You’ll be Shocked at How EASY This Bunker Technique Is
Nov 17, 2023
Full Transcript - how often have you heard professionals saying that the bunkers are the easiest shot in golf but have you found that certainly from my experience the players don't you know amateur golfers find it difficult often because one they only have a technique that work really works out of lovely fluffy sand but what happens if you bunkers a rock hard and compact what do you do then well what I want to do today is first of all show you how to get out of Bunker every time no matter what sound you're playing in then what we'll do step by step I'll show you then how to control that distance so you can get it actually much closer to the flag so come and have a quick look at it and let me explain what I want you to do when you're in a bunker no matter what sandwich you're playing in so when the sand is quite nice like this what we can do is we want to actually look basically hit about an inch or two behind the golf ball and what happens is this club Glides look underneath the golf ball on like a bed of sand like this and that's what gets the ball up in the air those of you if you're finding that you're kind of hitting the bottle far it's often because you're actually hitting the golf ball first we don't want to do that we like to say we Glide this club glide through the sand like this okay that's the AIM now it is different if the sound is really compact if this is like rock hard like this okay and we do this Watch What Happens now look you can see if this is really rock hard if I was to Glide now what's going to hit the golf ball can you see how the Leading Edge is going to actually the balance of the club is going to bounce off this ground and thin you'll thin it straight into the face so we need to make a couple of changes we need to change the club which I'm going to show you in a second I need to change the setup but before we do all of that let's find a simple way to get out every time first and then what we'll do is we'll work on the Precision so here's what I'm wanting to do as I said you don't hit the golf ball you need to hit the sand so you need to get used to hitting the sand and very few people do this so what I want you to do really simply is this I want you to get yourself literally lined up to the Target I'm not going to worry about setup just for a second okay this is what I do with all my students we're out in the golf course we ain't got time to be messing about people people behind something really quick to get out every time I just simply get them to kind of focus on getting sand out towards the flag okay so literally hitting sand towards the flag I get themselves set up bulb station forward and then all I'm going to focus on here is getting him to hit any form of sand and literally don't worry about the ball focus on the sand I'll let you push that stand out what I might do is give them what's called a ghost boss and look at this here I'm going to put a ball mark behind this one here okay that maybe becomes the focus and all I'm going to do is simply focus on hitting sand and pushing that sand look towards the hole nothing more than that okay now how do I control distance all I'm going to do here is on a well players ask me this well that's great Danny but once if the ball goes too far or doesn't get out well look if I want to have a short distance I'm literally going to hit the sand a short way but I'm pushing that sand forward the second thing if you want to have a longer distance what I'm going to do I'm going to push that sand further onto that green so it's the simplest way I know of getting out or helping somebody keep flowing through the shot as opposed to getting really nervous and jabby and scared of bunkers focus on getting the sand onto the green that is one of the trickiest things I find with people initially do that as stage number one and then what we'll do once you've got that sense of that flow and Sam being pushed in the direction of the flag then we'll move on to step number two
Okay so step number two how do you get Precision like that so you're starting to get the flow which is wonderful which a lot of people don't have and you're keeping it simple by allowing that sand just to kind of flow onto the green but how do you make sure that this the club lands in the correct spot because if you land way too far behind the ball you the club got out could actually still you push sand forward but you could still thin it yeah so how do you kind of roughly guarantee the spot and the great thing about bunkers is you don't have to be kind of like right next to the ball or you can be doing two or three inches and it'd still be okay so the simplest thing I know is just make sure that you're set up correctly so what I do here is I just have a simply wide stance nice wide stance for stability I keep my legs really really still through this I get my knee straight over my lead foot and then all I do is I'm staying still if I have narrow stances or allow myself to a torso to move around that's going to really affect where that club actually hits the sand so I get myself set like I said there's the ball I'm gonna put maybe even just put a a little Mark there roughly where I'm gonna hit and visualize that okay and then all I'm going to do now is stay nice and still and kind of focus on that spot and pushing the sound look out of the bunker and I pressed her we hit that shot all right so stay still that will help maintain the entry point of your Bunker's plate okay but what about hard sand what about too much sand what do you do well that moves on to step number three how deep do you go we talked about getting a sand towards the Hub I don't want you to empty the bunker go too deep but I also don't want you to take just a few grains because that will probably thin the bowl over the back of the green so we need to focus on depth so I want you to imagine this you're in the garden with your Spade okay and you've got this lovely soft beautiful soil and you want to just move that soil around well you can just dig it like this can't you and then just toss it around notice where my body position is there but what would you do if it was concrete what would you do with the Spade you'd go steeper wouldn't you right what's happening to my body it's a bit more over here I'm going sleep into this into the into the soil and then I'm gonna then throw it no different okay to what you're doing when you're playing golf okay out of bunkers when it's soft sand my body's going to be much more here and I can then dig or throw the sand this way but when it's rock hard I'm going to be more here now and I'm going to be throwing this and I've thought I've got in order to actually throw some sand I'm going to have to dig into it a bit more okay so with that in mind we're actually going to change the implements okay so I've just been using out the bunker there a 56 degree wedge with a it's my Callaway Jaws wedge with a 10 degree bounce I'm actually when I'm going to hard sand I'm actually going to go to a 60 degree now I've actually got here eight degrees at a bounce I don't play a lot of hard bunkers but if I was I'd probably go for a little bit less I'd go for a six I'd go for more like a four degree now for those of you not sure what bounces bounces into this little thing here when the club shafts vertical Leading Edge this little thing here look the difference in Leading Edge and bounce this is your bounce here okay this is going to help you but bounce is not your friend in rock hard bunkers when the bunkers rock hard look at this see I've just taken all the sand out there let's rock hard what we do is different we get the spade look from this a standard position here where my body's here I am now look gonna move my body more this way why because I want to get more of a dig into the sand I might even move my ball back just a fraction wide again because I need to get in if I just push this sand out I've got to get into the sand the second thing in a lovely soft bunker I might release the club releasing the bounce through in a kind of rock hard bunker I'm actually going to be look finishing much more here why because I need the Leading Edge look digging and coming out like this so one of the things you're going to need to do is you're going to change your approach to the uh whatever sand you're in if it's soft you know don't dig in that's going to get too much down if it's rock hard you're going to have to move the ball back you're going to have to maybe go to a 60 degree wedge with a nice low amount of bounce so that you can get in to that sand okay so remember keep bunkers really really simple you know steps two and three about Precision if you're struggling at just place it use the get the ball out just hit get used to hitting sand and throwing that sand out onto the green once you've done that and you've got that lovely flow in your swing start to move towards to the Precision wider stance let's get hitting the sand in the right spot every single time then start to work on playing around with different sounds hard sound changing your Club hope this helps if it does share it with somebody who you know who's gonna need some bunker help and of course look there's a free practice plan in the description box below so you don't have to remember a thing plus if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button right here and if you love these like kind of lessons I've got a brilliant short game lesson here which goes into just chipping and pitching which I'm sure you'll love but until next week have a great golfing week.
Transcript Summery-