You will Never Hit Driver Straight OR Long unless you Stop Doing This!
Nov 03, 2023
Unlock All Practice PlansFull Transcript- so I've just come off a lesson teaching my dad actually how to hit driver a lot longer than he was doing whilst also maintaining his accuracy now we worked on the concept of the Swing Circle which is super super valuable he basically is going to help you to figure out how to make solid contact every time but more importantly when you come through it's going to help you to figure out how to generate more power and distance without losing accuracy how many times do you try and hit the driver a bit further and then suddenly all goes wrong is that hitting it all over the place you lose your strike what you're going to see in this video is exactly how you basically do both you increase distance but maintain accuracy now before I get into video look if you're new to the channels from your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I release videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I always put a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below so in the first part of this video let me help you hit driver straight and in the second part I'll show you how you can increase your distance by a single significant amount it's easier than you think now when you're playing golf with a drive it's slightly different than you only do with an iron okay now I didn't know whether you realize this but whenever you swing a golf club you are creating a circle with that club so as I swing the club back like this and then I swing it down and then I swing it through you'll notice there's a circle being created now a circle has a center and a maximum radius now that Center of your circle is directly underneath your lead shoulder where your lead almond Club form a straight line like this that is your center of your circle where that low point is we call it low point in golf where that low point is is very very important now with an IM we catch the ball before the club gets to the lowest point of the circle but with a driver it's different with the driver we catch the ball actually right at the bottom of that Circle or even when the circle's actually heading upwards so we actually hit it almost on the way up now to do that with a driver like an iron we position the ball much further forward in our stance opposite our lead heel we still have a bit more weight over on this lead side but what we do is we have a small little kind of side Bend to the away from the target to set that driver swing off okay now from this angle from actually down the line angle you also create a circle and this is a really good angle to see your swing from because this is what I call the accuracy Circle my question to you is is your circle angled in the right way so if you look at mine here when I swing back I create an act back and act through and I also create an arc on the way through this creates a circle on an angle if you slice a golf ball like my dad actually in a recent lesson his Circle was angled too far to the left combine that with an open face and my dad created this big slice in a big loss of distance if you hook the golf ball your circle is more likely to be angled too much over this side okay combine that with a closed face and you've got yourself a hook right so the question is and this is where most people find find the problems at the question is ah you set up to produce the circle that you need so let me give you an example this my dad comes for a session and he's slicing the golf ball his circles angled here what did we do ball position still forwarding his stance but all we did was this I asked him is your body helping you create the circle that you need and it wasn't his hips his knees and his shoulders were all aiming left of Target what's that going to create you've got it a circle that goes left what did we do I simply got his knees hips and shoulders not straight actually because he needed to exaggerate start off with I actually pushed him extremely here so that if anything we exaggerated it to try and encourage him to do completely opposite to create a circle that went out over this way yeah the results were amazing okay we start hitting much much straighter however he went on the golf course a few days later he said Danny I feel like I'm I'm getting it sometimes but I'm losing distance I'm not getting his fat hit as far as I would do normally so I got him back in the studio I'm going to show you that video at some stage in next week or two got him back in the studio and we worked on this and this is the next element so once you've set up to create the circle in the right place body positions in the right place then you do this and this is the first part on how you add power to your drive now what my dad was doing he was creating the circle but he was only creating it just with his hands and his arms what you've got to remember is you need help with the power your body's got to create it now your shoulders also work on a circle like this my dads didn't in fact this lead shoulder refused so many golfers we didn't barely move at all so all I did was this I got him I actually put a club down and I got him to movies lead shoulder here down to this position that's as simple as that does two things if might lead shoulder moves down into this position here what's it done it's extending the length I can take this club back and not only that is helping me create a better circle around here if I don't move the shoulder I've got a very tight short swing no power generated so simple as that make sure your shoulders also help and work on a circle get a leech all the working down and across here now I've created more energy I've still more energy at the top of the Swing now we've got extra power that's all I did with my dad so get yourself set first this is the first step to power get that lead shoulder imagine moving it to here that's what I did with Dad got him moving it to here extend it create the Circle and I promise you you'll notice huge more distances just from that one thing alone nice and simple a smooth swing easy as that and look how straight that is you create a consistent Circle you'll create a consistently straight shot so that was the first Edge get that shoulder working on a circle so that you can increase the length that this arm moves back you're going to store my energy and hit the ball further so the first part of that really kind of increased our distance but this second part was a game changer so he was now creating this wonderful circle on the way back but he kind of spoiled it a bit on the way through like I see with a lot of golfers he got to impact here and he starved himself of room his elbow started to crumple he got a bit wristy here he just looked awkward what he needed to do is we don't want to have a tiny Circle this side we want a big circle so we needed this lead almond club which is the radius of your circle to stay intact from there all the way to there so for this lead almond Club almost to stay intact all the way what do you think you've got to do with your body well you've got to get it look out of the way notice how my body's extending upwards and almost backwards a little bit in order to provide room for this lead almond Club to kind of stay a lot straighter almost in line my dad wasn't doing that he which like so many golfers were staying down through impact here there's no room look so what you do is your arms basically you don't want to hurt themselves so they kind of crumple up they start to get risky what I want and I told him to do was to look let's create room dad so I asked him the same question what would you do and he goes he just went straight into it and actually got into extension but I did add one final thing I said Dad yes excuse me I said squeeze your nuts together so when you're coming through suck your belt buckle underneath you and squeeze those nuts together here on the way through so you're really kind of adding that kind of space and upward motion here of the body versus staying down now when he did that this is kind of what happened he got himself there he started to work on this and he went
ah feels good that feels good but look it doesn't go as far dummy so you've just said I want to hit the ball further but I didn't hit it further I said no but the strike was good but here's the thing then the secret to power so once you've got that sentence now you know your destination the problem with you did what you're doing Dad is that you're trying too hard you're making it too wooden and you make it too deliberate the golf swing isn't position orientated the gold swingers is feel where you need to go be deliberate yes but the next thing this is the key I want to re-listen for this the key to distance is finding a rhythm rhythm is distance let me show you power is not this power is a build up of momentum listen to this just keep watching this listen to the sound
there's a build up isn't there momentum is feeling the Rhythm so I said to Dad right let's get into a routine with this you want to maintain this radius on the come through the lead animal hits the ball but you don't don't put the club there you go you now know where it needs to be roughly you know where the body needs to be now as best as you can don't be perfect with this let's start to find a rhythm now and a bit of a I call a snap through impact we're gonna snap to there and I'll show some videos of my dad working on this right now literally snapping through impact the difference amazing absolutely amazing and it will be for you too in fact it's a great lesson for every Club in the bag whenever you're trying to improve remember don't put the club in positions yes feel what you need to get but then let it rip so I got him going got him start to do it and then this started to happen
suddenly their speed starts to come up we start to hit it back longer straighter that is what I want for you get the circle intact yeah keep that Circle intact when you're coming through the shot provide room by look your body doesn't stay in what we call flexion it moves to extension here this is providing room for you to keep the circle beautifully intact on the way through from this angle but also look this angle here is also a wonderful power generator so please look after your circle enjoy the circle get it in the right place and practice and enjoy it and have fun with it okay so I hope you enjoyed this video If you do give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you'd love to see the video that I do my dad check it out here the one that we're going to be releasing with him on the driver is not out yet but when it is I will put that right here thanks so much for watching the channel if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs like I say And subscribe to the channel if you haven't already until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
Transcript Summery -
In the recent golf lesson with my dad, we worked on a crucial concept that's immensely valuable for anyone looking to hit their driver longer while maintaining accuracy. This concept is the Swing Circle. It's not only about making solid contact every time, but it's also about generating more power and distance without sacrificing accuracy. How often do we try to hit the driver further, only to lose control and start spraying the ball all over the place? In this video, I'll show you exactly how to achieve both goals – increasing distance and maintaining accuracy.
Before we dive into the video, I'd like to invite newcomers to the channel to subscribe. I release videos like this one every week to help you improve your golf game. Plus, I always provide a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below.
When you're playing golf with a driver, it's a bit different than with an iron. What you might not realize is that whenever you swing a golf club, you're creating a circle with that club. It's all about the circular motion. Whether you're swinging back, coming down, or swinging through, there's a circle being created. And this circle has a center and a maximum radius.
The center of your circle is directly underneath your lead shoulder, where your lead arm and club form a straight line. We call this the low point in golf, and its location is crucial. With an iron, you hit the ball before the club gets to the lowest point of the circle. But with a driver, you catch the ball right at the bottom of that circle, or even when the circle is heading upwards. To achieve this with a driver, you position the ball much further forward in your stance, opposite your lead heel. You still have more weight on your lead side, but you add a slight side bend away from the target to initiate the driver swing.
To get a better view of this, let's look at it from the down-the-line angle. I call this the accuracy Circle. Is your circle angled correctly? If it's too far to the left, you'll slice the ball. If it's too much to the right, you'll hook it. So, how do you set up to produce the right circle? If your circle is angled in the wrong direction, you need to adjust your body positions to make it right. Sometimes, you may need to exaggerate your adjustments initially, like pushing your knees, hips, and shoulders more in the opposite direction to encourage a better circle.
Now, let's move on to the next part of increasing your distance. Once you've set up to create the circle correctly, your body has to help generate power. Your shoulders also work on a circular path, just like your arms and club. Your lead shoulder plays a significant role in this. It needs to move down and across, extending the length of the circle. This motion provides more energy and a better circle around the body. Without this, you'll have a tight, short swing with minimal power. So, remember to let your lead shoulder work down and across.
But this was just the first step towards adding power to your drive. The second part is a game-changer. Many golfers, including my dad, create a good backswing circle but struggle on the downswing and through impact. They often collapse their elbows and become too wristy, which can lead to an awkward finish. To overcome this, you must provide room for your lead arm and club to stay intact, preserving the radius of your circle.
To do this, you need to extend your body and allow your lead arm to travel through impact. Think about extending upwards and slightly backward. Don't stay in a flexed position. I even added a simple but effective cue – "squeeze your knees together" or "suck your belt buckle underneath you" to emphasize the importance of creating space and extension.
And here's the secret to power – rhythm. Rhythm is what gives you distance. You don't want a wooden, deliberate swing; you want a smooth, fluid motion. The golf swing is about feeling where you need to go, being deliberate, but also finding that rhythm. Momentum builds up in the swing, and that's where power comes from. It's about feeling that rhythm, which is the key to distance.
So, after setting up correctly, maintaining your circle, and providing room for your lead arm and club, work on rhythm and feel. Practice finding a smooth, fluid rhythm and allow your swing to flow. Don't overthink or make it too mechanical. Let it rip, and you'll see an incredible increase in your distance while maintaining accuracy.
So, in conclusion, focus on these key elements: setting up your circle correctly, ensuring your body and lead shoulder work on the right path, preserving the radius of your circle on the downswing, and finding a smooth, fluid rhythm. Enjoy the circle, have fun with it, and, most importantly, keep practicing. I hope you found this video helpful. If you did, please give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Until next week, have a fantastic time improving your golf game.