to straighten this out so it doesn't just go straight but go straight down the middle okay now if you hook the golf ball it's just the opposite your path is heading out in this direction whilst your face is aiming in this direction and this then creates this style of s spin which creates the hook okay so let's get into now really simply how you go about curing this out on the golf course okay so let's that helping you now hit driver straight now remember what I said there are two things that you've got to fix face and path you don't fix them together there's a process with this okay you follow the process I promise you you're going to start hitting straighter shots the very first thing I want you to do remember this let's start with slicing if you slice your path is going in this direction and your face is aing in the opposite direction we're not going to try and fix the path first we're going to fix the face and here's what I get two things I give my students to do okay is hold your driver up in front of you here okay so it's the fa is at 12:00 keeping the handle just ahead of the face and then want you to do this close the face to 11:00 at least okay maybe even a bit for then I'd like you to grip it now do not make the mistake that nearly everybody who slices does which is this they look at the face like this and they close it by moving the handle back okay this will get your path going more left and you'll slice it even more so please don't do that like explain that a bit later keep the club face a handle slightly ahead of the face turn it from 12:00 to 11:00 then grip it okay that's one way of helping you get a feel of the club face being more closed or I say closed but we're going to try to get it match remember your face is open if you slice and we're desperately trying to get it much more closed okay the second thing I'll often encourage them to do is most people who slice somewhere in the back swing or the down swing are opening there opening the club face like this okay and what a real tell Telltale sign is this lead wrist here gets what we call very CED this is opening the face if you do this with me watch this if I bend this wrist back here I'm cupping it here it starts to open the face somewhere on the way down so the first thing I get them to do is get them a sensation of this is closing the face this is opening the face do this with me look open the face close the face can you see the difference here I'm look at my wrist opening it close it really feel that motion so now you've got an idea of what's going to close his face that's what you need if you slice so when I'm swinging here when you do this it doesn't really matter okay I like to do it more on the back swing okay or it's certainly in transition because you don't have a lot of time in the down swing so get yourself set this is the first stage we want to start to see a ball now that is heading left of Target but much more in a straight line we'll fix the path in a second if your ball keeps curving out this way we're GNA keep in a sense getting this club face more and more closed until we start seeing a straight line heading left of Target okay so let's get let's get
cracking okay so look at that it's much much better look at this the path look is still minus which means I'm heading in this direction but now the face is zero which is matching my path so that's why you hit a straight shot to left now many of my students when they do this for they won't do it first time like that it'll take them ball after ball until they really get a feel and learn the feel of that club face this is what I want you to do hit shots ask yourself you know I really felt as though I closed that club face how much out of 10 10 being load maybe a six could you do more yes keep going until you start seeing the ball fly straight lines or even better still even with a bit of a curve right to left but starting left okay yes you will miss a fairway left but now only then will you have the conf confidence to start shifting your path in this direction you see if you try to shift your path nobody ever shifts their path in that direction if you slice it's what you need to do but you won't why because you've seen so much of the ball curving this way the last thing your brain wants to do is heading this direction but it will once you start missing the Fairway left you'll gain that confidence and start to shift that path over to the right hand side so let's get now into how you once you've got that face ready to go let's show you now how you get the path working more out this way with some real simple ideas so now you've started fixing the club face you'll probably start hitting the ball further straight away cuz now your Club face is matching the path there'll be a lot more energy going into the back of the golf ball but we want to get you hitting it dead straight or at least getting much more down the middle of that Fairway now I always encourage to help people do this particular your slice I encourage people to visualize much much more actually of a draw style shot because if you slice if you can try to visualize the opposite of that you'll get somewhere close to straight does that make sense trying to hit it straight is too difficult but if I can help you do the opposite to what you're doing it will really help now to do that think of it this way where's your path we said it's over this way we've got to do something to get you going where over here what do you think you could do think about it let's start we set up what could you do we could in our feet but we're not going to do that we're going to do everything in our power now to get you going over to the right side so what's going to help me swing over here watch this I'm going to move my weight forward a little bit here I'm going to turn my shoulders around I'm going to watch this I'm going to push this this way a bit more why because if I'm if I've got more tilt here I can swing more over here look at this if I get more here I'm swinging in this direction so I'm just going to push that in the diagonal over to that right hand side here so I can can get over there that's where I want to go right so everything hips shoulders one real key ingredient here look at my hand where is it it's on the back of my leg this draws my trail shoulder back I'm lifting my arm up everything here look is helping me look reach in that direction this is where we want to be going too much of slices everything's look the handles going back the body weight's going back the shoulders start to open and now look we're in this kind of chop position look at this from here look draw position draw position I mean I'm almost hook position hook position hook this is even hooker so if you hookers you're doing too much of this this is exaggerating we could imagine this it's hook so that's a great feeling for SLI and now look we're going to gradually move into slice
territory now we're in slice territory this is your slicer right there okay so just look at this and so somewhere in the middle of those you're going to have to find your where this is where slices you need to fill up here hookers you probably need to be much feeling much more over here this is how you're going to start to get that path working more here so get yourself set I'm going to straighten this up now I'm going to Pivot this around hands slightly further forward keeping that club face closed I'm going to try and create a beautiful draw that sets off to the right Target and comes
back there we go sets off to the right look and then beautifully comes back okay now this is what I want you to play with okay fix the club face first only do that then build a routine I'll show you the routine build a routine where ultimately what you're doing is is you get yourself set up here I put my club in behind the golf ball here I'm going to close the face from 12:00 to 11:00 by keeping my handle slightly ahead then what I'm going to do is I'm going to say to myself I I'm a slicer come over here I'm going to now try and get the path of this way what's that like okay what what do I need to do my body to get over in this direction feel it right get that sensation I'm going to really exaggerate and nobody ever by the way ever exaggerates enough so if you are still hooking soorry slicing it you need to really exaggerate this and the student I had Junior sh actually he was consistently trying to get he didn't want to slice he didn't want to hit it over to the right so he kept moving here and I was like no I kep pushing him this way to try to get almost like his Top Spin style shot into him when he did he got it absolutely brilliantly well but he had to push himself I want you to do the same so set here really see that feel that exaggeration and also start to visualize it visualize the ball Now setting off out to that right hand side slightly more gentle one here do slow to start with here I set it out that's really exaggerated set it out to the right hand side and watch this now it's going to come back look with a bit of a curvature from right to left okay now look if you're hooking the golf ball you simply just do the opposite you're probably too much in this position here too close so get yourself here just literally just imagine this is a spectrum there's a hook bring it off you might have to feel like you're more on top of the golf ball here why because then you can come more downwards here towards the short versus under here so you're you more over feeling as opposed to an under feeling if you're if you're slicing it okay so two things fix your face fix your path and be really exaggerated in what you're doing and I promise you just like my students um on Danny moore.com who we've been working with a lot recently particular slicing is I'm always having to tell them to push more exaggerate more exaggerate more when they do the results are fantastic so please do have a look at that now I hope you enjoy the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look there's a free practice plan in the description box below so go and check that out until next week have a great goling week.
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