You Will Strike Your Irons Perfect If You Follow This Process
Mar 08, 2024Full Transcript- so I'm super excited today I want to help you improve the quality of your ball striking off the ground with your irons and your Fairy Woods now to do that there is no simple quick fix you have to follow a very very simple process and in this video I'm going to share with you that process in fact what I'm going to do and is I'm going to share with you some of the most popular videos on my website dan.com that are really really helping golfers we're going to start with the setup we're going to then work into the back swing and the downswing all designed to improve the consistency of your ball strike and you're going to absolutely love it now before I share those videos if you're new to the channel it's the first lessons of mine please consider subscribing these videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below let's go in and have a look at this video so let's describe what great contact is first okay now the goal thing I want you to see as a circle okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create that circle now this is the club swinging okay now if you look at this Circle there's a low point to that Circle isn't there that low point is right now where that ball is right now we don't want that low Point look this bit here to be where the ball is we actually want to shift that low point of this Arc okay ahead of the golf ball now the best players are roughly around four in past that golf ball so this low point is after the golf ball now if we look at this here what do you notice then the club look is tracking down and he's striking down on the golf ball then it hits the ground this is one of the main secrets to hitting great shots so a lot of people if you're inconsistent this you you don't have control over this low pun and what you're doing is is this low pun is maybe sometimes ahead of the golf ball but then other times look it's back here somewhere so now if it's too far back you hit the ground behind the golf ball you might even thin it and top it if it's too far behind look at this now the club's coming up and you hit the top of the ball like this if suddenly you get it a bit closer that becomes more of a thin shot on the ground and if if you get it right there you might just catch it quite clean okay where you think well that's quite a good shot it's clean but you're really the margin of area is really really tight by pushing that low point forward you increase the chances of making great contact time and time again so this is what the great players are able to do over and over again what I'm going to do initially is I'm going to show you what things you can do initially in setup that can increase your chances of achieving this and then what we'll do is we'll then start to focus on the inswing things so I know you're eager to get started and start to work on improving your contact but before we do we need to assess what your contact actually is where is your golf club striking the ground is it striking the ground now for someone like myself myself who's a professional the way I do it is I might scratch a line either side of the golf ball here in this situation to make it quite visual I've just simply put a club either side now what I would expect is this is a professional for me to strike the ball and any Mark I hit on the ground would be happening after the golf ball in this this section for Amit golfers maybe like yourself you're struggling my bet is is you might not even making any mark on the ground or if it is it's happening potentially sometimes here and sometimes here so it's inconsistent but we need to establish what it is all right so let me hit a shot for you now and let's see where my first Mark is going to
be so let's have a look at this this is the line here now what do you know it's come look at this if you look at where the lowest point of my divot is here it is look on this side of the shaft now what I'd be doing is that I would hit ball after ball after ball and the chances are mine will always be on this side I don't have a problem with striking it as a professional as you get better you it becomes more about directional components rather than strike but for someone maybe like yourself we want to get this time and time again so let's start to assess where where you currently are I'll also put a wonderful video down below this one which is another way assessing which is one of my favorites and I've called it trapman it's actually going into a fairway bunker drawing a line and doing something similar because I think that is just instant kind of feedback for what you actually doing so let's assess where you're striking it first before we then move on to the in swing and the pre- swing things so how do we keep that ball then Turf interaction how do you do it consistently well well there just two things that you kind of need to control ultimately I want you to visualize this we've talked about now a circle right swinging backwards and forwards and as I'm swinging this circle there's a swing up there's a low point to that Circle and then the circle swings back up again so there's always a low point to that circle now we've said the low Point needs to be where after the golf ball maybe 3 to four Ines after that golf ball now the center of your circle is directly underneath your lead armpit that's where you want to be this is the point at which the the lead arm and Club form a straight line now this is here the longest or the maximum radius of this circle it's happening where right there this is what I'm able to control so if you're able to control where this lead shoulder is at impact you're going to be more likely to strike the ball here however if your shoulders back here at the moment of uh impact you're more likely to strike the ground behind the golf ball so location of where the middle of your hips are and your shoulders are going to make it play a big part in this okay if your shoulder start to move over here you're going to find it very difficult to get that low point after the golf ball the second thing that is going to control how you strike it and and that low point is we just talked about it is the radius of this swing okay now the radius generally okay is simply this if I look from this angle this would be reducing the radius this would be increasing the radius this would be reducing the radius can you see that okay so we want the maximum radius of this circle to happen where after the golf ball if you are struggling to make consistent contact which I see with a lot of players what you're doing is is the radius is altering either like this or what's happening is is this shaft lean through impact has been released too early so the lead am and club now line up too early now the problem is is you then strike the ground too far behind the golf ball because the club's reached its maximum radius too early you might even then start to kind of flick up here now in order to create room then you start getting all kind of weird stuff the best players okay were able to maintain this radius of circle look here I'm coming into impact look look at this lead Armon Club there's an arc there I've kept the what we call this is what we call sha Lan until I've struck the ball then look the shaft starts to kind of start to line up right after that golf ball here and through this is ultimately what we're trying to do is what the two things that really control the quality of this low Point Let's now look at things in terms of setup which can really help this and then we'll go into your in swing things so now you got the concept of if you want to strike the ball than the ground you have to control where this lead armpit is relative to that golf ball and also what the radius of your swing okay with that in mind I want you to then I want to ask you a question what do you think you could do at setup start with the uh with Concept one this bit here what could you do at setup to increase the likelihood that you would strike the ball than the ground have a think about it just before I give you the answers have a think think of it this way I want you to imagine the middle of my hips are slightly forward of center of my stance okay the middle of my shoulders are slightly forward of center of my stance and more importantly they are stacked on top of one another what this does is it pushes this way forward now if you are used to being back here without realizing when you do this you might feel like you're a Long Way Forward remember if you overdo any of these if you start to kind of in a sense overdo it and start striking the ground way way ahead you can always adjust it yeah there's no absolutes with any of this but sometimes maybe exaggerating these things can really really be useful but that's one aspect to get where that weight a little bit further forward so what I notic as I'm doing this I've got I feel like I've almost got 55 60% of my weight over on my lead side you might have to feel like You' got 70 80% there's no exact science but do things that going to make it easier for this center of the circle here to beware after the golf ball okay let's start with that first so I'm going to hit a shot now going through this motion keeping them in place now I want you to do the same there's a lot in this program and I don't want you to be jumping from one step to the next step without actually giving things a go I think sometimes when you kind of you set these stations up it's easy to go right do this then this then this and it becomes a huge long checklist I don't want you to do that that gives you overwhelm literally go right I'm going to get the middle of my hips on the middle of my shoulders stacked on top of each other and pushed slightly ahead of Center here so this is the center of my St slightly ahead of Center and then do you know what I'm going to do is I'm going to give that a g and I've got my thing to measure and I'm going to hit a few shots simply from that position right getting a feel of
that and if we look here where is the divot again I've just simply made this bit longer right so I've now got ball again than the turf so what I want you to do is you start with one little thing at a time okay now let's keep on this vein of what same concept for now we're going to basically get we're controlling this section what else can help well we've just said the middle of your hips watch out for how how the alignment of those hips a lot of the time by the way a lot of people setting up and they're pelvis might be fairly centered but their bums pushed over here now the problem is is with momentum that's going to send you backwards as soon as this goes backwards here what we're going to do again we're moving our whole body back we start hitting the ground behind the golf ball so watch the alignment of this pelvis a lot of times I get players it's really helpful by the way particularly if you slice as well is to push your pelvis almost angle it this way a little bit to the right it won't be if you if you're used to being this it'll feel like it's to the right but it won't be just pushing it here why if we push the pelvis over here what's that doing it's pushing more our body overw the left side or this lead side of the golf ball again increasing the likelihood that the low pun will happen where here the central axis of your golf swing is right there if it's over here we're going to struggle okay so I do that now I would just stay there okay and start hitting some shots with those pieces in place then once I've got a feel of that then I'll look at things like ball position which we'll do next so ball position is one of the most overlooked parts of the go swing people just are often very very lazy with it now but it's hugely hugely important if you think of it this way we've just said look the central part of our swing the point in which the club should reach its maximum radius of the circle is where underneath our lead amp it here so the ultimately here is is the ball needs to be on what side of this this side or this side if we want to strike it first it needs to be somewhere on this side of the axis right so for all intents and purposes this is going to be roughly I've got an aine in my hands here I'm going to move that ball position here roughly two to free Ball's back now again if you aren't striking the ball then the ground pushing it a bit further back than that use it as Spectrum the further the ball is back in your stance the more likely you're going to strike the ball than the ground the further the ball is up closer to your your lead foot here the more likely you're going to catch it too late on the ark and you're going to catch it fat so in this situation here I've moved the ball two or three balls back of center now all it basically means is is the way I look at ball position is the ball position relative to where the central axis of my swing is which is right here if I move this axis back here then the bul doesn't make any difference whatsoever I'm still going to catch it fat but if I rotate now and I've maintained the central part of my Axis on this side of the golf ball here when I come down now I'm going to catch the ball look more likely ball than the ground why because the ball is on this side of the Swing you follow so super super important so focus on that ball position you can see here I've got a club here as an alignment you you could almost do this where you get your feet together take a small step to to your uh towards the Target and a slightly bigger one away from the target here just ahead of Center and from there I can play a few shots and get a sense of that so this is all about controlling this part here let's say a few shots with that ball position slightly
back simple as that and again look you can see not a single mark behind this line here everything is forward of that line This is a secret to ball then Turf contact now we get into the fun part okay so hopefully what you've done is you now preset the body at setup to increase the likelihood that you're going to make that beautiful solid contact so what do you do in the swing well let's keep things really simple to start with okay I've got clubs here that are going to show me where I make contact with the ground if you're on a golf course you can't really do this but what you could do is grab a TEEG if it's not competition scratch a line either side look of the ball right and the only thing I want you to do on the course is stage number one is get yourself set in your Now new setup position really kind of feeling where that body needs to be and make some swings paying attention or and I'll say that paying attention to where your Club is striking that ground and I say paying attention because sometimes I want you to here I really want you to get the club striking the ground after the golf ball but sometimes when people make that the focus they like this and they make it too rigid what I want you to do is simply trust the subconscious part of your brain as you do this so as I'm making some swings I am paying attention to where my club is striking the ground because I'm paying attention let's say you paid attention you notice it was behind here because you paid attention Trust your body now will start to go oh I'm there and allow it to naturally all on its own start to adjust until you are consistently striking the ground after that golf ball but please please please don't make a concerted effort to do it because that's what we're after we want a beautiful Circle right so once you've got a feel of that just simply immediately walk straight to the golf ball and hit a
shot beautiful okay I there look no M ball then the ground after that shot so this is a first drill I would love you to start with pay attention to where your Club is landing next to that ball so I hope you really really enjoyed that now look that is enough to be get going that is going to be huge for your ball striking with your irons and your fairwoods off the ground now look if you want to continue this series and only do it once you've done some practice with this but if you want to start continuing this series the full series is actually on my website we go into it in huge detail we talk about radius control we start to give you loads more drills that you can uh use for your irons your Woods we start to go into how to increase the distance of of your irons and your Woods off the ground as well as um your accuracy too now um just for a short period of time and just as a way of saying huge thank you for your support this year I've got a special code if you just type in thank you 23 at checkout you'll get a 25% discount on the entire series you can cancel any anytime it's a subscription Serv you can cancel anytime but there's no need necessarily you know just enjoy this get started this will be a real big help but if you do want to go into it and a bit more depth and a bit further then head on over to my website it'll be a huge help plus you get to chat to me personally so hope you enjoy um I'll leave the link down in the comments uh top comment below and the description but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
Short Transcript-