You Won't Believe How EASY this Makes the Golf Swing
Oct 31, 2023
Full Transcript - practice makes permanent but if you are consistently practicing the wrong thing you're going to be building so many different faults into your game so in this session I'm going to give you three exercises I'm basically going to take you maybe six minutes a day to practice and we're going to work on how you can start to perfect how the body moves in the golf swing secondly we're going to how you how do your arms work in the golfing so you can start to return that club back to impact consistently each and every single time and finally how do you make sure this club squares at the golf ball every single time you need to develop consistent exercises drills to train the fields once you do this you'll become much much more consistent that's what we're going to share with you in this week's video Lesson so before I get started they'll look if you're new to the channel it's your first videos of mine please consider subscribing I release videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus I always put a free download of practice guide in the description box below where you've got a chance to get a free lesson from me plus you never have to remember a thing it's actually probably tell I'm out here at Pete Cowan's Golf Academy in Dubai and what I'm going to give you is three exercises that he uses with all his players to really perfect the movement in the goal scene the wonderful thing about them is no matter your age or ability everyone can do this and it will really help you to consistently get that club going back to the golf ball and it's not going to take a lot of time like I said just six minutes a day will be absolutely fine now the first thing I want to do is this if you want to be consistent we want to be able to move the body in such a way that makes it easier for you to return the club back to the same point every single time most of the time people are moving off the ball they're either swaying backwards and forwards or or they've misinterpreted turn and moving over here and they don't know how to feel this motion so the first drill that Pete cowing loves absolutely love this one it's the wide stance drill get yourself into a really really wide stance here really feel your hamstrings being pulled back so your arms are literally allow your arms just to fall out in front of you here now what this is going to do it's going to really feel a very centered pivot all I want to do from here is take your Trail hip here and start to pull it backwards and up so you really feel like a little bit of a stretch here okay so you really feel it stretching now as it's stretching notice how my body look is starting to spiral upwards into this corner whilst at the same time would you notice about my Center my head look is staying very much here if I'd have turned my hips level where's my head now it's over here so by pulling this Trail hip back and up I'm able to start to feel the stretch across my body in this diagonal fashion all the way to the top and just feeling this motion is a great start okay it's a really really good start to feeling how the body works now once you've done that the next thing I want to do let's treat your Trail hand uh arm just put it at a 90 degree angle here now that is what Pete would call a loaded shoulder from here simply I like I like to use the dumbbell example I'm just going to do a bicep curl up here while simultaneously pulling this Trail hit back that's all I'm going to do and now I'm getting a fun sensation a stretch across my body feeling there and what you notice almost there's almost like a straight line from a lead leg all the way at my body to my trail arm that is what we're after it's almost like a javelin throwing downwards to the ground here great image so spend some time feeling this Motion in your garden at home really feeling that stretch and then all you do is as you gradually bring why do it with the golf club ready widen the stance really feel that stretch up of the trailhead the almost the the um the back's going behind you here you're winding it up here and I've got that lovely lovely stretch if you don't have flexibility just simply go to here spend some time doing that then go back to a 30. standard stance imagine the same principle really stretching there and getting that feeling of staying nice and centered once you're ready maybe start hitting some golf balls but don't rush into this just doing the exercises alone get some muscle memory into the memory banks
and you'll start to strike some beauties just like that let's move on to exercise number two exercise number two is one of my personal favorites it's a lead arm exercise so you've got the loading up of the body the winding up here where the head's nice and center but the body's still coiling up to the top of the Swing now what you want to do you've loaded the body you want to start to load the shoulders so a lot of times people don't do this what they're doing is their arms are going simply going to cross the body here the low shoulders are just going round and around what I want you to do is if you feel this muscle here and we start to kind of raise it upwards you'll feel the muscle almost kind of rotating and loading up there well now it's kind of coiled what's he going to want to do it's going to want to unload so you start to get the downswing for free super super valuable so if I load this muscle up look at this I'm just simply wind it up just sort of done with the body like I'm loading the muscle up that muscle's loaded I can't turn it anymore this way it's going to want to settle straight back down into here which then look gives me my snap so what I want to do is very different to this round and around this is what I call the drag this is you get stuck ball flies out to the right flippy shots all kinds of stuff but if I'm loading the muscle up here and then sit that muscle straight back down the club is going straight back down to impact so do this exercise repeatedly really feel how the muscle loads and then look unloads and then load it back to here to return back to the same spot every single time and then once you've done that once or twice really then start to let it go one load it up back down and fire through I adapt this drills and if you're a slicer of the golf ball add a little bit of a step into this so load it up step to your right for right handers and fire what this does is it helps you to get the club on the inside as you're doing it and fire through if you find that you hook the golf ball that's my tendency wind it up and I'll step more to the left hand side this gets my left shoulder working down and left but the key factor here is is by loading the shoulder really loading up you get the downswing for free if it's not loaded here it's going to wave all over the place so I really love this one so spend some time develop the feel so your body can start to remember this so I load my shoulder up here let it settle back down look it returned back to where it started here I learned that sensation and away we go beautiful absolutely beautiful so you've loaded the body you've loaded the arms let's show you now how you start to kind of square that club face up so I really love how simple these things are and I know they're going to help so the third exercise is no different it's going to really help you again improve the quality of your compression with your shots of the fair it's going to really improve your accuracy and it's pecans tennis balls drill wonderful love this exercise so what I'm going to do is just take a bowl hold it in the fingers of your hand here and take your normal stance and I want you to imagine you've now got the body working up you've got the sensation of this right angle with your Trail arm here and I want you to practice throwing a ball right down towards the middle part of your stance here now when people do this for the first time they naturally do what they do in the golf swings which makes them inconsistent they simply do this
they either sling it down like this or if there's slices they Sling It Down Like This they're slinging the arm it's completely out of control and that's not what we're after what I want you to have is I want you to have this free throw but I want it to be naturally coordinated so notice the difference here I want the ball to Simply there's no rushing or it's a calm motion I want the ball to almost fall out of your hand as my trail shoulder is working underneath it's not just slung there can you see this and what this does is it keeps of what we call the power line between the trail shoulder the hip and the knee all the way through most people are never like this most people are here slinging slinging over the top so in the fingers of the hand swinging back and simply just throw it all the way down and really sense that lovely it's just beautiful it flies straight if you're anything like me I might sometimes fall backwards if I do that this is my hook swing now the ball will get thrown out to the right hand side if you're a slicer you might do this swing over the top great now you have some feedback so spend some time and look at this here can you see the angle of my hand here that's that beautiful compression it's falling out of my head not slinging it's falling out of my hand as I swing through I take that sensation look these exercises with some repetition are just wonderful at developing just great feel spending like like I say hours on a golf course building bad habits and it's just a waste of time for most people which is why most people don't really improve but now I've got that tennis analogy here I can feel it here and all I'm going to do is there's there I'm throwing look that tennis ball notice the difference look at the natural compression I've got here I'm releasing that tennis ball through and I've got amazing compression okay let's have a look at some action wind it up thank you and give it an absolute rip get that sensation so three really simple exercises I want you to do far better than spending hours and hours on a golf course so if you love this video you're going to absolutely love this one this is what I'd watch after you've watched this one like big thank you to Pete Cowan Academy for allowing me to practice here join the channel if you haven't already but until next week have a wonderful golfing week
Transcript Summery-
"Hey there, folks, it's Danny Maude here, and in this session, we're going to talk about some essential exercises to perfect your golf swing. Remember, practice makes permanent, but if you're consistently practicing the wrong thing, you'll build a lot of faults into your game. So, I'm going to give you three exercises that only take about six minutes a day to help you improve your game and develop consistency."
"The first exercise, the 'Wide Stance Drill,' is all about building a centered pivot. We see a lot of golfers moving off the ball or swaying incorrectly. With a wide stance, you'll feel a stretch in your hamstrings, and as you pull your trail hip back and up, you'll create a diagonal stretch across your body. This helps you maintain a centered pivot and a consistent head position."
"Now, exercise number two, the 'Lead Arm Exercise,' is one of my personal favorites. It's about loading up your shoulders properly in the backswing. Instead of swinging your arms aimlessly, you want to feel the muscles in your lead shoulder rotate and load up. When you get this feeling, you're setting yourself up for a solid downswing, and you'll avoid the dreaded 'over the top' move."
"Lastly, we have the 'Tennis Balls Drill,' a fantastic exercise to improve your shot accuracy and compression. Hold a ball in your hand and practice throwing it toward the middle of your stance. The key is to do it calmly and coordinated, like it's falling out of your hand. This exercise helps maintain a 'power line' between your trail shoulder, hip, and knee. It's an excellent way to avoid inconsistent slices or hooks."
"So, there you have it, three simple exercises that can help you improve your golf swing and develop a more consistent game. These exercises are far more valuable than spending hours on the golf course building bad habits. Give them a go, practice with purpose, and watch your golf game improve. Until next week, have a fantastic time on the golf course, everyone!"